Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MrsLuthor Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/20/12 10:34 PM
I'm currently working on the Lois & Lex story that some of you may be aware of, and I have been for about a week or so now. I just realized how much I've written, completely effortlessly. I haven't had writer's block at all while doing this story. In fact, I've had to write scenes separately because they came to me at a point when I was nowhere near ready, and I've had to write parts using my phone, while on the bus, because they just keep flowing out of me! I couldn't believe that I looked down and was on page 76 (excluding the extra parts I've written separately).

I'm pretty sure this is the longest story I've written so far, so I'm curious what the longest story everyone else has written was. Did you hit any major blocks? Was it easy? hard? What did you find challenging? Rewarding? etc...
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/21/12 12:36 AM
Congratulations on making it to 76 pages! That's quite an accomplishment. I look forward to reading it, unless it's that one you've promised us where Lois LIKES being Mrs. Luthor. I might have trouble reading something like that. laugh

Well, you know the longest L&C story I've ever written Missing Lois. On last count it was: 485,386 Words, 1756 pages, double spaced, but that was before I started editing it for the Archive. (I don't think I added to deleted much page wise, though).

I started writing it in October of 2010, while waiting for the new episodes of Bones to show up on the Netflix instant list. I finished it about May 2011 (I'd have to check the boards for the exact date). During that time I stopped watching TV, stopped reading, stopped doing anything social and just wrote any free moment I had. I carried a notebook (paper) and pen with me wherever I went. And if I had a few minutes, instead of playing on a cell phone or reading, I would write a word, or line or page (this works really well, if you're waiting for your kids during swimming lessons, piano lessons, waiting for them after school, or visiting your parents. I never knew how much time I spent in the waiting place!) and then type / edit at night while everyone was asleep. I would think about where I wanted the characters to go as I lay down to bed and my mind would work on it in my dreams. Needless to say, I became a bit obsessed. laugh blush

I don't know if it was the longest thing I've ever written (as I have written a couple of unpublished novels - at least 2 completed), but it might be. My problem isn't making a story lengthy, but keeping it short. I always want to say too much, delve deeper into motivation and solutions. I don't like to leave things hanging. I probably could have made Missing Lois longer, but I ran out of creative energy about the time the story became darker. Light and fluffy is more fun to write.

I still zone out during social activities (like dinner) as I think about my characters and what I want them to do next. I don't know, I'm just one of those people who has always been okay with silence and being alone. I once had a job with an hour commute (once a week) and wrote a musical. You repeat the words (like song lyrics) enough while you're driving you don't need a pencil and paper to write it down until you get where you're going. wink I don't understand people who don't know what do when they're alone with their mind. I kind of pity them.

But then -- as you all know -- I'm a little disturbed. jump

UPDATE 2/01/12 - Just sent Missing Lois to the Archive for GE. It clocked in at 503,818 Words, 1298 pages, 3615KB (Single spaced, except the extra carriage return between paragraphs, WORD 2003 format). I'm going back into hiding again. peep
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/21/12 01:08 AM
Congrats on your fic! That's a lot of writing!

I'll have to get back to you on my longest fic. I suspect it's Soul Desire, but I'll have to edit it for the archive and put it into one massive file first before I can be sure.

But the longest thing that I have written so far is my original fantasy novel. It is currently 134 pages in Microsoft Word. That's with Times New Roman, 12 pt font, single spaced, and 69,567 words. And I'm only about 85% done with it.

Have I hit roadblocks? Absolutely! I've been working on this novel one and off for years now. I started it around 2002 or 2003 I suppose, when I was in college. Then I dropped it for a long time. Then I was really, really into writing it about a year or year and a half ago. I was belting out chapters like there was no tomorrow. Now I've ground to a halt on that and hoped back on the fanfic wagon.

I would honestly never pour as much work into a fanfic though. I like to keep those shorter, since there is no chance of me ever making money off of them. An original novel, however, does have a sliver of a chance of getting published one day. I'd rather spend my time either writing one long novel, or many shorter fanfics. I just don't have the attention span to write epic fanfics. laugh
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/21/12 06:37 AM
V: I'm exactly the same! You're like my identity twin! lol I *prefer* to be in my tiny bedroom with my headphones on (no music playing most of the time).

