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I enjoyed getting the chance to see Jimmy’s father. I always enjoy the episodes where we get to learn more about the families of any of the main characters. Plus, as a huge fan of a lot of different spy shows, it was an especially nice treat that they made him a spy.

I liked the parallel between Jimmy and his father’s relationship to the relationship between Lois and her father. With Lois and Jimmy having issues with their fathers and Perry’s family problems, Clark really is the only character on the show that had the perfect family.

Finally, I liked that Jimmy was unwilling to believe anything bad about Lois and Clark, even when the information was coming from his father. It really illustrates just how close the characters had become.
I know there is a fanfic which uses the hook that the actor that played Jimmy Olsen's father also played a major role on the TV show "Charmed", but for the life of me I cannot remember the fic or the author.

Jimmy's dad Jack Olsen also plays an important role in Shayne Terry's Fugue 2: Fusion , which is the sequel to Fugue . They also come in nfic versions and are highly recommended. Shayne works in quite a bit of lore - Nightfall, alt-Clark, where has alt-Lois been, Jack Olsen, Trevanian the traitor spy from the NIA, and lots more. Good reading.

Jack Olsen is also a minor character in a few fics from a favorite author, Beth Summerson. In her NextGen fic Honesty Kaylie Stewart falls in love with Supernova, who is Jon Kent, son of Superman. Little does he know that Kaylie has a second job herself - SPOILER - she's an NIA agent. Don't miss the other fics in the series - Fidelity and Strength .

And that's about it! I looked in the Archive Database and this is another episode where there aren't any episode-related tags. This seems to be an episode that isn't written about much - again, perhaps because it's about Jimmy and less so about L&C, our rom-com heroes. Although I do agree that it is nice to learn more about the backstory of other characters - it adds depth to the show and makes it richer and fuller.
In one of the two 5th-season continuation attempts at continuation episodes Jack Olsen returns if I remember correctly, unless that was another story with Jack. The story I am thinking of also invovles Jack Denny's brother.

This is the episode that cemented in my mind a connection between "Lois and Clark" and "Get Smart". The scene of the agent dieing at the start just as he realizes that CK and SM look alike was classic "Get Smart". They both have a chief, the male and female leads get married in the series, the leads meet in the pilot. They are both comedies. OK, even at his most lunkheadedness Clark is not as bad as Maxwell Smart, and although it might help, SM does not have a shoe phone.
Originally posted by John Lambert:
In one of the two 5th-season continuation attempts at continuation episodes Jack Olsen returns if I remember correctly, unless that was another story with Jack. The story I am thinking of also invovles Jack Denny's brother.

This is the episode that cemented in my mind a connection between "Lois and Clark" and "Get Smart". The scene of the agent dieing at the start just as he realizes that CK and SM look alike was classic "Get Smart". They both have a chief, the male and female leads get married in the series, the leads meet in the pilot. They are both comedies. OK, even at his most lunkheadedness Clark is not as bad as Maxwell Smart, and although it might help, SM does not have a shoe phone.
I think it was called "The Two Jacks" because both Jacks were in it.
On my bizarre "This show is like Get Smart", the two scenes (1 in Brutal Youth, and then also in "The Prankster") where Clark determines someone was just killed/died are very reminiscent of Get Smart, although there someone dieing was a standard plot device. I am glad they did not over-do the "dead messenger" in Lois and Clark.
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