Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: jojo_da_crow NaNoWriMo - 10/04/06 08:10 PM
Okay guys, NanoWriMo is almost here. I thought maybe it would be nice to post up a thread here related to this and see if anyone here was going to be participating.

What is NaNoWriMo?
The short and simple is this: National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm and perseverance over painstaking craft, NaNoWriMo is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved.

Because of the limited writing window, the ONLY thing that matters in NaNoWriMo is output. It's all about quantity, not quality. The kamikaze approach forces you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly.

You can write fanfiction for this endeavour... but you can't start your story until Nov 1.

I am myself going to attempt to write a Lois and Clark story. I have never been able to write any fanfiction other than drabbles. I'm actually quite pathetic at anything longer than this. Usually I end up over analyzing everything and then delete most of it leaving the story unfinished. But... since this challenge forces you to write as much as possible and just crank it out I am hoping that there might be something I can edit down at the end of the challenge that might somehow resemble a story. Even if it doesn't... I figure this could be a ton of fun just to try.

Once you sign up you can add friends and encourage each other so I though that it might be nice to see if anyone here wanted to jump in on the challenge and do just that? If you are interested sign up and post your name here for everyone to add you.

I'm signed up under jojo_da_crow ^_^
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/05/06 01:50 PM
I think about this every year... and never get brave enough to start laugh But last year, I and a few others did an (Inter)National Finishing WIPs Month -- NaFinWipsMo goofy

Same concept, but we worked feverishly to actually finish the long stories we'd been working on. It was very motivating to have word-count goals to meet every day. And comparing word counts with others was very motivating, too!

Just a thought smile

Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/05/06 06:03 PM
That actually sounds like an awesome idea! Maybe we should arrange something like that again. ^_^

I think I'm starting with this one just because the thought of writing something longer than a thousand or so words is so hard for me. This is going to push me out of my comfort zone. Nothing may come of this story... but hopefully if gives me a bit of courage to try to take on something a bit larger than a drabble.

Heck I already feel like I am learning something since I am going to be making my first real outline for a story ever. I have sketched out ideas before but never gone into any detail. This one is going to be quite detailed so that I can just write and not have to worry about small things.

I'm actually getting pretty excited about it. ^_^
Posted By: MLT Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/14/06 09:05 PM
I'm actually thinking of participating this year. It won't be a L and C story. I want to try writing something original. I have an idea but just have never gotten around to trying to write it. So this will give me a deadline.
Posted By: YConnell Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/15/06 04:15 AM
I did it last year and, although I didn't finish my novel, it did give me an incentive to a) get started, and b) produce 123 pages of story. Of course, I'm now stalled and probably will be for months, if not years, but at least I can say I've written something totally original. smile

Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/15/06 10:42 PM
Sadly I found out that I won't be able to participate this year. My other hobby (which is all consuming) is going to be taking up all my extra time. frown To bad, I was pretty excited about this as well.

C'est la vie. Maybe next year?
Posted By: MirandaW Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/16/06 02:29 AM
I'm going to be brave and take part. laugh Wish me luck!
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/16/06 03:27 PM
I signed up last year, I think, but I didn't finish. (I seem to recall yelling and throwing things...)

Anyway, maybe I could give it another shot this year! smile
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/17/06 11:03 AM
Well, I just signed up because a couple of my friends talked me into it goofy I don't think I'm going to manage anything, but we'll see...

See ya,
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/17/06 01:29 PM
ooooh, this sounds like a riot! smile

Technically speaking, it looks doable enough.... 175 page in 30 days means a little under 6 pages per day.

If I can manage to finish the story I'm writing before then (I hope so, I only have a few pages left and 2 weeks to do it!) I'm definitely going to try and do this. laugh
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: NaNoWriMo - 10/31/06 09:37 PM
22 minutes until November. Good luck to all NaNoWriMo participants!

And for those bloggers who don't quite feel up to 50k words in 30 days, check out NaBloPoMo .

Lisa (bandwagon, here I come)
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/02/06 02:01 PM
I actually have been sneaking and writing at work since my other things take up all my time when I am at home.

Curent word count: 1879

I'm really hoping to hit at least 3000 today. How is everyone else doing?

EDIT: 2874 on the second day. frown Didn't quite make my goal.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/02/06 04:18 PM
I've started last night, but had a migraine so didn't manage to get the 2000 words in that I had hoped. This morning I had 1150 - currently I've got 1300 (sneaked a few sentences in during lunch.)