DC I can definitely understand not wanting to pour everything into a fic. Sometimes the ideas form in my head so fast and, like with this fic, I write so much that I'm jealous or some kind of emotion similar to that for my actual novels because the writing just isn't as smooth.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/21/12 06:59 AM
My longest fanfic appears to be Family Issues , a Buffy / Men in Black crossover I wrote over four months in 2003, about 65,000 words. I recall it as being pretty easy to write, mainly because I was relatively new to fanfic and still pretty excited by its possibilities.

But I've written several longer books, RPGs rather than fiction, and they are a LOT more work, especially since they are a money-making project and a lot depends on getting things right, so that I tend to second-guess and re-edit a lot.
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/21/12 11:27 AM
I've written several fanfiction stories that are about 100 pages. Then I always seem to hit a wall. I would like to write a longer story, not for length itself, but in order to develop a better plot. I'm currently working on a story that has the potential to break this barrier but it's easy to become discouraged with so many plot threads to keep track of.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/21/12 11:52 AM
My longest fanfic ("That Old Clone of Mine") is only 22 pages long -- not even 10,000 words. I greatly admire fanfic authors who can write much longer pieces and keep them interesting enough to maintain the reader's interest throughout.

I think my years of scholarly writing have made it hard for me to write anything lengthy. In that writing, I strove for brevity, effective summarization, and the presentation of only the most salient ideas. I learned to excise anything in a scholarly paper that would only be added for 'colour.' I've been spending my time as a fanfic author learning to undo those habits. (Not to mention learning that sometimes breaking the rules is a good thing. As with sentence fragments. wink )

If we leave the realm of fanfic, I have written longer works. In addition to writing chapters for a few scholarly anthologies, I have co-edited a scholarly text on the relationships among signed languages, spoken languages, and gestures, and have co-authored a non-fiction book on job-searching in academia. (The latter has yet to see a publisher, but the former has seen print.)

My longest, unfinished fic is for the Harry Potter fandom - 164 pages (Verdana, 10 pt., single spaced) and counting, or maybe not counting, because I haven't expanded on it for years :p It's a sequel to another one that was 77 pages long.

My longest Archived L&C fic is 90 pages if cut-and-pasted in Word (177 Kb). I've also written and posted one that was 127 pages, but I never sent that to the Archive - it was a bit controversial, thought I may have to fix it, never actually reached a decision about it.

Apart from those, I usually write short/very short stories.
Posted By: carolm Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/23/12 11:51 AM
OTOH. 400K words by the time it was all said and done.

It came pretty effortlessly most of the time, but if I'd known what I was getting into, I wouldn't have started wink .
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/23/12 09:10 PM
I managed to blather on for 252,000 words in a story in the "Smallville" fandom.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/23/12 10:36 PM
Okay, my longest fic is officially Soul Desire. It comes in at a staggering 134 Word pages (Calibri 11pt font, single spaced) and a whopping 63,145 words. It actually rivals my original novel. Had I known how long it was going to be, I think it would have scared me off! eek
Posted By: Morgana Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/24/12 10:19 AM
Longest story? Stranger in our Midst. Calibri font point 11, a staggering 336 pages. I also became totally engrossed in the project and used my i-phone to 'talk out' key scenes. It is highly unlikely I will ever attempt such a feat again. huh
Posted By: KenJ Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/24/12 10:39 AM
Hi MrsLuthor,

I haven't posted it as yet but my longest so far is Clark and Lois - The Lost Years - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 3 and it tops out at around 450 pages.

If I look at the entire set so far, and it really is one long story, Lois Lane - Mother of Utopia Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1 is about 32 pages, Lois Lane - Mother of Utopia, The early Years (A Christmas Story) Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1A tops out at about 24 pages, Borrowed Time - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 2 runs to 170 and so far I have about 150 pages in Clark and Lois - Despair to Hope - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 4 with several volumes in the planning stages. Looks like I'll be hitting a thousand pages before too long.

Doing it in bite sized chunks helps. Having a couple of very good beta readers also helps a lot. I don't know what I'd do without them.
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/24/12 10:42 AM
You guys are a bunch of machines or something! lol

But I've written several longer books, RPGs rather than fiction, and they are a LOT more work, especially since they are a money-making project and a lot depends on getting things right, so that I tend to second-guess and re-edit a lot.
I think the lack of this is why it's so much easier to write! I don't feel like I'm going to ruin my life by making an error lol

Lynn, I've read a lot of your fics. I like the short ones for my bus ride home from school.

it was a bit controversial, thought I may have to fix it, never actually reached a decision about it.
Which is this? I like controversy!

