Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Nan Plague: 4/? - 08/13/12 09:33 PM
Plague: 4/?
by Nancy Smith and Linda Garrick


They had walked for nearly five hours when the Jilectan called a halt. The planet's star had traveled halfway down to the horizon and the air had turned colder. The snow beneath their feet had become crusty and less slushy while the wind howled through the treetops. They were still traveling through the pine forest, and if anything, the trees had grown thicker.

What stopped them was the remains of some animal which clearly had been caught by a carnivore. The creature lay on its side, dead, its throat slashed. Whatever had killed it had eaten very little however, and the carcass, itself, was fresh and still warm. Whatever had done the deed could not have departed very long ago, Fong thought.

The Jilectan drew back, wrinkling his nose in distaste. Jason glanced quickly at Trevor, then around at the silent forest. The tracks of the killer were plain to be seen in the crusty snow. It was big, whatever it was, and here and there the snow was stained bright red. It must, Fong decided, have chewed off what it could eat, and taken it away. Maybe it even intended to return for a second helping.

The thought was disquieting. He, too, glanced uneasily around. The Jilectan said something quietly to Jason. The boy replied, also unintelligibly. Trevor stepped forward to nudge the dead animal with his foot.

"Dinner?" he suggested, glancing at Fong.

"The original owner may return to re-claim it," Fong said.

"I think it's gone," Jason said. "It ran when it heard us coming. I heard it."

"So did I," Mai Wing said promptly.

The Jilectan held a cloth to his nose. "Do you think you can cook this thing so that is fit to eat, Trevor?"

The ex-patrolman inclined his head respectfully. "I think so, sir."

"Very well, we will camp here and rest. Fong, you will assist Trevor in the preparation of the food. Jason, you had better rest."

"I'm okay, sir, honest."

"You will rest," Blashvor stated.

Jason inclined his head, looking a bit sulky. "Okay, M'lord."

Again the Jilectan tousled the boy's hair affectionately. "For your own good, my little ps...Terran."

"I suppose so." Jason sat down, pulling his parka closely around him. Blashvor nodded to Mai Wing.

"Perhaps you would do well to rest, too, Terran. You appear quite exhausted."

"I will in a minute, sir," Mai Wing didn't look at the Jilectan as she spoke. "But first I'd better collect some wood. The men are going to need a fire to cook this thing."

"Quite right. I had not thought of that. Very well, collect the wood."

"I'll help her," Fong volunteered. "Trevor doesn't need me to prepare this thing."

The Jilectan gave a very Terran shrug. "Very well, however you wish to divide the work, as long as it gets done."

"M'lord..." Jason began.

"No, Jason. You will rest."

The boy subsided, looking resentful. "Okay."

Mai Wing began to pick up wood and Fong bent to help her. He caught her sideways glance at him and flashed her a grin. "Different sort of Jil, isn't he?" He mouthed the words.

Mai Wing nodded, her eyes flicking nervously in the alien's direction. Fong jerked his head slightly and she took the hint at once, moving away from M'lord and into the trees. Fong went with her, still gathering wood and holding the stacked pieces under his arm.

"Don't be scared of him," he advised her quietly. "He seems even less interested in Terrans than the rest of his species ... except for that kid."

Mai Wing nodded, handing him a couple of pieces of wood. "Maybe you were right, Lee ... maybe there is something between them. There are ... uh ... Jils with that orientation, I'm told."

"I know. But I've never met a Jil who went for Terran children before, although I suppose it's possible." Fong repressed the thought. It made him slightly nauseated.

"Well, Jason's fourteen, you know," Mai Wing told him. "He just doesn't look it."

Fong glanced at her curiously. "The possibility doesn't seem to be upsetting you as much as it did back on the cruiser."

She shrugged, and dropped her gaze to the toes of her boots. "You were right, Lee. Now that I've seen Blashvor, I realize you were right. There's nothing we can do to stop him."

He frowned at her, sensing an evasion, but unsure where it came from. "Well, you know, it might not be that at all. Blashvor just doesn't fit the mold a bit."

Mai Wing was watching him. She swallowed convulsively. "What are you suggesting?" It was barely a breath.

