Lois & Clark Forums
I was reading a wonderful story for a friend in another fandom, and it got me wondering. In addition to L&C, are there any other fandoms for which you read and/or write fic?

In addition to the stories I write on this board, I also write a "George and Lynn" story on Zoomway's nfic board. For those who don't know what it is, G&L stories are about two actors who may resemble two actors whose counterparts we spend all of our time drooling over. wink In addition to the fact that it's considered "real-person fic," George and Lynn's relationship started as being adulterous, so there is a degree of controversy to the stories. (I started out reading Echo's story, "Season of Love," which inspired me.)

I am currently writing the 17th chapter of "This Ain't a Love Song," which picks up with them in 2006, after, uh, Lynn's book party, to which George attends, and they slowly start to repair their relationship. I can honestly say it is the most challenging story I have ever written -- and also my proudest work. I have amazing readers, too, including several from this board who didn't even know I was writing something else.

Other than that, I have read and betaed some absolutely amazing Batman fic, and I'm sure you all know who I can blame for that one. laugh

So what about the rest of you? And furthermore, since I'm always up for expanding my reading horizons, any recommendations?
While I still love L&C, I have been spending most of my time lately in the Twilight fandom. I haven't written for them, but I've been reading over there pretty much nonstop. They have some seriously, incredibly talented writers. To the point where I have actually gotten confused as to whether something happened for real in the books, or if I simply read it in a fic.

Also, in lieu of writing for them, I have spent a great deal of time these past several weeks working as a beta/creative consultant for several different authors, one of whom recently won a Twilight Award (their version of Kerths) for Best Kiss, and has since been nominated again in other categories.

I used to read/write in the Buffy and Roswell fandoms, but that was a very, very long time ago. What can I say? I love star-crossed supernatural romances between people who come from different worlds (in the case of L&C and Roswell, quite literally), and beat the odds to be together. But now as far as fic goes, my heart only belongs to L&C and Twilight (oh, and G&L wink )
L&C is my fave for fanfic and nfanfic. I enjoy the relationship Lois/Clark & Superman share... and there are a lot of imaginative authors, past and present out there. I've read the whole nfic archive (yes... it really took a while)... and there are some wonderful hidden gems from years (and authors) past on it.

I also enjoy Forever Knight fanfic/nfanfic... I've only recently discovered the small group who write for it... and pleasantly surprised.

I used to read Buffy & Angel stuff... but it's got a bit stale of late... unless someone wants to point me to a refreshing B & A fic site.

I've been contemplating looking at Battlestar Galactica (the re-imaged version) fic... but the problem is, the show is still running, and I don't want to get into the fic and become disappointed in the end of the series... so I will have to wait until after the show ends I think.

I also enjoy reading original fic... there are some fabulous authors out there with ingenious ideas...
Hi Jenn,

You've started another interesting thread. smile

I've never really read fanfic about other shows, though I did read a couple of crossovers written by LauraBF, which I found very good, even if I wasn't a terrific fan of the other shows.

I certainly haven't written in other fandoms, as I've never had the urge, though I did think my Universal Union series was not exactly L&C. In fact I wasn't going to post it, at first, until certain people encouraged me.

It was a bit like your G&L, Jenn, though not nfic. wink

But it certainly wasn't Metropolis, or The Daily Planet, though it was inspired by Lois and Clark, and Dean and Teri will always be in my head if I returned to writing UU.

I do read your story about G&L on Zoom's MBs, and I'm enjoying it very much. It's a great story, full of the romance, problems and emotion that we saw in L&C, and I'd recommend it to readers. And if anyone can point me to other good fic in other fandoms, I'd be willing to give them a try.

Yours Jenni
I mostly write crossovers but at the moment I just don't have time to write much of any fanfic, I'm too busy with the game design stuff that helps to pay the bills.

Fanfiction.net says I've written for Buffy X-overs, CSI, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Sandman, Stargate: SG-1, Angel, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Marvel, Vertigo, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Lois and Clark, Dead Like Me, CSI: Miami, West Wing, Highlander, Veronica Mars, Doctor Who, Dexter, and Battlestar Galactica: 2003, but the crossovers take in a lot more ground - I think I've written the only Buffy / CHiPs crossover, for example, and the only Harry Potter / Terminator.

The next fanfic I'll probably write is a BtVS / Stargate / Dr. Who crossover drabble, and there's a Superman Returns / Dexter crossover I've been thinking about for a while. After that, I have no idea.
The Mummy was my first fandom, and while most of the fanfic I can find for it now is... well... let's just say not the quality of most Lois and Clark fic, I still check back on it every once in a while. I would love to continue writing for it, but I seem to have used up all my fic ideas.

Thanks to someone ( wink ) I've given up my grudge against Batman and have been enjoying a few fics about him.