Had I known how long it was going to be, I think it would have scared me off!
This seems to be the consensus! lol

It is highly unlikely I will ever attempt such a feat again.
Really? Why not?

Doing it in bite sized chunks helps. Having a couple of very good beta readers also helps a lot. I don't know what I'd do without them.
I guess that would bring up the subject of people who write sequels and multi-story series'! I've written a few in a series, but I couldn't tell you how long they were without going and putting them all into one file, because I broke them up when I wrote them.
Posted By: KenJ Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/24/12 11:01 AM
Quote from LynnSM:

I think my years of scholarly writing have made it hard for me to write anything lengthy. In that writing, I strove for brevity, effective summarization, and the presentation of only the most salient ideas. I learned to excise anything in a scholarly paper that would only be added for 'colour.' I've been spending my time as a fanfic author learning to undo those habits. (Not to mention learning that sometimes breaking the rules is a good thing. As with sentence fragments. )

Lynn, I can symphathise completely with you in this.
I spent thirty years in industry, mostly in Organic Chemistry and Entomology. Most of my writing was confined to recording observations in a research notebook. I had the same problems, having gone through the 'Berger' writing classes. I guess the hardest thing my beta readers had to do was teach me not to 'report' the story, but *tell* the story. Once I got past that hurdle then they taught me to let the actors tell the story. It is very much a learning, or should I say, re-learning process.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/25/12 05:06 PM
Hmm. No idea, as far as fanfics go. I suppose it's something in the "Superman Returns" fandom, but can't be sure which. Original novel ideas... there's one I started working on a few years back and I've gotten about halfway with 158 pages- and then I thought "wait- maybe I should rewrite it in *this* way" :rolleyes: And so that's about where that's stayed.

I have a couple of LnC fics that I'm working on that I'm sure will break the barrier for longest I've written. Currently though, I'm trying to write a full-length, original screenplay- which is *entirely* different, I tell you. The main problem seems to be keeping it at or around only 100-130 pages, since pages typically equate to minutes. That, and the fact that the writing style is very different than I'm used to. It's all very visual and not at all thought or character driven, which is what I'm most used to... huh

Quote from LynnSM:

I think my years of scholarly writing have made it hard for me to write anything lengthy. In that writing, I strove for brevity, effective summarization, and the presentation of only the most salient ideas. I learned to excise anything in a scholarly paper that would only be added for 'colour.' I've been spending my time as a fanfic author learning to undo those habits. (Not to mention learning that sometimes breaking the rules is a good thing. As with sentence fragments. )

Lynn, I can symphathise completely with you in this.
I spent thirty years in industry, mostly in Organic Chemistry and Entomology. Most of my writing was confined to recording observations in a research notebook. I had the same problems, having gone through the 'Berger' writing classes. I guess the hardest thing my beta readers had to do was teach me not to 'report' the story, but *tell* the story. Once I got past that hurdle then they taught me to let the actors tell the story. It is very much a learning, or should I say, re-learning process.
I completely see where you guys are coming from. My mother went to school for journalism, and as many ideas as she has and as creative as she is, she has the exact same complaints about writing nowadays.
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/26/12 12:06 AM
I've written eight novels that I'm working on getting published at the moment, and some of them are quite long so I looked at what the average size of a book is. It's different for every genre, of course, but as mine are sci-fi/fantasy, the word count limit is 200,000 words, 250,000 if you're famous and know the book will sell despite its daunting size. Unfortunately, by the time I thought to look that up, I had already written three 300,000 word books, so now I have to work on cutting them down. My newer books, I've kept down to 180-185,000.

Of L&C stories, the longest is 'And Then There Was Light,' which is just under 143,000 words--244 Microsoft Word pages single-spaced.

Of course, as a reader first and then a writer, I think the most important thing is to follow the story--don't make a short story 250,000 words and don't try to fit a long story into 10,000 words because it's just making things hard on yourself! smile

I will say that if I had known at the start that my first books (all in a series) would be that long, I would have been too intimidated to start. Conversely, when I first started writing L&C fiction, I was petrified by the thought of writing something so short...until I realized just how easy it can be. smile
Posted By: Aria Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/26/12 08:41 PM
I'm pretty sure this is the longest story I've written so far, so I'm curious what the longest story everyone else has written was. Did you hit any major blocks? Was it easy? hard? What did you find challenging? Rewarding? etc...
The longest complete story I've written is 480k words (934 single space pages).