"I'm suggesting that little Jason might be a Terran psychic. We know Jil pirates use Terran psychics -- particularly psychic kids. They're very useful, quick to learn, and easy to control."

"You think Jason could be a psychic?"

"Maybe. He fits the specifications."

"But...Blashvor treats him so nice. More like a little brother or something than a slave."

"I know. Maybe I'm wrong. It's just that...."

"Fong!" It was Tervor's voice, raised in a shout. "Where's that wood?"

"Coming!" Fong hastily bent to pick up a few more pieces, glancing quickly at Mai Wing as he did so. He lowered his voice again. "And what about this Trevor guy? He's an ex-trol. Trols have deserted before, and a couple of times they've done it to save psychics. That's what Linley did, and Jeff Stewart, too. Psychics are poison. You gotta keep an eye on 'em. They charm the pants off their guards ... oops. Sorry."

She was smiling. "I understand, Lee. So, you think Jason was a psychic who was caught and Trevor felt sorry for him and rescued him?"

"It might be, I guess. But somehow, Trevor doesn't seem the type to feel sorry for anyone."

"Fong!" It was Blashvor's voice this time. "I am waiting!"

"Let's go!" Fong hurried back to the campsite, accompanied by Mai Wing. Together they dumped the wood they had collected beside the skinned carcass of the animal. Fong saw that Trevor had sliced steaks from one of the flanks and had them placed neatly on a flat rock. He glanced at Fong with annoyance. "Took you long enough."


Mai Wing knelt beside him, beginning to arrange the wood. She smiled breathtakingly at Trevor. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid it was my fault. I started talking to Lee and held us up."

Trevor began to help her to stack the wood into an easily lit pile. "That's okay, honey. Here, let me do this. It's no work for a lady."

Again Fong felt himself bristle. Trevor winked at Mai Wing. "You got awfully pretty eyes, Miss Wing."

She smiled tinily. "Thank you, Trev."

Fong fumbled in his pack for matches, feeling his face growing hot. There was nothing he could do without looking like a jealous fool! Damn the guy!

Blashvor approached the two from the rear. "Come Terrans!" His voice was impatient. "I am cold. Where is our fire?"

"Coming, sir." Trevor pulled matches from his own pack while Fong was still searching and put a light to the assembled wood. "The steaks'll be ready in a minute, sir."

The flames caught, fingering the wood, and then flared up, crackling. The sudden heat was wonderful, but Fong moved back from the Jilectan, seeing Mai Wing do the same. Blashvor reached out with blurring speed, caught Mai Wing by the wrist, and pulled her up to the fire. "Come, little Terran. I do not bite. Warm your hands. It would not be well if you became ill."

Mai Wing was still white, Fong saw. He bit his lip and moved up beside her. Blashvor released her, not looking at her, and Fong put an arm around her. Her body was rigid beneath his touch.

"Jason asleep, m'lord?" Trevor had produced a small frying pan from their stores, unfolded it, and was frying two of the steaks.

"Yes. He is quite exhausted. You may wake him when the food is ready."

"Yes, M'lord." Trevor turned the steaks. They were browning nicely and the smell was wonderful. Fong let go of Mai Wing and circled the fire to slice off two more slabs. Mai Wing circled away from the Jilectan, her face still a little pale.

The alien didn't seem to notice. He forked a slab of meat from the pan and took a huge bite, apparently heedless of the fact that it must still be very hot. He smacked his lips. "Ah! Excellent!"

Trevor slid another into the pan to replace the one the Jilectan had taken. Fong sliced off some more, his mouth watering at the aroma.

"'Bout medium, Miss Wing?" Trevor forked the second steak from the pan.

"Thank you." She let him deposit it on the light plastic plate, looking a little uneasy. Fong cussed to himself, glancing sideways at Trevor. He was a handsome man, he decided grudgingly, about twenty-five or so, and generously muscled. Most women would find him attractive, and he was sure Mai Wing was no exception. Besides, Trevor was closer to her age.

