Lois & Clark Forums
Well, we won't really be taking this to Nfic, and captions must remain PG-13 or below. Still, in honor of the occasion:

[Linked Image]

Clark : (telepatic to phonebook) do not dare falling. mum, what do you mean earlier when you say 'they won't look at your face'?'

Martha (on other part of line of phone): abs...nothing.

can i put more caption? confused
As many as you want to or can come up with, Kate. smile

end the contest right there. Kate Todd wins permanently.

rotflol rotflol rotflol
have only one more:

clark: allo? what i wear? jeans and santiag. topless. what? no. no indian feathers. cape? cape need a washing...

voice (whisper): no trouble, mister Kent. welcome at (Kate check a dictionnary) Yummy Metropolis Capemen Academy.
"Yes, I'm trying it on! I was just about to put the top half on when you called....No, I *don't* think I'll like it any better once I've tried on the whole thing! Why?! Because it's a TUTU, Mom!!! A TUTU!!!!"
what i'm wearing lois used your imagation lol dance laugh
part2 what i'm wearing lois ..... nothing
lois on the other side) really... i'll be right there laugh laugh
Yes, I will need those clothes delivered. As soon as possible . . .
Answers voice on the other end of the phone.

"What am I wearing? What do you mean what am I wearing?!?" confused
Martha(on the other side of the line): I'm sorry about the sewing machine not working, Clark. But, are you sure about your new costume?

Clark(checking his appearance, once): It'll work. It has to.

Clark (on the phone): I got it, Lois. I should have told you earlier I'm Superman. I'm very sorry. Now can you please let me in?

See ya,
AnnaBtG. laugh
Okay, been a couple days since the last caption. Time to pick a winner. Some really good ones this time, but one just hit me right.

Clark (on the phone): I got it, Lois. I should have told you earlier I'm Superman. I'm very sorry. Now can you please let me in?

You're up, Anna!

Glad you liked it, Paul! I didn't really expect it to win.

/me scrolls through pictures... Aha! I'm really curious to see what you'll do with this.

[Linked Image]

See ya,
AnnaBtG. laugh
"Oh woah...wow! I had no clue this new chocolate scented cologne would be SUCH a hit with the ladies! " wink
(effeminate tone, fake French accent) "Lois, DAHLING, what did I tell you? Zat is not zee dress for you. Don't cry, cherie!"
Lois: ... and then he said he didn't like my dress! I picked it out for our wedding, Clark! He's my fiance and he hates my dress! This is a nightmare. I'm marrying a handsome and powerful man who has done a lot of good in this city. I should be happy, not... *sob*

Clark: This is about Lex? Talk to the hand, Lois.


Clark, thinking: Okay, Kent. You can do this. So Lois fell asleep on my shoulder. It's nice. So a fly landed on her. Not a big deal. So it got stuck in the spiderweb-like lace of her dress. It happens. So it just happened to land on her chest. Flies don't know any better. All I have to do is swat it away. I can do this. So, maybe it might look a little odd. Maybe it'll cause some gossip. Maybe Lois might take it the wrong way. It's just a fly. I can swat it. Really. All I have to do is take my hand and... Okay, here we go... I'm going to do it. Right now. ... Okay, now. ... (That frantic buzzing is driving me nuts. Can't anyone else hear that?) ... Okay, now. ...


Lois: Clark, can you do me a favor?

Clark: Sure, Lois. What is it?

Lois (sitting down in his lap): It's kind of a secret...

Clark: Uhm, okay...

Lois: I'll whisper it in your ear...

Clark: Yeah. Sure...

Lois: Clark...?

Clark: Yes...?

Lois: I need you to get a hold of Superman for me.


Lois: So, I was thinking...

Clark: Uh-huh...

Lois: For our honeymoon...

Clark: Yeah...?

Lois: We could *whisper, whisper*...

Clark: Ooo...

Lois: And then *whisper, whisper*...

Clark: I like the way you're thinking...