I currently have a WIP that's 555k words and will probably grow by another 100k+ before it's done. It's way too big to keep in one file, so it beats me how many pages that is, though.

And yes both have been extremely hard for me to write. I'm a bit of a perfectionist with my writing, and on top of that, my major challenge is sticking to it when I'm bogged in the middle and it feels like I'll never get out. It's so easy to lose hope of ever finishing. For instance, I've been writing my current WIP for 18 months, and I know it'll be at least 10 more months before I'm finished at my current pace (based on my current outline). Another roadblock I often run into is when there's something that needs to be written for the sake of the story that I'd rather skip over to get to something more fun. It's very hard to force myself to write in those cases. I solve the problem by attacking it in tiny chunks. I make myself write for an hour here, an hour there, and eventually I get through it to the part I wanted to be writing.

It's difficult, but looking back on your journey when you're finished is beyond rewarding. Interacting with readers/fans as you make the journey is rewarding, too.
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/26/12 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Aria:
Another roadblock I often run into is when there's something that needs to be written for the sake of the story that I'd rather skip over to get to something more fun. It's very hard to force myself to write in those cases. I solve the problem by attacking it in tiny chunks. I make myself write for an hour here, an hour there, and eventually I get through it to the part I wanted to be writing.

This is definitely something I've encountered a couple of times. I usually end up writing the part that I want and then writing the parts leading up to it after.

Originally posted by Aria:
The longest complete story I've written is 480k words (934 single space pages).
That's insane! Kudos on that one! Is it an LnC fic?
Posted By: Aria Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/27/12 08:20 AM
Is it an LnC fic?
Nope frown I've been writing for Grey's Anatomy for the last 5 years or so, mostly MerDer fics. My longest L&C fic is a bit more reasonable at 101k words -- Waking A Miracle ;p
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/27/12 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Aria:
Is it an LnC fic?
Nope frown I've been writing for Grey's Anatomy for the last 5 years or so, mostly MerDer fics. My longest L&C fic is a bit more reasonable at 101k words -- Waking A Miracle ;p
Aww! I love Grey's! I've never read any Grey's fanfic though! I used to read Charmed a lot.
Posted By: Meadowrose Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/27/12 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Anna B. the Greek:

I've also written and posted one that was 127 pages, but I never sent that to the Archive - it was a bit controversial,
Send it to the archive!
Thanks for the interest, guys. wink I'm not making any promises, but I'll try to look at the story with a fresh eye (it's been what, 7 years?) and see if I can do something about it.

Though editing is more difficult than writing... :p
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/28/12 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Anna B. the Greek:
Though editing is more difficult than writing... :p
I'll agree with you there. Writing is definately more fun! clap
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/31/12 07:41 AM
In the realm of 'better later than never,'

Originally posted by KenJ:
Lynn, I can symphathise completely with you in this.
I spent thirty years in industry, mostly in Organic Chemistry and Entomology.
Now there's a combination one doesn't come across every day.

I guess the hardest thing my beta readers had to do was teach me not to 'report' the story, but *tell* the story.
My first stories on this board were very much of the tell/report rather than show variety. I am quite grateful to the FoLCs who left me encouraging feedback on those stories. I like to think that my writing has improved a lot since then, but it still has a long way to go.

It is very much a learning, or should I say, re-learning process.
I think of it at least partially as an unlearning process, as well.

It's nice to know I'm not alone in this experience. Thanks for sharing. smile

Posted By: Tank Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/31/12 04:51 PM
Do series count?

Tank (who says he is never planning to write a long fic again)
Posted By: Aria Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 01/31/12 05:14 PM
I'll agree with you there. Writing is definately more fun!
That's so funny to me! I prefer having a rough draft to tweak to my hearts content than writing form scratch. Editing is my favorite part!