Trevor was slapping another steak into the pan. Blashvor finished the piece he held and licked his fingers. "I will have another as soon as it is ready, Trevor. Fong, awaken Jason and stop brooding about Miss Wing. Be assured that she is quite fond of you -- more so than she is of my servant Trevor, whom she simply admires for his animalistic attraction."

Fong felt his face flame. Mai Wing scrambled to her feet, color flooding her cheeks. Trevor laughed softly, spearing another cooked steak from the pan and depositing it on the Jilectan's plate. "Here you go, M'lord, and the next one's for Jason. Hurry up, Strike Commander."

"I'll go." Mai Wing turned quickly away and went to kneel beside Jason's blanket-swathed figure. Fong also stood up, furious with both Blashvor and himself. Dammit! The Jils he was used to dealing with never gave a hoot about the interpersonal relationships between Terrans! Who would have thought that Blashvor would even notice, much less that he would voice his knowledge before both Trevor and Mai Wing.

Jason was getting to his feet, rubbing his eyes. "Gosh! Didn't realize I'd gone to sleep. Mm! Smells good, Trev!"

Mai Wing kept her back to the group, her gaze on the darkening forest around them. Fong bent grimly to his task of slicing steaks. Jason knelt beside him, holding one of the cooked portions on a fork, as there were no more plates. He took a cautious bite, glancing sideways at the Strike commander. "I'll take over for you if you like, sir. This stuff needs to cool some, anyway."

"I'm okay." Fong managed somehow to keep his voice natural. "Relax and eat your steak."

"I think Miss Wing wants to talk to you." Jason's voice was barely above a whisper. "She keeps looking over here at you and she looks kind of upset."

Fong hadn't noticed her looking his way. He finished slicing another steak and set the knife down. Trevor handed him a chunk of steak speared on a fork and grinned crookedly at him.

Fong accepted both the meat and the grin without comment, glancing quickly at Mai Wing. She had turned around again and was coming back toward the fire, avoiding his gaze. Fong saw Trevor wink at her and gritted his teeth. The Jilectan was imperturbably finishing his second helping. Trevor handed him a third and then took one for himself, sinking his strong, white teeth into the meat with obvious relish.

"Man! This stuff's great, if I *do* say so myself!"

"It is, indeed!" Blashvor tore off a strip of meat and chewed rapturously.

Trevor stabbed another slice with the cooking fork, extending it to Mai Wing. She accepted it and thanked him, barely glancing at him, and Fong caught the Jilectan's amused smile.

The meal was filling and very tasty. Fong had to admit it. After they had finished, the Terrans set about erecting the two tents that they had brought from the escape craft. The Jilectan would take one for himself, Fong knew. That left the four Terrans to share the remaining one. It would probably be crowded, but not too bad, since one of them would have to remain on watch. He and Trevor could split it, he supposed, and maybe Jason could take a few hours if the Jil would permit it.

Mai Wing still hadn't spoken to him since Blashvor's remark. Swearing under his breath, Fong finished fastening down the tent flaps. He saw Trevor pause beside Mai Wing and Fong saw him grin and say something to her that Fong couldn't hear. She smiled briefly in return.

Damn the man! He was going to lose the woman he loved to a lousy Patrol deserter!

Loved? Did he love Mai Wing?

Ridiculous! He'd only known her for a few days, and besides, she was hardly his type. He'd always gone for the tall, cool blonds. Still ....

"Fong, you and the young lady may take that tent." Blashvor's voice brought him sharply back to the present, and he stared in shock at the Jilectan. "I will keep my servants with me."

Mai Wing's face had gone pink again, but she made no comment. Blashvor spoke again, addressing Trevor. "You will take first watch, Trevor, Fong, you will take the second and Miss Wing will take the third."

Jason opened his mouth to protest, but the Jilectan cut him off. "Very well, Jason, if you wish to share the watch, you may take the last hour before dawn. No more." He turned sternly to Mai Wing. "You will awake him at 0500 and not before."

"Yes, sir." Her voice was barely audible.

Blashvor smiled benevolently. "Sleep well, Terrans." He stooped and entered the tent. Jason threw a grimace toward Mai Wing and followed.

