Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ErinK Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 05/05/08 09:34 AM
More and more lately, I have been thinking about tackling my sequel to The Long Road Home. I already have a good portion of it outlined and know where I want to go, and even have many of the scenes written, but I was wondering if anybody might be willing to BR for me as I go along.

I'm not diving into the sequel head first right this very second (I'm waiting to hear back from my--hopefully--new publisher, and if they decide to publish that novel they're reviewing, I may have to work on edits first) but the sequel to LRH has really been nagging at me lately and wants to get written.

Might anyone be interested to help me with BRing? I never write anything fast (CC has BR for me in the past and can attest to that frown ) so it would likely be sporadic. Just thought I'd throw that out, too, so you know what might be involved. And no, the sequel would not be nearly as long as the first. (Does that help convince somebody? wink )

You can reply here or email me privately, if you'd like, whichever you feel more comfortable doing.

I wouldn't mind! Please send any stuff to peitronizme@gmail.com because if you use the one I used to register for the boards it's never get read!

PS: Did I mention that I loved that story?
Posted By: EditorJax Re: Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 05/07/08 12:14 AM
Erin, I would LOVE to beta for you. I LOVED that story -- it's the first gfic I ever read. laugh
Posted By: HatMan Re: Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 05/07/08 10:53 PM
Just checking to see if you got my PM. Not sure if PM notification emails are working right now...
Posted By: ErinK Re: Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 05/08/08 09:33 AM
Wow, thank you guys for such a great response! I am thrilled beyond words that my little fic is something that might be of interest. blush It gives me the courage to tackle the disjointed mass it currently is. grumble

Hopefully it won't be too long before I have enough to post.

Thanks again!
Posted By: Kermtzu Re: Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 05/24/08 11:32 AM
I would be honored to beta the story. How could any reader not be? Please let me know if you need my small services; you probably have a host of readers already battering at your (virtual) door to read!
Posted By: grinch525 Re: Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 10/12/08 08:04 AM
I absolutely love The Long Road Home, and it's certainly one fic that I re-read over and over again!

I came to the boards and found this post where you discuss a possible sequel. You have no idea how pleased I am hear to that some of the loose ends in the LRH can get tied up and you can finally get Lois and Clark married...

Just curious if you could give us a status update on a sequel plan?
Posted By: ErinK Re: Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 10/14/08 08:31 AM
Originally posted by grinch525:
You have no idea how pleased I am hear to that some of the loose ends in the LRH can get tied up and you can finally get Lois and Clark married...

Just curious if you could give us a status update on a sequel plan?
Grinch, you just made my day! How wonderful to hear you enjoyed my fic so much. shock
Originally posted by ErinK:
As for status--I'm close to posting! I've got the sequel mostly outlined, the first several sections done, and much of the rest crudely drafted. I'd love to start posting sections soon.
eek That one (Long Road Home) is in my to-read queue. Might have to do some switching around, then, so I can read the sequel as you start posting it.

Michael, who just realized that purposefully torturing oneself with cliff-hanger could be construed as all sorts of things. Adrenaline and endorphin addicted being among the nicer things that come to mind.
Posted By: grinch525 Re: Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 10/15/08 07:31 PM
Erin, you made my day with your post smile

Like Michael said, you purposely left so many loose ends in LRH so we would be salivating for more. I even came out of hiding to make my first post on the news of a possible sequel smile .

You don't have to worry about expectations. I'm already ecstatic just knowing that a sequel is coming out shortly, and I haven't even seen it yet.

Have you chosen a title that we should look out for?

Posted By: robinson Re: Possible BR for Long Road Home sequel? - 02/07/09 05:21 PM
did anything ever come of this sequesl talk?
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