Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm Imbalance - 01/11/08 10:51 AM
Okay, okay - it's been 4 [and a half?] years since the last part was posted and it was really quite silly of me to start reading it when it is, as yet, still completely unfinished, but I misread the AN at the beginning of the last posted part and read 'last' instead of 'latest' and was about 15 parts into it by the time the mistake was pointed out to me.

And I know Wendy has moved on to other fic pastures and Phil/Tarkas isn't around much at all anymore [though I did see him post recently which prompted a PM to him which he likely hasn't even seen yet but here I post anyway wink ], but I'm hoping that one or both might happen to see this or something and either have more languishing on a hard drive somewhere or at least be able to post a summary or outline of some sort of how the end was going to go.

So anyway - here's a public nag of sorts. If the end is unlikely to ever happen, that's fine, but a little 'official' wink word on that...

So, Wendy and Phil - thank you for the ride so far and we'd love to see it finished!
Posted By: jacalynsue Re: Imbalance - 01/19/08 04:13 PM
I'm going to chime in with an additional plea for a continuation of this delightful story.

Pretty please?

Posted By: carolm Re: Imbalance - 01/19/08 04:55 PM
Phil sent me a PM back and said that the rest is outlined and partly written [but not the next part - later on] and that he has every intention of finishing it but doesn't know when smile .

Here's hoping for soon...
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