Aww! I love Grey's! I've never read any Grey's fanfic though! I used to read Charmed a lot.
You can find my Grey's fic on my Live Journal (just click on my homepage link) if you're interested smile
Posted By: KenJ Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/01/12 01:55 PM

The link between Organic Chemistry and Entomology is Insecticide Research. razz

We had to maintain a number of pest species as well as discover new compounds to try out on them. wink

We also had to test against benificials in the hopes that they would not be susceptable. huh

Being an Apirest I had to sacrifice a lot of my bees to the testing. mecry
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/01/12 02:43 PM
Originally posted by KenJ:
The link between Organic Chemistry and Entomology is Insecticide Research. razz

We had to maintain a number of pest species as well as discover new compounds to try out on them. wink

We also had to test against benificials in the hopes that they would not be susceptable. huh

Being an Apirest I had to sacrifice a lot of my bees to the testing. mecry
I guess this gives you an edge when writing about a scientist that went bad as opposed to good (as often happened on L&C). angel-devil No wonder you're so good at A-Plot!
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/01/12 04:18 PM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by KenJ:
[b] The link between Organic Chemistry and Entomology is Insecticide Research. razz

We had to maintain a number of pest species as well as discover new compounds to try out on them. wink

We also had to test against benificials in the hopes that they would not be susceptable. huh

Being an Apirest I had to sacrifice a lot of my bees to the testing. mecry
I guess this gives you an edge when writing about a scientist that went bad as opposed to good (as often happened on L&C). angel-devil No wonder you're so good at A-Plot! [/b]
Well, they do say that a person's writing often reveals more about the author than characters.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/07/12 12:11 PM
The longest thing I ever wrote was "Hearts Divided" which was 82,000 words. 136 pages in Word, but that's in Arial 10pt.

It took me a year to write that, and another month or two to re-write/edit the ending, since the first time through I rushed to meet the Kerth deadline and didn't do it right. Erin Klingler (my GE) has the patience of a saint.

The basic set-up idea hit me while driving, and a few days later I figured out what the ending should be, and a few days later than that, I figured out how I could manage that ending without a deus ex machina. To me, the ending has to make total sense in context, but be something that people aren't expecting. I like taking people from "how is she ever going to resolve that?" to "oh, of course, why didn't I see that coming?" I have to lay the groundwork earlier in the story, but also make it subtle and do some misdirection. I re-read stories, so it has to be something obvious and logical on the second or third reading, too.

Usually I write in a linear fashion, but I had one of the key ending scenes written for over half a year before I got to that point and could use it (it was the scenes around it that needed to be rearranged; I accidentally had one plot line finish up well before the other one, which made it unbalanced). It helped to know where I was going, though. As the proverb says, "Begin with the end in mind."

It was hard because I had two small kids, but one of them was in preschool and the other one took naps, so most days I had opportunities to write. It was often hard to get started writing, but I knew I had a limited time period, and that I needed to post the next segment before the gentle readers rioted. smile Getting positive feedback as I went was incredibly helpful. I did discover that sitting down and starting was usually the hardest part. I'd sit down, make myself start typing drivel, and then pretty soon the muse would notice and take over.

I wouldn't mind doing it again, but I haven't been inspired by any stories that would take that long to tell. Usually I prefer the shorter ones. I don't like writing the dark angsty stuff, and that's often what prolongs stories. I'll make the characters suffer sometimes (I love making things look hopeless before pulling out an unexpected-yet-logical ending) but usually resolve it pretty quickly.

Which was all probably more than you wanted to know. smile Thanks for letting me talk about myself! goofy

Posted By: ShayneT Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/07/12 05:38 PM
Veritas at 136,000 words and 746k was my longest story.
Posted By: KenJ Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/09/12 09:11 AM

What about Fugue? I make that out to be about 260 pages and about 1.3 meg. smile1
Posted By: LabRat Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/09/12 09:16 AM
Masques, I believe. I may have written stories longer or as long for other fandoms, previously, but it's hard to tell because they were pre-internet and published in paper zines, so I have no k count for them.

I wrote the second half of it 'live' - as soon as I posted one part here on the mbs, I'd be writing the next and sending it off to my beta to get it ready for posting within a couple of days, often incorporating ideas brought up by readers as I went, which would sometimes double the page count.

I'd never written like that before - and as the Queen of the Rewrites who normally has to go over the same paragraph 20 times until it is just right before I can move on to the next, it was the most exhilarating and frightening thing I've ever done. smile1

Scary, but ultimately wonderful.

LabRat smile
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/09/12 10:08 AM
Originally posted by LabRat:

I wrote the second half of it 'live' - as soon as I posted one part here on the mbs, I'd be writing the next and sending it off to my beta to get it ready for posting within a couple of days, often incorporating ideas brought up by readers as I went, which would sometimes double the page count.