Trevor sat down before the fire and tossed on a couple of logs. He grinned crookedly at Fong. "Go to bed, Strike Commander, but don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Fong straightened abruptly. "Look here, buddy --"

Mai Wing grabbed his elbow. "Lee!"

Trevor's gaze hadn't wavered and the grin was still on his lips. "Yeah, Strike Commander? You wanted to say something?"

Mai Wing's small hand was still clutching his elbow. Fong gritted his teeth, turned away and entered the tent, Mai Wing behind him.

It was pitch dark inside the tent. Fong groped in his pack for the light. Mai Wing's hand brushed his cheek inadvertently in the darkness. He flicked the hand light on low, located his emergency blanket, shook it out and wrapped it tightly around himself.

Mai Wing was doing the same. She lay down a meter from him and closed her eyes. Fong flicked off the light and lay down, still seething with anger. Damn Trevor! The so-and-so had a Jil behind him! That was why he could afford to annoy and insult Fong. He knew Fong didn't dare retaliate.

"Lee?" Mai Wing's low voice cut into his thoughts.


"I'm scared. Will you hold my hand?"

He reached out and felt her hand slip into his. He held it firmly, trying to feel big-brotherly. She was little and scared. He'd protect her. Surely she knew that.

Her nearness stimulated all sorts of un-brotherly emotions in him. He forced himself to remain still, holding her hand in the darkness. He wished he dared kiss her again, but after that remark of Trevor's --

"Lee?" It was barely a whisper.


"Please don't be mad."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. I admit, Trevor was out of line, but he was once a patrolman. You should be used to the way they think."

"I guess I should be." Fong felt some of the anger dissipating. After all, Trevor hadn't said anything *that* bad. If it hadn't been about Mai Wing, Fong would never have noticed.

Her hand squeezed his. "And Blashvor -- he's a different kind of Jil, all right. Who ever heard of a Jilectan who was interested in Terran love affairs?"

"Not me." Fong was feeling better.

"Or in any kind of Terran relationship, for that matter?" He heard her laugh softly. "Animalistic attraction!"

"Yeah." Fong snorted softly. "I guess old Trevor does have it, doesn't he?"

"Loads of it." Her voice sobered. "Don't be too hard on him, Lee. Unless I'm badly mistaken, he's a man who's had a very tough life. It's hurt him pretty badly."

"He doesn't *act* hurt!"

"But I think he is."

Fong was silent a moment, considering her remark. "You know," he said at last, "I sort of vaguely recall something about his defection. It was a real odd situation, if I'm remembering right. No one was exactly sure what happened."

"Why? What were the circumstances?"

"Real strange. A ship transporting criminals of some sort was heading for Xenis. A Jil was on board, and apparently Westover was, too. The whole thing was hushed up afterwards, and I don't know what happened, except that an Underground ship waylayed the Patrol ship, Linley showed up and released Westover, the Jil was killed and the criminals were all embraced by the Terran Underground. A couple of patrolmen were killed, too, and Trevor disappeared. It was sort of assumed that he joined the outlaws. Maybe he did. Maybe the Underground is in league with Blashvor."

Mai Wing was silent. Fong held her hand in the darkness, feeling her soft, smooth fingers beneath his big, roughened ones. She was only a woman, he told himself. Pretty and charming, and very pleasant, but nothing to lose his head over. Did she really prefer Trevor's "animalistic attraction?"

Fong knew that he, himself, possessed no such attraction. He was big and muscular, but not really handsome, and although he had cultivated an interesting and pleasant personality, he knew he lacked the "animalistic" quality possessed by Trevor.

Mai Wing moved suddenly, rolling over so that her body touched his. Her hand found his cheek in the darkness and her lips touched his. "Good night, Lee," she whispered. "Animalistic attraction or not, you're my kind of man."

He slipped an arm around her. "So you don't think I'm animalistic, huh?"

"If I thought so, I wouldn't be where I am." There was a smile in her voice. "But maybe you'll prove me wrong some day."

"I might." He kissed the top of her head. Her hair smelled faintly of pine needles.

"But not tonight, I trust?"

"No, not tonight. I'm too tired to be an animal, tonight."

She giggled. "Good night, Lee."

"Good night, Mai."


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