Lois: And, after that... *whisper, whisper*

Clark: Sounds good to -- Hey, wait a second. What was that about putting the furniture from your apartment in our new place?

Lois: Drat. So close.

Clark (thinking): Wow! I didn't think the prayer I prayed just a few seconds ago would be answered so quickly!
fash on tv: this the new piece of Madame Tussaud: Lois Lane and Clark Kent. join by the phone, reporters say:

Lois: Clark and i are just friends.

Clark (happy smile): they made us stay 8 hours pose like this.

Lois : just. good. friends.
I think it's time to pick a winner...

Tough competition! But I think I'll go with LL's chocolate-scented cologne smile You're up, LL!

See ya,
AnnaBtG. laugh


Talk to the hand, Lois.
My RL friend Anna uses to say that, and imagining Clark saying it just cracks me up laugh
Whoohoo...thanks! laugh

I'll go through my pictures later on today and have something up for you guys.

How long does one usually wait to pick a winner? About a week?
A few days. A week. After 36-48 hours without a new caption. When you look around and see the thread is halfway down the page and suddenly remember that it's your turn to pick a winner. Whatever feels right.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Caption Competition XXX (Oh boy, here we go...) - 10/31/05 10:18 AM
I'm going to do something a bit different...but it's still LnC! wink

[Linked Image]
Clark: Oof!
Lois: Ouch Clark! I told you to fall for me not fall on me!
(Please don't pick me--I've pledged my soul to Nanowrimo wink )

Based on Cat's suggestion, Lois and Clark join the Zero-Gravity Club.
Lois, I told you I didn't think we should investigate the inside of that giant centrifuge!
I'm sorry, Lois. When they said the latest Daily Planet publicity photos were going to recreate famous art, it sounded good. I had no idea the artist they had in mind was M. C. Esher!


So, Dr. Lane... exactly what use did you have in mind for this "Gravity Well In A Box"?


(If more than a handful of you get this one, I'll be shocked...)

It's no use, Lois! Tempus Grundy has us! We're trapped! In this incarnation, my secret identity is the Golden Lantern, and it's a well-kept League secret that his ring had no effect on cardboard!


Oh no! My super hearing just kicked in! Someone's coming, and there's no place to hide! Wait, we can hide in plain sight! I'll just grab Lois, fly us up, and... hah! They'll never spot us here in the Surrealism Gallery!


You know, I think Jor-El may have been confused. I turned her upside-down, and I've been shaking her for a good five minutes, but nothing good is coming out...


Don't worry, Lois. This will get rid of your hiccups for sure! You'll be just fine for your interview with the ambassador.

I... ugh... wouldn't be so... whoa... sure about... ooo... that... hic! ... Clark.
Lois: OK Clark, you like on top. got it.
I think it's been long enough...so the winner is...

Crazy_Babe! thumbsup
Thanks! I've always liked that picture actually I used to have a poster of it unfortunately all my Lois and Clark stuff disappears years ago. frown

But I've had this picture in mind for a while so let's see if I can locate it.

[Linked Image]

Didn't find the one I was looking for, but let's see what you can cook up with this one.
Lois: Martha, this isn't what it looks like.

Clark: Really, it isn't. We were just...talking.

Martha *grins mischievously*: Well you just continue...talking. I'll leave you to it!

Lois: Did she just...?

Clark: She did.
"Oh this shirt!" Lois exclaimed. "It comes this way...No, Clark and I weren't getting busy on your couch...I swear!"

"Uh yeah..." Clark said sheepishly as he looked at his Mom and Dad.
Okay, it's been a few days since the last caption so the winner is...

Oh this shirt!" Lois exclaimed. "It comes this way...No, Clark and I weren't getting busy on your couch...I swear!"

"Uh yeah..." Clark said sheepishly as he looked at his Mom and Dad.
rotflol You're up Lois Lane!
YAY! Thanks! laugh

I hope this picture hasn't been used yet.

[Linked Image]
Clark: One, two, one, two, one, two... Cuz even Super guys need to exercise!


