Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Toomi8 Coming Soon in 2023 - 01/02/23 03:10 AM
Happy New Year!!!!


What better way to enter the new calendar year than by sharing previews of what we are all working on.

If you would like, share a title (or working title) and a brief summary, along with anything else you'd like to share (progress, estimated publishing month etc) below.

Looking forward to seeing what we are all working on!
Posted By: Toomi8 Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 01/02/23 03:29 AM
These are the two fics I'm currently obsessed with working on:

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda - Lois is given a chance to travel back several decades and change her future.

They Called Him Superman - An alternate-Lois travelled to Alt-Clark's dimension to help him find his Lois. When she returns to her own dimension she begins to search for Clark Kent. She meets a man named Keith and they try to find their dimension's Superman. About 50% written.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 01/02/23 03:48 AM
Believe it or not, I am still working on O Brother Where Art Thou. I'm almost to the Vatman episode, and have some notes for afterwards. I may start posting again once I've conquered that hill.
[Premise: Clark meets a man from France who looks like him, has the same powers, and is also adopted. Season 1 changes a bit as a result.]

I've also been mulling over some older series such as "To Each Their Own" & "Punishment" (listed under Yes Miss Lane on AO3), with an eye to possibly continuing them, but nothing solid to report there as yet.
[Premise: Lois and Clark are in a Dom/sub relationship. She likes to be on top.]

Edit: OH! Nearly forgot about brain-damaged Clark. Yeah, that's going on the list for this year.
[Premise: Clark went to space. It did not go well. Each story is a response to a Kerth challenge from years ago.]

EDITED to add summaries
Posted By: SuperBek Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 01/02/23 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Toomi8
These are the two fics I'm currently obsessed with working on:

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda - Lois is given a chance to travel back several decades and change her future.

They Called Him Superman - An alternate-Lois travelled to Alt-Clark's dimension to help him find his Lois. When she returns to her own dimension she begins to search for Clark Kent. She meets a man named Keith and they try to find their dimension's Superman. About 50% written.

Ooh, both of these sound interesting!! I particularly like AUs, so I'll be eagerly waiting the second one!! smile1

Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Edit: OH! Nearly forgot about brain-damaged Clark. Yeah, that's going on the list for this year.

Oh yikes! What have you done to poor Clark?!? shock

Gonna be lots of good stuff to read this year, I think!

Posted By: CarrieRene Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 01/02/23 02:46 PM
I love this idea. I have 4-5 I am working on, thinking about, and/or start.

Murder Over Metropolis: Late Season 1, Lex Luthor is murdered and Clark is the prime suspect. This story is actually finished, just going through it again with my awesome beta.

Rescue Me: Lois investigates a suicide of a young man in his early 20s. Clark decides to work on a human interest story about a teenage girl who wants to raise her younger sister. As a married couple, Lois and Clark learn that they can’t always bring their stories home with them.

If You Only Knew: I am finishing this story up this year. I am already halfway through writing Ch. 12, and there are only 15 chapters.

If Everyone Cared: Perry meets up with the great-great-great granddaughter of the first male/female team at the Planet. She comes to the Planet one day and tells the story of her great-great-great grandparents. This story will be later in the year, likely because I only have the outline going.

Sequels: There are 2 sequels I know I have to complete. One is the final one from the Halloween story and the other is the sequel to Shake Your Love. Just not sure yet when those are coming. Those might be started sooner rather than later.

New Year's Season 4: This will be posted this Friday. I am almost finished with it.

As you see I have a lot planned.
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 01/02/23 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Believe it or not, I am still working on O Brother Where Art Thou. I'm almost to the Vatman episode, and have some notes for afterwards. I may start posting again once I've conquered that hill.

I've also been mulling over some older series such as "To Each Their Own" & "Punishment" (listed under Yes Miss Lane on AO3), with an eye to possibly continuing them, but nothing solid to report there as yet.

Edit: OH! Nearly forgot about brain-damaged Clark. Yeah, that's going on the list for this year.

Looking forward to hearing more of O Brother and your Miss Lane series, Queenie! <3
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 01/02/23 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Toomi8
These are the two fics I'm currently obsessed with working on:

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda - Lois is given a chance to travel back several decades and change her future.

They Called Him Superman - An alternate-Lois travelled to Alt-Clark's dimension to help him find his Lois. When she returns to her own dimension she begins to search for Clark Kent. She meets a man named Keith and they try to find their dimension's Superman. About 50% written.

Toomi that sounds very intriguing. Looking forward to reading it.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 01/03/23 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by SuperBek
Oh yikes! What have you done to poor Clark?!? shock

I only killed him a little bit. He got better! Sort of. Aside from the memory problems and occasional seizures, you can hardly tell that he lost any brain cells permanently due to lack of oxygen! ...Okay, maybe you can tell. But he's fine! Just ask his wife! Well, okay, don't actually ask her; she's still rather annoyed about it. But at least he can still help with the kids!
Posted By: bakasi Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 06/19/23 06:48 PM
A Matter of Trust There are still some chapters to write, but I'm hopeful that I can start posting in late summer or early fall.

Clark asked Lois out and she finally said yes. But while she is looking forward, kind of, to their first date, Clark pulls one of his disappearing acts. And suddenly everything Lois thought she knew about her partner is thrown for a loop. Can our favorite couple deal with the obstacles in their way to happiness? Well, it's all a matter of trust. Not your typical rewrite of the Phoenix.
Posted By: SuperBek Re: Coming Soon in 2023 - 06/21/23 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by bakasi
A Matter of Trust There are still some chapters to write, but I'm hopeful that I can start posting in late summer or early fall.

Clark asked Lois out and she finally said yes. But while she is looking forward, kind of, to there first date, Clark pulls one of his disappearing acts. And suddenly everything Lois thought she knew about her partner is thrown for a loop. Can our favorite couple deal with the obstacles in their way to happiness? Well, it's all a matter of trust. Not your typical rewrite of the Phoenix.

So excited to read this!! smile1

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