Just sitting down to write actually. smile

Good luck to everyone!!

(edited to fix an idiotic typo!)
Posted By: MirandaW Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/03/06 05:40 AM
Currently at 1,951 and happy with that. (I've yet to write any today) You may be pleased to know as well that after illiminating lots of ideas, I've chosen to write a L&C fic! Fingers crossed, by the end of November I'll have a story to edit and post here for your enjoyment!
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/03/06 06:52 AM
Way to go, everyone! Don't give up!
[Linked Image]

hehe! Could not resist. (I need some encouragement myself anyway *lol*)

You may be pleased to know as well that after illiminating lots of ideas, I've chosen to write a L&C fic!
Weee!!!! smile

So have I, actually. I couldn't think of anything else I'd enjoy writing right now. wink
Posted By: MLT Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/03/06 06:28 PM
Well, I'm having a riot. Usually, when I try to write non-Lois and Clark stories, I end up over thinking things and getting completely bogged down. Since the goal here is to simply write 50,000 words, it makes things a lot more fun - much like writing a Lois and Clark story where I don't think either (as you can probably tell by my stories blush )

And since I'm writing a story set in a court house... hey, I've got a lot of crazy ideas to draw from. In fact, one of the ideas that has already made it in the story comes from something that happened this week.

Current word count: 9586 (as you can see, I'm having fun)

ML wave
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/03/06 07:15 PM
Current word count: 9586 (as you can see, I'm having fun)
well, dang! thud

I wish I didn't have a day job... it would be so much easier to write (not to mention relax and enjoy myself!!)

On my way to start on my 2000-some words for today. *fingers crossed*
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/03/06 10:44 PM
I'm currently at 3200 and I'm pretty sad about this progress. I'm hoping to try to get in some more tonight. *crosses fingers*
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/03/06 10:53 PM
One of my friends on live journal who is participating on NanoWriMo had a great idea. Here is a direct quote of her LJ post:

So I had this idea. And I can already tell you it isn't going to work (at least, not 100%), because stuff comes up and ruins plans like this, but I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. Maybe it'll help with creativity... or maybe it will hinder it. We'll see.

ANYWAY! The idea is this: You know how many authors have a prop that helps them write? Such as a favorite candle, sweatshirt, or CD? Or some always write in the early morning hours and some like to go to a particular cafe? Well, I kind of have things like this (example: if I'm at home I'll almost always burn a candle. And I particularly like writing when I'm drinking something warm), but there's nothing I do consistently.

So... my idea is that for each day during NaNoWriMo, I'm going to try something new. I've constructed a list and temporary schedule of my ideas. Again, I know that I probably won't stick to it exactly, but we'll see how it goes. And who knows? Maybe I'll discover a time, place, or favorite prop that will magically turn me into the next Nora Roberts (as in, BIZARRELY prolific).

You're all welcome to borrow the idea to any degree. And if you have any suggestions of your own, please let me know! I'm not entirely crazy about everything on my list and am totally open to suggestions.

Nanowrimo 2006

* = weekend

Week One
Read first chapter of No Plot? No Problem!

Day 1: Get up early for a running start. Go out for breakfast.

Day 2: Paint nails a vibrant color for pretty typing.

Day 3: Late night happy hour at Applebee’s.

*Day 4: Go to the library. Research something.

*Day 5: Take a bath and brainstorm.

Day 6: Wear lingerie.

Day 7: Watch Elizabethtown, muted, for eye candy purposes.

Week Two
Read second chapter of NP?NP!

Day 8: Write by candlelight.

Day 9: Wear a fancy cocktail ring.

Day 10: Check out Il Fiasco or Ravenous (or other desired restaurant).

*Day 11: Order pizza.

*Day 12: Sit in front of the fireplace.

Day 13: Wear cozy, frumpy clothes.

Day 14: Get up early and go to Tully’s.

Week Three
Read third chapter of NP?NP!

Day 15: Burn incense.

Day 16: Snuggle up in a warm blanket.

Day 17: Drink wine.

*Day 18: Late-late night eating/writing session: Shari’s, Denny’s, Bertolino’s.

*Day 19: Drive to Ruston Way and write in Tux. (Tux is her car)

Day 20: Wear a cocktail dress.

Day 21: Listen to LotR soundtracks.

Week Four
Read fourth chapter NP?NP!

Day 22: Feast on nachos and margaritas.

*Day 23: Thanksgiving: go to parent’s house.

*Day 24: Listen to Steely Dan.

*Day 25: Café hop: Mandolin, NPCC, Forza.