Maybe be back with more.
See ya,
Clark: Lois please pay attention I'm trying you teach you to tie your shoe laces!
I think enough time has passed so I'm handing it off to Anna! You're the winner! party
Thank you, LL!

Let me see what I can do... Aha! Here's one:

[Linked Image]

Let the captioning begin!
See ya,
AnnaBtG smile
Lois thinking to herself, "I know, I know...this jacket that I bought at the Mall is sooo to die for that even Perry can't stop staring at me! I'm just glad that Cat isn't here to announce to everyone that it was an OUTLET Mall that I bought it at!"
Lois (thinking): I wonder if Perry will stop looking at me like I'm a wax statue at Madame Tussaud's if I tell him that Elvis is alive and hiding out in my apartment.
Tough choice... I think I'll go with LL, though smile You're up!

See ya,
LOL Thanks! I seem to be good at this. wink

Here you go:

[Linked Image]
Superman: I... don't believe it...

Lois: What? It's just a bird...

Superman: Yeah, but...

Bird (OS): Meep meep! *plb plb* *woosh*

Lois: Wow, it's pretty fast! And... what's that behind it?


Lois: Superman, please tell me I did not just see a coyote with rocket-powered roller skates.

Superman: I... I... *sigh* Things just haven't been the same since Warner Brothers bought out DC Comics.


Passing motorist (OS): Nice leotard!


Lois: Okay, I think we're far enough, now...

Nunk (jogging in, OS): Hey... *puff* Sup... *puff* er... *puff* man...

Lois: Wow. He's persistent. Gotta give him that.


*Superman lands*

Lois: Sorry, just needed to pull over and stretch my legs a bit.

Superman: No problem.

Lois: So, I was wondering... What's up the road from here? Any good place to stop that you know of?

Superman: I don't know. There's Indianapolis, but that's a ways yet. Uhm...

Lois: Say, where's Jon?

Superman: Good question. He said he wanted --

Jon (walking up, rubbing dirt, grass, etc off his clothes): Uhm, Dad, I think I need a little more practice before I'm *coughs out some bits of crushed pine needles*... ready to fly solo.
Love your first caption, Paul!! rotflol

My try:

Lois (thinking): That was the last time I went shopping with Lucy. I *told* her this coat was awful. "It's really cool, Lois, you should buy it!" Now Superman won't even look at me! Darn! My next stop will be a lingerie shop.

Silly, I know.

See ya,
AnnaBtG. laugh
Lois: I didn't realise that almost plowing my SVU off the cliff was such a spectator sport that I caused a monster of a traffic jam.

Superman: Nah they are just curious as to why we are together at make out point and not making out in the back seat of it.

And I've really got to get my head out of the gutter.
LOL, I guess I need to get my head out of the gutter too, because I'm giving it over to you Crazy_Babe! smile
Thanks Lois Lane, but I really didn't intend that last comment to be part of it, but anyway I'll go ahead pick a picture.

[Linked Image]

See what you can make of this?

Edit: Just changed the picture and for the time being my head is still in the gutter
"So? What do you think? I can't believe an old boyfriend of mine thought these were fake! I had to tell him and I quote, 'They're real and they're spectacular!'"

-Who's back in the gutter too! :p
Any more takers?
Okay Lois Lane I guess You're up since it was only you who posted!
Well before I even do anything...is anyone even interested in keeping the competition going? I don't want to post a pic if no one is anymore. confused
It has slowed down quite a bit since the first half dozen or so threads, but I think there are a few people who still enjoy it. I'm one of them, even if I can't come up with new captions as consistently as I once did.

I say, "why not?"

If you do want to go ahead, though, tradition has it that the threads end around post #50 or so. It's supposed to be a courtesy to those users on dialup, so they don't have too many pictures loading on the same page.

(Of course, the boards automatically separate threads into pages for exactly that reason, but... *shrug* It does keep this thread from going out for dozens of pages... Probably at least 60 by now, given that caption competition threads average around 2 whole pages per thread and this is the end of thread #30.)

So, if you have a new pic to post, please do so in a new thread. smile

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