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I liked this episode a lot. The only minor problem I had with this episode is Clark’s idea that they’d find a lead at the magic event. It seemed just a little too convenient. However, since I always enjoy anything involving magic, and the rest of the episode is so good, I can forgive that convenient plot device.

I thought that it was funny that Lois was so put off by magic. However, it completely fits her character that she’d hate magic because she can’t figure out the secret behind it.

It made for an interesting plot that Superman was affected by the magic. I always like when a weakness other than Kryptonite is utilized. I’ve heard before that he’s been affected by magic in the comics, too, so it was nice that they stuck with the source material.

The subplots involving Jimmy, Perry, and Cat were all pretty funny. Jimmy getting Perry to agree with everything he said was hilarious, and I had to laugh at Lois getting a little upset at the mention of Arthur Chow being wealthier than Lex. Cat trying to hide her true personality from Arthur Chow also made for a few funny scenes.
I have to say that this is one of my least favorite episodes. I'm not sure why, but it probably has to do with a mixture of not liking Clark getting hypnotized so easily, being controlled by another (who isn't Lois), or the magic, which -- frankly, like Lois -- I can live without. I know it's one of Clark's weaknesses to be controlled by magic, but I could have lived without this one and "Never on a Sunday". Yep, so I guess it was the magic.

That being said, I do like everything that happens with the B characters. I like the byplay between Jimmy and Perry, and Cat trying to woo Arthur Chow by becoming more conservative and have it backfire on her. There's something to be said of being true to oneself.
I agree. This isn't one of my favorite episodes, and I think a lot of FoLCs feel that way. There aren't too many stories based on this episode.

Meredith Knight does have a fic based on it (it's good, as are all her fics), "Illusions of Candour" .

I couldn't find any other fics in the Database related to this episode.
So, this is what I've come up with for the timeline on the kidnapping:

Nick gets kidnapped/disappears in the magic box. Let's hypothesize that this occurs early in the morning. (I'm not even going to get into the fact that this episode aired at the end of January and Vatman takes place over St. Patty's Day - March 17th, which is Perry's B-day - so it probably actually was set in January and yet it's warm enough for the boys to be rolling around in the grass.)

Chris runs to tells Mrs. Collins. They return to the magic box (within 5-15 minutes) but it's gone, right? Or is the box still there but now there's a note? No, the box must be gone because they all believe he's compensating for the stress of his friend having gone missing. How the note is delivered is never brought to the forefront. But, I would think that Mrs. Collins would have called the police right away after learning that her son had disappeared, so the note must have been delivered while they were out looking for the box.

I assume she then calls the Moskals in Africa (or the head of Moskal security or the lawyer or someone who can advise her on what to do) The Moskals are on Safari in Africa. (Do they have safaris anywhere else, which might be closer? dizzy

Anyway, when Lois and Clark return to the DP, and it's still early enough for them to do research on the "magic box" before heading off to the "Magic of the Night" Charity Ball (which charity, I don't think Cat ever mentions).

Now, this is all based on the assumption that the note that Lois and Clark read upon arriving at the Moskals is the same one Mrs. Rose Collins receives when Nicky disappears. Maybe it's a second note. The note says to bring the money to the Hob's River Carnival at midnight the following (tomorrow) night.

The next day they spend it investigating and turn up bumpkis. Then they go to watch the ransom drop at the carnival that night. Superman gets hypnotized, and so and so on and so on.

Anyway, like the timeline from "I've Got a Crush on You", it makes no sense to me. confused
Originally posted by SJH:
Um... The A-Plot of this episode. The kidnapping of wealthy children.
Anyway, like the timeline from "I've Got a Crush on You", it makes no sense to me. confused
In the beginning of the script there's a chronology by scenes:


SC. 1 - 2 DAY 1
SC. 3 - 7 DAY 2
SC. 8 - 11 NIGHT 2
SC. 12 - 14 DAY 3
SC. 15 - 23 NIGHT 3
SC. 24 - 30A DAY 4
SC. 31 - 55 NIGHT 4
SC. 56 - 60 DAY 5

See, that doesn't make sense to me. If Nick disappeared on "Day 1" but the note Rose Collins showed Lois and Clark on "Day 2" says "Tomorrow Night" (meaning "Day 3"), why didn't she call the police on Day 1? huh The note isn't one which sounds like it was a follow-up to a previous note:
I have your son. If you want to see him alive, bring five million dollars to Hob’s River Carnival at midnight tomorrow. Come alone. No authorities or the boy will be...
If the kidnapper had left a note on "Day 1" regarding the kidnapping saying, in effect, "Don't contact the police" wouldn't she have also have written "I have you son" then? It doesn't make sense to say it again, in that manner, in the second note. And if she's repeating the instructions about not contacting the police, usually someone would make note of the fact by emphasizing it. "Once again..." And if the note was left on "Day one" wouldn't the money drop then be the evening of the "Magic of the Night" Ball instead of the next night? ("Ball" making no sense to me, because it means "dance" and clearly there wasn't any dancing at the Magic Club).

The problem I had with "I've got a Crush on you" was the timeline of: Lois performed the title song, got "canned", stormed over to Clark's apartment, Toni arrived to make him dinner, and then left "by 10 pm". What nightclub has shows that early in the day? And/or sends home the bartender by 7 or 8 pm?
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