*Day 26: Listen to Breakfast with the Beatles.

Day 27: College diet night: ramen or mac’n’cheese and soda.

Day 28: Wear pearls.

Day 29: Call in sick?

Day 30: Last Day!
Drink champagne. Toast.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/04/06 10:52 AM
hehehe! that's a cool idea! smile

I'm currently at 3883 words (which I think is a funny number cause it's one of those palindrome things *lol*) and just sat down to write a minute ago. I've got my coffee and my music and the TV (muted) so I get something to look at when I'm in need of an idea. I'm hoping by supper time I'll have a good chunk of writing done.

My biggest problem is I tend to *think* too much. Like last night, I needed to put in the title of a book. One that doesn't exist. One that sounds exotic. So I Googled in a few words and half an hour later I had my title - one which no one seemes to have used before. Yay. But then, I needed to explain what the story in the book was about, so I had to Google some more to learn about the Sahara Desert and the Nile River and such... An hour and a half later, I now knew LOTS about Sudan and Egypt. But - and that's the worst part - for those two hours of research, I ended up with about 6 lines of text, cause that's all I needed the info for. :rolleyes:

Now if I can manage to not go back and re-read what I've written and fix the parts that I don't like (again!), I may be able to actually write... *sigh* I'm so not good under pressure. frown At least, not for anything that requires brain activity. LOL!
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/04/06 11:33 AM
Everything I have written so far is pretty much crap. I would be embarrassed if anyone got a hold of it. I am forcing myself to not go back and read and over think every single sentence. This is a BIG thing for me because in everything I write I sit and anguish over every sentence to make sure that it sounds correct. I get so caught up in that aspect that I forget to be creative and let things flow. My stories never get anywhere because of it. I think that is why my drabbles are so well done but full length stories I can never crank out.

I'm hoping with this story to let my creativity come out and then go back and anguish over syntax and grammar and the fixing of plot holes.

Current word count: 4,423 and I haven't written anything today. So not to shabby so far.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/05/06 12:51 PM
Way to go, guys! Keep up the good work. Remember, the whole *point* of NaNoWrMo is to force you to keep writing, even when you think what you've got is crap. Just write and accumulate words. There's time to edit later -- including time to ditch huge chunks, if you feel you ought to -- but right now, just focus on getting a novel done.

I mean, what's more impressive to tell your mom about? "Hey mom, I polished another four paragraphs today," or "Guess what, I finished my novel!" laugh No matter how it comes out, you'll be able to say that you've written a novel (which might be pretty awful, but you don't have to share that detail wink ). How cool is that?

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/05/06 08:31 PM
Thanks Pam! laugh I'll try to remember your advice next time I sit down and spend half an hour re-reading and fixing what I've already written. hehe! I keep doing that and I just don't know why.... wink
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/09/06 12:16 AM
7,442 words and counting...

Still behind but I'm making it!

How are you guys doing?
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/09/06 06:53 AM
I'm at 10000 and some this morning. So, behind as well, but I'm sure I'll be able to catch up.

I've got a pretty cool story so far. My characters aren't always "in character" and some of the scenes are borderline ridiculous, but ah well... I'll edit it later!
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/12/06 03:20 PM
Well... I knew it would get to this at some point, really, cause I started with an idea that I could have wrapped up in 8 pages... (well, ok, maybe not, but you know.)

I have no story. I have no plot. I have *no* idea.


I'm so lost that at one point, I mention that Lois is reading a novel so I've started writing that and adding full chapters of that novel (which had no more story or plot than the rest of it, mind you) throughout the story. Of course Lois is going to meet the author at some point, so it's not just useless words, but geez... I'm writing a story in a story here. Pathetic isn't it?

Mind you, adding this has given me 5000 words more and I'm pretty happy about that. Currently standing at 15000 words and it's just 5PM so I've still got several hours left on my week-end marathon. wink

How are you guys holding up?
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/12/06 09:22 PM
I have actually just gracefull bowed out of it. As expected I really don't have time for it. frown My reasoning:

1. I have another hobby that is eating all my time up. I have been spending most of my time co-ordinating projects and proof reading things in order to get them released. So when I get home this takes up most of my time and energy.
2. I picked up Final Fantasy 12 (video game) and it has been eating up a lot of my time as well. It is a really good game though and it is more fun that I expected. It helps me unwind.
3. I have to finish a cross stitch by the end of February: See It It is for my friends baby's room.
4. This is the biggest reason. I don't like my story. At all. I have no passion for it. I am still planning on sitting down and writing something and will probably do it along the same lines as what I am doing now. But I want something more solid to work with.

