Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR October Evil Lois or Clark Challenge - 09/08/13 01:39 PM
Lois or Clark are bad, really bad, like Lex Luthor, Intergang, or Tempus bad, or, most likely, worse. What if Red K made Clark turn Bizzaro? What if Revenge made Lois Revengeful? What if Mindy Church was actually Lois in disguise? What will the other one of our duo do? Will they still love them? Will they try to mold them into what they're supposed to be?

What I'd really love to see is a spooky thriller, one where we don't know that the character has gone bad until the very end of the story, leaving the Readers with goosebumps, but that's just me.


1. Lois or Clark isn't acting the way they should. Instead of fighting for Truth, Justice, and the underdog, they've decided to work for themselves, money, and/or glory.

2. Thrills and Chills would be nice, but not required. You can save them or turn them good by the end, but it's not required.

3. Only Lois OR Clark can be evil, not both.

This is an 2013 Monthly Challenge so a great spooky story would fit right in for October. If you'd rather write about Death or Halloween Parties, check out the other Challenge ideas. I'm giving you ample warning to get your story written and posted by October 31. Although, late stories are always accepted. laugh

Please remember to send a copy of your story to LabRat at the Archives once you're done posting it here. Our goal is to have ALL Completed stories posted on this boards submitted to the Archives before next year's Kerths!
Posted By: mrsMxyzptlk Re: October Evil Lois or Clark Challenge - 09/09/13 04:07 PM
Hmm... I've got a story in the works that would kind of work for this one. Do alt-versions of the characters count? I'm not sure whether I'll get it finished in time though. I kind of write sporadically, and I haven't quite figured out how it's going to end.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: October Evil Lois or Clark Challenge - 09/09/13 05:16 PM
Originally posted by mrsMxyzptlk:
Hmm... I've got a story in the works that would kind of work for this one. Do alt-versions of the characters count? I'm not sure whether I'll get it finished in time though. I kind of write sporadically, and I haven't quite figured out how it's going to end.
Only if you're going for extra super bonus points do you have to make it canon Lois or canon Clark evil. laugh Of course, I assumed this would be an elsewhere dimension.

I haven't quite figured out how it's going to end.
Ooooh. Yeah, that's frustrating. Good luck!
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