Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sira Dreamer 1/1 - 05/30/03 09:48 AM
Hi, I'm still quite new around here, but I thought I could at least post one of my original stories. It's a short story I did for a project of a friend of mine. I was only given a title and had to write a short story that went with it. Here's what I came up with:


by Sira Thiel

They say that I am a dreamer. They say that I live in a world of my own which has nothing to do with the real world.
They say that I am a dreamer as if it was a bad thing.

I started to dream up worlds when I was still a mere child. I created lots of worlds of my own and filled them with the people I had made up.
I still remember some of them. With fondness. I remember the two children who were brother and sister, who travelled through the lands, all alone, only accompanied by a bunch of animals. Actually, there were quite a lot of them. At least ten horses, as many dogs, some cats and even two or three birds of prey, a bear and a lion. They were supposed to be their family, friends and court who had been bewitched by someone evil who I don't remember. The boy and the girl were prince and princess of an ursurped kingdom, fleeing, while still hoping to get a chance to win back what was theirs by right.

A simple story, as only a child can make up. I made up, dreamt many of them. And I wouldn't want to miss any of them. My dream world today differs a lot from those of my childhood. But they have the same root.

I now dream of a world of peace, where every man, every woman and every child is respected and liked, is equal not only before the law, but also before their fellow-man, fellow-woman, fellow-child.
I dream of a world where there reign happiness and joy, love and peace. Where sadness is only felt if someone dear to us dies of old age.

I dream of a world where there is no war, no hate, no discrimination, no racism.
This is the common root of my dreams.
A wish. A hope. A dream.

Yes, I am a dreamer. I dream of an ideal world that will maybe never be, or only when I have long since passed away.
Yes, I am a dreamer because for me dreaming is having hope.
Hope that one day children will no longer suffer and die from hunger.
Hope that one day children will no longer have to face discrimination and racism just because they do not look like everyone else.
Hope that one day children will no longer face war and death on a daily basis.

Yes, I am a dreamer. And it is a good thing.

This world is the place it is because too many out there do not or cannot dream.
This world is the place it is because too many out there do not or cannot find hope.
This world is the place it is because too many out there say 'She is a dreamer.' as if it is a bad thing.

I am a dreamer.

And one day my dream will come true.
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