Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: thesoapheiress Character Study - 11/05/08 04:52 AM
(because studying L&C characters is way more fun than writing a commentaire composé on Paul and Virginia)

The following questions have always niggled at the back of my mind, and I wonder what everyone else thinks:

1.) Did Lex really love Lois, or was it more of an infatuation, or an obsession? He cared enough to make her a replica of her apartment when they thought that the asteroid was going to kill them all, but I actually don't think it was that grand a gesture since he had a ton of money, so all he really had to do was hire people to do it.

2.) What made Clark love Lois at first sight? He talks about how he loves her tenacity and intelligence and all that, but it strikes me as something someone would say AFTER they've fallen in love, in retrospect, sort of a romanticization of maybe what really was happening. I say so because in real life, I think most guys would have been turned off from the way she treated him - or am I looking at this too simplistically?
Posted By: LabRat Re: Character Study - 11/05/08 08:12 AM
1. I think Lex saw Lois more as a possession than a soulmate. And, of course, there was the Superman element. Once he realised that the superhero - his great nemesis and rival - was taking a special interest in Lois Lane, that was it, I think. His interest in Lois was fuelled more by pride and arrogance than love - the need to ensure that if anyone was going to have her, it would be him and not his rival.

I think if it hadn't been for Superman being in the mix, Lex would never have pursued Lois with such obsession and would have moved on within a short space of time to any one of a hundred other women. His pursuit of her was very much driven by "If I can't have her, no one will."

I was never impressed with the apartment either and wasn't surprised Lois turned down the offer. Was very creepy - like something a stalker would do. laugh

2. I always thought that Clark saw through the defensive veneer Lois had cloaked herself in and straight through to the vulnerable, hurt woman beneath. The sappy romantic who cried at soap operas. It was his belief that she was more than the woman she presented to the world - Mad Dog etc. - and that he could reach the real Lois within, I think, that kept him interested and trying when she was so obnoxious.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Character Study - 11/05/08 10:12 AM
My two cents:

1.) Did Lex really love Lois, or was it more of an infatuation, or an obsession?

I'm pretty sure Lex didn't love Lois. In the Clone Argh, Lois lost her memory and thought she was Wanda. Wanda was a completely different person, nothing resembling Lois. And Lex didn't want Lois to recover her memory. So, he didn't want her for her personality.

From Double Jeopardy :
Lois (Wanda): Who's this Lois, anyway?

Lex smiles an evil, contented smile.

LEX: Oh... Someone better off forgotten.
This isn't love. razz

More yet, he wanted to transfer Wanda's soul in a blonde clone. So, he didn't want her for her looks, too. There would be nothing left from the real Lois. dizzy It was an obsession, because he knew Superman loved her. He didn't accept to lose Lois - or anything - to Superman.

He cared enough to make her a replica of her apartment
It was no problem for someone with so much money. And it shows his lack of limits, because to make a perfect replica like that he'd have to spy her apartment, take pictures, measures, get full details and all of that without her knowing. Really creepy. eek

2.) What made Clark love Lois at first sight?
Love at first sight isn't rational. It just happens. Chemistry, maybe. huh It could be her tenacity, her boldness, her assertiveness... Or maybe Clark was so accustomed to women falling at his feet that Lois's cold-shower was a challenge. laugh She was the only woman on Earth that hadn't succumbed to his killer smile. [Linked Image]
Posted By: thesoapheiress Re: Character Study - 11/06/08 12:43 PM
Good points! I totally forgot about the Wanda/Lex/cloning parts. And I guess love doesn't always make sense - if ever! smile
Posted By: Squirky Re: Character Study - 11/07/08 11:52 PM
My thoughts about Lex's 'love' always brings me back to ASU. After recreating her apartment and knowing that she wouldn't survive the asteroid, Lex couldn't have loved her if he let her go without a fight. Like Labrat, I think that she was just a possession to him.

I think that Lois was so different from anyone he'd ever met that she caught his attention. Love? I don't know. I agree with the chemistry thing, but then it'd be lust at first sight, lol! smile
Posted By: thesoapheiress Re: Character Study - 11/09/08 07:01 AM
I kind of wondered about Lex's feelings towards Lois because when I first watched the episode (and I was very, very young) I thought it was romantic that, when everyone thought the world was ending, he wanted to make sure that she would be safe and totally comfortable. But then I started doubting that because it's not like it took much effort on his part - I'd forgotten about the Wanda arc and his attitude about cloning her!
Posted By: LabRat Re: Character Study - 11/09/08 09:23 AM
Plus, as I say, it's way too creepy, that apartment.

It's been a while since I've watched an episode, so I might be failing to remember something, but I don't recall him being in Lois's real apartment other than fleetingly and certainly not in the bedroom. Definitely not long enough to have made an exact replica in all that minute detail.

So, if I was Lois, I'd have to be asking myself...how did he manage to copy it that exactly, right down to the smallest ornament? How many times were his henchmen in her apartment without her knowing, noting it all down?


LabRat smile
Posted By: thesoapheiress Re: Character Study - 11/09/08 11:14 AM
Now what puzzles me is - why wasn't she more off-put by that? I'd probably move out of town if that happened to me. :S I mean, Lois is strong and won't be bullied, blah, blah, blah, but having someone stalk you, even if he's a bajillionaire, isn't really that flattering, is it?
Posted By: Kathryn84 Re: Character Study - 11/09/08 02:15 PM
I think her mind was too busy thinking about possible stories and perhaps Clarks amnesia to think about how Lex made this replica.

Lois also tends to ignore those feelings or things she can't control or which she isn't comfortable with... but you're right it isn't very likely that she sees that and doesn't even ask how he did that.

She was very scared when she and Clark were in Jaxons VR...
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