If I didn't already have so many things going on. I would probably have pushed through with it, but right now since it isn't something I would want to try to clean up later I don't think it is worth it for me. frown
Posted By: MLT Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/12/06 10:17 PM
Sorry to hear that you've dropped out, Jojo.

I'm still going strong. But I haven't dared go back and read anything I've written because I'm afraid that if I do, I'll end up cutting things out (and, hey, right now the object is to reach 50,000 words laugh ).

But some of the story is just my ramblings - which I guess is, to some degree, the point of my story eek .

ML wave
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/13/06 06:53 AM
Sorry to hear you dropped out, Jojo. frown

Although, I can easily understand the "no time" issue. I don't have time for this either and I'm starting to wonder if I'll cross the finish line.

I don't have much of a story or a plot, like I said, but some of what I've written is pretty darn good, if I may say so myself. I spent a little bit of time reading some of it again last night (and not cutting anything out, rather adding stuff in here and there) and I couldn't believe that this stuff came out of my head. I've really been pushing my limits, that's for sure. So no matter what I'll end up happy I did this cause it's a great exercise - especially for little old "English isn't my first language" me. wink
Posted By: MLT Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/19/06 05:31 PM
Well, I just wanted to tell you that I've just typed my two favorite words: The End. And I have over 60,000 words.

Yay, me! wink

However, in order to get it written quickly, I haven't been doing any editing - and hardly any thinking about what I'm writing blush . As a result, when I went back today to start making changes... boy do I have a lot of work to do to make it readable razz

Anyway, keep writting, guys. Does it ever feel good when you pass that 50,000 word mark.

ML wave
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/20/06 03:45 PM
ML!!! Go, you!!! party party party

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Classicalla Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/20/06 07:54 PM
Awesome cross stitch, JoJo. Yeah, you will need a lot of time for that. Most people just don't realize the time it takes for these. I've got one I've been working on for years....

I'm going to try this next year. I knew I just didn't have time this year.
Posted By: DSDragon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/20/06 08:03 PM
Ok, I'm not in on the NaNoWriMo thing, but I saw Nancy's post about cross stitch, and just had to share . . .

My sister is going to do a cross stich for my parents for Christmas. It's basically a cross stitch copy of this picture of the four of us kids from this past January when we all went to Sears and got a whole buncha pictures taken. She asked me to find a program to make it into a cross stich pattern, so I found one online. She's never done cross stich before, so I'm a little leery about the time it's going to take--even though she has lots of time nowadays--since there's only 35 days left until Christmas.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/30/06 09:03 PM
*lets out a huge sigh of relief*

I made it!

50,002 words. I guess the last two are "The End" *lol* Wasn't planning on being this close to the mark, I think it's actually pretty funny. wink

Congrats, ML! Anyone else make it to the finish line with us? wink
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/30/06 09:34 PM
DSDragon: Tell her good luck. It takes me forever...

I suggest Pattern Maker btw for the best cross stitch program. smile

Congrats to everyone for making it to the finish line! Most of my friends made it as well. smile I'm so proud of them. I really hope I can do it next year. smile
Posted By: woody Re: NaNoWriMo - 11/30/06 10:35 PM
Congratulations, LaraMoon.

Now just edit it in time for the archiving deadline. wink
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 12/01/06 07:12 AM
Now just edit it in time for the archiving deadline. wink
ROFL! Yeah... no... really. wink I'm going to take time to tweak this baby a little bit before I start even thinking about posting it. But I will definitely post it! laugh
Posted By: MLT Re: NaNoWriMo - 12/01/06 10:10 PM
Congrats, Laramoon. Feels good to pass that 50,000 word mark, doesn't it.

I also thought I'd let you know about something - for you and for anyone else who completed this task. I read on the NaNo site that there is a place that will give all winners of the contest a free paperback copy of their books. I assume it's legit since it was advertised on the NaNo site (see here: here - under the title: Some thoughts on Publishing)

That link will send you here

I don't know for sure if it is legit, but I'm certainly considering sending my copy in (once I make sure I can ensure my copyright, of course).

ML wave
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: NaNoWriMo - 12/02/06 09:06 AM
oooh! nifty! I'll look it up for sure, thanks!!
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: NaNoWriMo - 12/03/06 12:25 PM
Lara!! Yay, you!! And LOL at your word count! laugh

See ya,
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