Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/28/13 11:36 AM
This challenge is a two-part process. Ready?

Part One:

Either get a pen and paper, or open your word processor. Number it 1 to 10. Now, in no particular order, make your list of LnC characters. They can be anybody: heroes, villains, civilians, major characters, bit characters, characters mentioned but never seen, even the occasional original character if you like. ANYBODY. Just make sure that your 1-10 list is full of LnC characters.

Now, then.

Are you ready?

Here's where the fun begins:


(You finished your list, right?)


PART TWO: Choose Your Scenario!

Write a story in which....

A) Character #1 has a drinking problem. Characters #3, #5, and #7 hold an intervention for them.

B) Character #6 has been set up on a blind date with Character #8.

C) Characters #4 and #6 go to see a play that #9 is performing in.

D) Characters #2 and #10 are mistaken for a couple.

Fics can be any length or genre, and can include more characters than the ones listed (but not less).

Good luck, FoLCs! cool
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/28/13 12:49 PM
What a fun challenge!

The drinking problem actually could be amusing, although I haven't time to write it up as a full story. Here's my synopsis: Clark has a drinking problem; he wishes to know what it's like to be hung over (in order to better relate to humans), but his drinking problem is that he can't get drunk. Wells agrees that this would help him better relate to mere mortals and attempts, unsuccessfully, to come up with something from the future that would let him feel the effects of alcohol. Mr. Mxyzptlk's 5th dimensional "magic," however, succeeds where Wells had failed. Martha nurses the drunk Clark back to health.

And I'm not going to write this story at all, but: Tempus was just set up on a blind date with Jimmy. shock

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/28/13 02:00 PM
And I'm not going to write this story at all, but: Tempus was just set up on a blind date with Jimmy.
<chokes on own spit>

Oh, PLEASE write this! grovel
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/29/13 01:35 AM

Omigosh. This is hilarious! I've got Tempus on a blind date with Martha, Lex helping Clark in his drinking problem, Scardino in a play, and Lois and Herb mistaken as a couple! I might just *have* to write one of these scenarios out!

Fun challenge, indeed!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/29/13 07:09 AM
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:

Oh, PLEASE write this! grovel
When you ask so nicely, how can I refuse?

A super-short came to me last night, and I wrote it up this morning. It's here .

Posted By: Christina Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/29/13 11:52 AM
OMG, I ended up with Lois having a drinking problem (kinda logical considering her mother's history) and Mindy Church, Lex Luthor and Jonathan Kent "gang up" on her to get straightened out! On top of that, Clark and Nigel St. John are mistaken for a couple and Perry and Martha go to see a play that Miranda is in! Can't get my mind around this one, but it's funny to try!
Posted By: Lois_Lane_Fan Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/29/13 03:32 PM
This is such a cool challenge. I ended up having Lois with a drinking problem that Clark, Lana, and Rachel Harris are trying to help her overcome, Linda King and Mayson Drake being set up on a blind date, Perry and Linda King going to see a play that Lucy is performing in, and Cat Grant and Jimmy Olsen being mistaken as a couple. rotflol I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to writing any of these, but each one of these scenarios could potentially make for an interesting story.
Posted By: Annie B. Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/29/13 05:19 PM
Lets' see...

1. Claude has a drinking problem. Lois, Jimmy, and Zara hold an intervention for him.

2. Perry has been set up on a blind date with Lucy.

3. Mary Sue-El and Perry go to see a play Mindy Church is performing in.

4. Clark and Lex are mistaken for a couple.

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/29/13 08:28 PM
1. Lois has a drinking problem. Perry, Jonathan and Lex stage an intervention.

2. Jimmy and Tempus are set up on a date. (Okay, creepy, that's the second of this pairing here!)

3. Martha and Jimmy see a play with Bill Church Jr in it.

4. Clark and Death Stroke are mistaken for a couple.

rotflol Not sure I'll get around to any of these, but the idea is filed away for the future, just in case!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/29/13 11:30 PM
Let's see...

A) Lois has a drinking problem (no big surprise). Tempus, Lucy, and Martha stage an intervention. Why can I see that? clap Fun idea box, Queenie! Thanks for sharing. My cheeks are sore from laughing. notworthy

Originally posted by Lois_Lane_Fan:
Cat Grant and Jimmy Olsen being mistaken as a couple. rotflol
Actually, there was a story recently (no spoilers) but posted within the last year, where that happened. And not one of mine.

Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:
What a fun challenge!

The drinking problem actually could be amusing, although I haven't time to write it up as a full story. Here's my synopsis: Clark has a drinking problem; he wishes to know what it's like to be hung over (in order to better relate to humans), but his drinking problem is that he can't get drunk. Wells agrees that this would help him better relate to mere mortals and attempts, unsuccessfully, to come up with something from the future that would let him feel the effects of alcohol. Mr. Mxyzptlk's 5th dimensional "magic," however, succeeds where Wells had failed. Martha nurses the drunk Clark back to health
Ooooh! I like this plot bunny, too, Lynn. I hope someone picks it up. Perhaps this is what happens to Clark during that summer, they're all waiting for the Daily Planet to be rebuilt.
Posted By: Anne Spear Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/30/13 07:38 AM
From my list, here are my choices:

A) Martha has a drinking problem. Ellen, Sarah, and Jack hold an intervention for them.

B) Penny has been set up on a blind date with Zara.

C) Jimmy and Penny go to see a play that Ching is performing in.

D) Jonathan and Perry are mistaken for a couple.

OUCH!! I actually think that "D" is the most plausible...lol!! laugh
Posted By: mrsMxyzptlk Re: Fun Challenge of Awesomeness! - 12/30/13 12:33 PM
A. Clark has a drinking problem. Jimmy, Martha, and Cat hold an intervention.
B. Jonathan is set up on a blind date with Dr. Klein
C. Lucy and Jonathan go to a play with Eduardo in it.
D. Lois and Lex are mistaken for a couple.

I'm having trouble seeing any plausible scenario that would result in Jonathan and Dr. Klein on a blind date. Lois and Lex have been written as a couple scores of times. Mistaken as a couple, though? That's considerably more scarce if you don't count Lois going undercover as his girlfriend.

Clark with a drinking problem is an interesting premise. I don't see Martha participating in an intervention, but Jimmy, Lois, and Cat might. I imagine that Clark doesn't have a good idea how much alcohol is normal for someone to drink. He could pay close attention to everyone all the time to try to gauge how many drinks of various types are "normal" to have in a sitting, but that would get tedious. If he's not paying attention, I imagine that he could drink waaay too much.

So, Clark habitually drinks more than normal, which Lois & co. pick up on. He ends up at a bar or a party of some sort where he drinks enough to kill a horse, and Lois tries to dissuade him from drinking further. He belatedly realizes his faux-pas. Despite him not appearing drunk, Lois recruits Jimmy and Cat to hold an intervention for him so he doesn't drink himself to death.

Maybe Clark protests that it's not necessary and that he's fine, or maybe he figures that it's easier to go along with them and swear off alcohol.

All in all, this is why I think Clark would be a teetotaler. It's just easier to avoid the problem entirely.
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