Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Jana Looking for a fic... - 12/05/03 07:29 PM
Thought I'd throw this out there and see if any of you remember it. I was talking in IRC about the first fic I read. I'd like to find it and reread it now (years later!), but I have no idea of the title or author, and only a vague idea of the story. Hopefully someone here can help because ever since I mentioned it, I have been going nuts trying to find it!

I read it the summer after the NK cliff hanger. It was set immediately after the cliff hanger. All I remember is that Clark comes back (yes, he does this in most of the NK fics, that's not very helpful, is it?) wink and Jimmy figures out Clark is Superman. That's it. All I remember. If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it!


Posted By: HatMan Re: Looking for a fic... - 12/05/03 08:21 PM
well, i checked on the archive, and couldn't find it. i'll tell you what i did, tho, so if i missed it, maybe you can check and find it.

see, the archive lets you view stories by date . it doesn't go all the way back to the beginning, but it does go back to april '96. BGDF aired may 96 (tho there's one NK fic in april). so, i checked each month, april through september and found all the NK fics from that summer.

if i saw one that looked like it might be the one you meant, i opened it and searched the text for the word "jimmy." i didn't find any that contained a jimmy revelation (there was at least one that was about a perry revelation. i remember reading that one when it came out. i don't think clark came back in that one, tho).

there is the story " jimmy figures it out ," which did come out at that time, but it's very short and makes no mention of NK.

so, anyway, i suggest you go browse by date and see if anything sparks your memory.

Posted By: Jana Re: Looking for a fic... - 12/05/03 09:10 PM
Thanks, Paul. Yes, that's pretty much what I've done so far. To no avail. I distinctly remember the story you mentioned where Perry figures it out, I read it right around the same time. Wish my recollection could be a little less vague, but... /me shrugs. Thank you anyway, Paul. I appreciate you digging through the archive to help.

Jana (who wishes she hadn't started this quest!)
Posted By: HatMan Re: Looking for a fic... - 12/05/03 10:49 PM
hmm. sorry that didn't help. do you have any idea how long it was or from whose perspective or where you found it (website? the ficlist?)anything?

oh, and this one couldn't be it, could it? it's called " the clark came back ," and it's from a few weeks before the one with perry. it doesn't say jimmy figured things out, but it can be read that way.

only other thing i can think of is that you read "jimmy figures it out" and were thinking about NK since that was so recent.

at least we know it was before august (you said it was the first fic you read, and the perry one was posted mid-july).

Posted By: Jana Re: Looking for a fic... - 12/09/03 11:07 AM
Thanks for helping, Paul. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be it either. confused But I really appreciate you taking the time to look through things on the archive for me. Maybe it never went to the archive. I read it through a list (don't remember if it was THE list thought.) But thanks for the help. laugh

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Looking for a fic... - 12/12/03 05:45 AM

do you remember anything else about this story? 'cause in most NK fics, Loiseither aches for Clark, or assume he's dead and tries to move on with his life, or throws herself into work, or is pregnant and go seeks comfort to the Kents in Smallville...Or all of those options at once.

And, only Jimmy figures it out? Not Perry? 'cause Perry usually figures it out in NK fics too (like in a friend in need ).

Okay, this has been bugging me for days, and I'm sure I didn't find the right story (which bugs me even more because I know I've read it too!). smile1
Posted By: Jana Re: Looking for a fic... - 12/19/03 12:20 AM
Thank you, Carole. Unfortunately, this isn't it either. I really appreciate you checking it out though. I know what you mean though, I innocently mentioned this story in IRC, and I've been going nuts ever since trying to find it! huh Thanks again!

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