LabRat smile
Interesting that you said that. I always wonder about people who post each part as they write it. I can't stand to post something that I haven't finished because I don't use outlines; I just write freely with a basic idea of what I want to eventually happen and several times I'll go back and rearrange certain facts because they foreshadow something that I write later on that I didn't even think of including. If that made any sense lol
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/09/12 11:28 AM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Originally posted by LabRat:

I wrote the second half of it 'live' - as soon as I posted one part here on the mbs, I'd be writing the next and sending it off to my beta to get it ready for posting within a couple of days, often incorporating ideas brought up by readers as I went, which would sometimes double the page count.

LabRat smile
Interesting that you said that. I always wonder about people who post each part as they write it. I can't stand to post something that I haven't finished because I don't use outlines; I just write freely with a basic idea of what I want to eventually happen and several times I'll go back and rearrange certain facts because they foreshadow something that I write later on that I didn't even think of including. If that made any sense lol [/b]
Actually, it makes perfect sense to me! I almost never post anything until I am done with a story, unless I am 100% certain that I am on the last chapter or two and will not be changing around anything in the earlier chapters.

Also, I never know how long the writing process is going to take. And I hate leaving my readers hanging.
Posted By: KenJ Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/09/12 12:01 PM
I have to say that I learned my lesson the hard way. When I first started writing I tried the post as you go but my beta readers quickly convinced me that wasn't the way to go. I now basically have volumes 1, 1A, 2 and 3 in the can and I'm working on number 4. I have another draft with one of my betas for evaluation.

With what I am doing all of the volumes are interrelated and I found that something I added to Volume 3 made it necessary to rewrite number 1, and so it goes.

The beta process, I personally feel, is the way to go and have everything ready before you start to post. right now I have about 25 more weeks of 2 chapters a week of postings lined up. That should give me time to complete vol. 4 and get it through the beta process in time to move to it from vol. 3. That should also give me time to work on the next volume and it might be ready when 4 is finished posting.

Just my 2 cents worth. I have found that this way is best for me but, everybody is different.
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/09/12 12:48 PM
I'm with you, KenJ and Deadly Chakrum. I've written longer stories both ways - post as you go or wait until you're completely finished. While the feedback during the writing process can be very motivating, I sometimes got too caught up in the excitment of posting. I prefer to finish the story before posting so I don't miss out on any important details.

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/09/12 01:46 PM
My longest story was basically 9/10th completed when I started posting it. Some of the feedback did influence the ending, but it was over 6 months later when I finally posted the ending that hopefully it wasn't too noticeable. wink Most of the biggest changes to ML came from suggestions from my wonderful Betas. They brought up things I never considered. And actually told me to ADD stuff to make the characters more rounded. So, I'm a big fan of Betas! thumbsup

<<Be Kind to Readers, Volunteer To Be a Beta TODAY!>>

When writing GEM, I thought it was going to be a short 10 parts (37 parts & an epilogue and 14th longest story on the archives later), I've learned my lesson. I try not to send to Beta until I've completed at least half of the story, if not more. NH (the sequel) I tried to write quickly to get it on the boards around the time that GEM finished posting, but I feel it suffered in quality because of that. ML had time to sit and age, NH didn't. So it was difference (IMO) between fine wine and grape juice.

My current story (stories) will be complete before I start posting on the boards. I feel better knowing approximately how long a story will be before asking someone to Beta for me, so they know what they're signing up for. blush
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 02/09/12 03:20 PM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:

My current story (stories) will be complete before I start posting on the boards. I feel better knowing approximately how long a story will be before asking someone to Beta for me, so they know what they're signing up for. blush
Haha that's how I feel about my current story. I've never actually used a beta reader. Not that I don't think I *need* one, I just haven't gone there yet. However, this one I'm working on it ridiculously long and I know I occasionally talk in circles, so I'm probably going to post a bribe... er... request when I get closer to the end, but it's gonna be a pain in the gluteus maximus if someone actually picks it up.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Longest Fic You've Ever Written? - 06/08/12 03:03 PM
I have a new longest fic ever written.

Contractually Bound

It weighs in at a hefty 240 pages, single spaced, 11pt font, Calibri. 118,880 words. It's the longest thing I've ever written in my life.

The funny thing is, it started off with the intention of being a shorter romance story. Then my muse morphed it into so much more.
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