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Posted By: Lois_Lane_Fan Top Copy Episode Discussion Thread - 02/22/13 05:34 PM
I found Diana Stride to be a very good villain. The villains that come close to actually beating Superman are usually my favorites. I guess that’s because they tend to be more memorable. Even though she was obviously outmatched physically, the fact that she was able to both almost kill Superman and find out his secret identity definitely puts Diana as one of the more dangerous villains of the show. I also always thought that Raquel Welch was one of the more famous guests that they managed to get for the show.

I enjoyed Lois and Mayson’s conversation about mutually disliking each other. For me, that was one of the funniest moments of the episode.

I also enjoyed Jimmy’s comment about Clark and Superman looking a lot alike. A lot of people tend to make fun of the fact that nobody seems to notice that Clark and Superman look the same, so it was nice to see the similarities of their appearances actually mentioned by a character on the show.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: Top Copy Episode Discussion Thread - 02/22/13 07:53 PM
This is the episode where we start to have Clark have to run off at crucial times in his relationship with Lois.

His excuse of having to return a video really does not make sense at all, and it makes sense it sets back their relationship. I was half surprised that Clark did not tell Lois that he was Superman the next day when she asked him for a better explantion.

In fact I really think he should have told her that then.

It seemed a bit of a cop-out that Ralph's battery died as he was filming Clark changing into Superman.

I also half think Lois should have figured out Clark's secret from the fact that Diana showed up with the tracer. She should have noticed that Superman had not been there, and should have found it very odd that Clark had gone at that point.

I also was surprised that Lois did not notice that Superman was blurry. I also half think that Lois should have figured out the truth at the end. I expect she would not have told him.

This is also the episode where we learn about Norcross and Judd.

This is the point where Clark's secret identity starts to really complicate things. I think he should have at least thought more about telling Lois. In fact he almost seemed on the verge of telling her when she confronted him.

I also have to admit it really did not make sense that Clark let Diana kiss him. I guess they had to work it in some how, but it did seem odd.

I did like that Lois outwitted Diana when she attacked the hospital. I always like it when Lois beats the badguys without Superman. I wish they would have had more of those incidents in the show.
Posted By: Sue S. Re: Top Copy Episode Discussion Thread - 02/23/13 04:33 AM
Like you guys pointed out, there are some fun moments. I, too, enjoy the Mayson/Lois interactions and the fact that Lois is allowed to kick butt solo. But I have deep issues with this episode.

At my house, we have a phrase for what it is about this episode that bothers me. "It doesn't accrue." We started out saying that about the X-Files. Every week on that show, it was like someone hit the reset button on Scully and, in spite of everything that had happened cumulatively to that point, she went back to her default setting of skeptic. That got really, really irritating. She never accrued, nothing that had happened before mattered, the toys always went back in pristine condition.

They hit the reset button right in the middle of Top Copy. After all the evidence/accusations that Diana Stride makes about Clark/Superman, do they really expect us to believe that Lois is NEVER going to look into that? Given Clark's history of running off, his resemblance to Superman, and the hundreds (if not thousands) of little hints she's been privy to (like that suddenly chilled champagne and exploding light bulb the week before), she blithely accepts the explanation given and never thinks about it again? Seriously? Mad Dog Lane? The pitbull reporter? She walks away from a story that is near and dear to her on several levels?

Lois didn't accrue. I understand that the writers didn't want her to know yet, but it really aggravates me. Which is why I usually skip this episode -- because I know it's going to bother me to no end.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: Top Copy Episode Discussion Thread - 02/23/13 07:14 PM
I have to second Sue on this expisode being no net gain.

Even Lois finding Superman passed out in Clark's apartment should clue her in. I can see the laser show fooling most other people. However Lois knows too much.

She really should confront him as they go back in to finnish their chess game. "Clark, you didn't run off to return a video the other night, you ran off to go be Superman. I saw the fuzzyness of Superman out there. You fooled everyone else, but not me. Now tell me the truth."
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: Top Copy Episode Discussion Thread - 05/30/13 09:16 PM
I just realized that somehow I had omitted making fanfic recommendations for this episode, which is a shame. There are a lot of good episodes based on "Top Copy".

Beth Summerson tells us what might have happened if Clark's parents weren't there with their laser hologram to debunk Diana Stride's claims that Clark Kent is Superman in An Early Revelation: Top Copy . Fortunately, all ends happily.

What if an alt-Clark had come to help out canon Clark with the events of the episode? Wendy Richards explores this in her fine fic, Carbon Copy . The kryptonite lipstick is still a problem! wink

Ann McBride has Growing Pains , the second fic in a trilogy (the other two fics are A Triangle Built For Two and Aftermath ). In this trilogy, Lois knows, and Clark knows she knows. How will that affect what happens when Diana Stride comes calling?

What about Clark's excuse for Superman's suits being in Clark's closet? Well, bakasi wrote about this in Superman's Laundry , and Nan Smith gives us a short and hilarious vignette about The Inconveniences of Doing Superman's Laundry . Continuing the comedy theme, Paul-Gabriel Wiener obviates the entire episode with his Top Copy Hits Rock Bottom: A Plot Un-twist . Great fun in a small package.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: Top Copy Episode Discussion Thread - 05/31/13 11:15 PM
I have to say I really, really liked "Top Copy Hits Rock Bottom". I think it is my favorite plot untwist ever. I always was really bummed that Clark left right then. I mean, sometimes he needs to put what matters most first. I don't think he ever really did that in the show. Of course once Lois knew she generally told him to leave, but still. I really liked that development.
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