Otherwise, LnC is my only other fandom so far. Though I may try my hand at Charmed sometime soon.
I'm writing a fic for Gone with the Wind at the moment, and that's what I read as well. Once in a while I'll look at Angel, and very occasionally, Highlander, Buffy, even Due South.
I currently write for Grey's Anatomy. I just recently finished a year-long project that clocked in at 500,000 words, roughly, and am currently on break, recuperating. I used to write for Angel and Forever Knight.
There were two threads on this a while back, too - interesting to read as well.

Do you read other fandoms?

Do you write for other fandoms?

LabRat smile
I'm always in awe at those people who can keep two fandoms (or more!) in their head. I tried (because I keep being drawn in another direction), but I just can't do both. My brain space is too small for it, so all I do is end up in knots over plot bunnies. huh

Ack pardon the rambling, my fandom before this was XF way back (when the first movie came out. I never wrote for it (or actually, even wanted to).

alcyone smile
I'm sure you guys can figure out where I'm hanging out these days. Yesss.... in the batcave. LOL!

I read and write a lot of DCU stories, mostly Bat-family (Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, etc...) getting into Wonder Woman recently too. Heck, I've even written a Smallville fic. (please don't hurt me)

Some Marvel as well - Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man.

I've also been BR'ing DJ's Heroes fic, and read a few other Heroes things by htbthomas (both these girls are folcs, btw) -- but I haven't really gotten into the fandom besides that.

So yeah... pretty much superheroes or nothing in my case. *lol* Are you surprised?
I mainly read L and C stories, but n and regular. I also enjoy some Superman Returns tales and occassionally, to bring back the memories, some He-Man ones.

I've dabbled in fanfic for lots of different shows -- Stargate, Xena, Blake's 7, Dr Who (hi, Wendy!), Due South, Voyager, Forever Knight... Probably others, too. Scarecrow & Mrs. King was big for me, for a while. And, um... peep I've been reading Smallville fic, too. Only Clark/Chloe stories, though, and really only one author.

I wrote for Blake's 7, some twenty years ago. Other than that, L&C is the only place where I've been both inspired and encouraged to write.

This is it for me. I used to read and write for Frasier, but I'm kind of waning away. I only read and write a few stories a year, but you guys are too entertaining to leave.

I don't stick with any other fandoms. I have read some fics randomly, but usually not happy. I have read some for ER, Instant Star, Buffy..I can't remember what else. I guess I only do LnC fic. I don't write anything.
Well if a movie or series has fascinated me, I've probably read fanfiction for it at some point.

I run a LJ community for Sailor Moon first season romances. Yes... I'm a dork.

I've written drabbles here and there for several anime series but they are pretty embarrassing to read. I like to think my place is as a reader now and as a cheerleader for the real writers. smile
Scarecrow & Mrs. King was big for me, for a while.
Did you write for Scarecrow Pam? I would love to read your work for that fandom.
Let's see, I started out writing with Star Trek before it was TOS (Be thankful those disappeared many moons ago.) Then Star Wars, before it was Episode 5. Then UFO[b] (Hey, I'm the SHADO Librarian after all.) Then [b]Superman Returns came out and I got back into serious fan-fiction writing. Then Lois and Clark came out on DVD and here I am. A Superman Junkie.
Originally posted by gr8shadesofElvis:
I'm writing a fic for Gone with the Wind at the moment, and that's what I read as well. Once in a while I'll look at Angel, and very occasionally, Highlander, Buffy, even Due South.
I recognized the reference to Gone with the Wind in your sig. How interesting that you are writing a fic for that.

I've tried reading fan fic about Smallville... was really disappointed, but may-be I didn't look in the right place.

I'm a Spider-Man fan, but only came across one quality fic staring that character.

THIS site has been very impressive. And since I'm totally into Lois and Clark now, I can't imagine wasting time away from RL anywhere else! smile
Have you read any Buffy fic at the Bloodshedverse? It's a Spike/Buffy fan fic site, no 'human' fics, all vampire/slayer fic. They screen the authors and won't let the cr*p go up.

As far as other fandoms, right now I'm split between L and C and Superman Returns, pretty much equally. I'm in awe of the talent of writers in both!

Originally posted by Lisamaree, the Evil Kiwi:
L&C is my fave for fanfic and nfanfic. I enjoy the relationship Lois/Clark & Superman share... and there are a lot of imaginative authors, past and present out there. I've read the whole nfic archive (yes... it really took a while)... and there are some wonderful hidden gems from years (and authors) past on it.

I also enjoy Forever Knight fanfic/nfanfic... I've only recently discovered the small group who write for it... and pleasantly surprised.

I used to read Buffy & Angel stuff... but it's got a bit stale of late... unless someone wants to point me to a refreshing B & A fic site.

I've been contemplating looking at Battlestar Galactica (the re-imaged version) fic... but the problem is, the show is still running, and I don't want to get into the fic and become disappointed in the end of the series... so I will have to wait until after the show ends I think.

I also enjoy reading original fic... there are some fabulous authors out there with ingenious ideas...
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