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Posted By: Lois_Lane_Fan A Cat Grant Story - 06/12/13 04:17 PM
Due to recently meeting Tracy Scoggins in Metropolis, IL , I suddenly feel the urge to write a fanfic revolving around Cat Grant. Unfortunately, at the moment, I can't think of anything good to write about.

So, my challenge to you is to post your ideas for a Cat Grant story here. Lois and Clark can be involved, too, but Cat has to be the star of this one. If I see an idea that inspires me, I'll use it.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/12/13 04:42 PM
In ILTY, Cat is telling Perry how she discovered a Metropolis councilman arrested at a "cat house" using government or election funds (I think). You could describe how Cat found out about it or some of the other men also arrested in the raid.

Here's the scene where they discuss it (borrowed and adapted briefly for my "Wrong Clark" story, so pardon the differences from canon):

“Cat,” Perry said, bringing the meeting back to order. “Now, anything new on Councilman Addison’s arrest last night?”

“I’m on my way to the house of ill repute to interview the lady in question,” Cat replied.

“Aren’t those also known as cathouses?” Lois asked, feigning innocence. She was sitting down on the other side of the table this morning, next to Eduardo Friaz, instead of her usual spot next to Clark.

Clark leaned forward to smile at her and catching his gaze, she returned a glower. He sat back in his chair and started tapping his pencil. Yes, Lois Lane regretted her actions on Saturday night and was blaming him again for some reason. He didn’t know why. He had acted like a perfect gentleman.

Cat gasped in faux surprise. “Lois made a joke.”
Or you could take one of the other episodes and rewrite it from Cat's POV: a good one would be HiM, where she tails Congressman Harrington.

Or you could explain what happened to Cat after BatP, and why she left the Planet after Lex bombed it.

I always thought a fun Cat story would be an ASU rewrite, where Cat tails Lois to Lex's, and after Lois turns Lex down, Cat convinces the billionaire to make her his companion in the Ark.

Cat's a major player in my "Wrong Clark" story, and I'm thoroughly enjoying writing her character and giving her rhyme and reason for acting the way she does in canon (where her character was sadly 2-dimensional). wink I wish you the best of luck.
Posted By: dcarson Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/12/13 10:04 PM
One I've posted as an idea before I think. She does marry Arthur Chow which makes her a target for Lex. Maybe Lex figures she can be threatened or blackmailed into removing Chow from Lex's path to richest in the world. Cat goes to Lois and Clark with this to being Lex down.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/13/13 05:17 AM
I wrote a vignette in which Cat realizes from the get-go that CK=S. (After all, her job requires her to see through disguises all the time.) Perhaps you could build upon that idea. My Letting the Cat Out of the Bag -- Or Not only dealt with the realization, not its aftermath. It might be fun to have a story in which Cat needs to use this knowledge in some way.

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/13/13 04:03 PM
Maybe a crossover with one of the other series / films Tracy Scoggins has appeared in? I already did Highlander in Nine Lives but there are lots of other possibilities; see her list of roles here.
Posted By: Framework4 Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/13/13 07:50 PM
Originally posted by Lois_Lane_Fan:
my challenge to you is to post your ideas for a Cat Grant story here. Lois and Clark can be involved, too, but Cat has to be the star of this one. If I see an idea that inspires me, I'll use it.
AU - Swap the time frames of "All Shook Up" and "The Green, Green Glow of Home". Leave "Pheromone,My Lovely" after both of these.

Tracy Dawn Scoggins was born November 13, 1953, thus she was 40 during most of Season 1 of L&C.
Dean Cain was born July 31, 1966. In "Tempus Fugitive" we learn Clark arrived in 1966, only a few months old.

Teri Hatcher was born December 8, 1964, but IIRC Lois was supposed to be younger than Clark. don't recall Lois's DOB in the show, if we were ever told.

Making Cat the same age as Tracy makes her 13 years older than Clark.

After the Nightfall incident Cat is reinventing herself. Long before she got her gossip column she was a serious reporter, and tended to dress more professionally.

As she hit her early thirties she went through a period of dressing more provocatively and suddenly doors she'd been fighting against opened and her career hit a higher gear and she had her own column by 32.

By the time of Nightfall she is rather bored with her role, witness Lois having to provoke her to hit on Clark.
Cat: Who's the new tight end?
Lois: Why don't you just throw your usual forward pass and find out?
So after the Nightfall incident Cat is reinventing herself. Trying to do some more serious news. When Lois tries to beg off going to Smallville in "Green Glow of Home"
PERRY: Sounds like a story to me.
LOIS: Let Clark go then. I'll stay and watch for Superman.
Cat jumps right in and ends up being the one going to Smallville with Clark.

She tumbles to Superman being just a role Clark Kent plays, likely because she is far more aware of how someone can hide behind a role.

During "All Shook Up" she is the one who helps Clark, no fake relationship stuff, and because she is in the know and has let the Kents know, they don't leave Smallville, instead Cat helps Clark figure out who he is and how to save the planet from the Nightfall fragments.

She also becomes Clark's partner for some stories, and in his private secret investigation of Lex Luthor. Lois is dating Luthor.

Both Clark and Superman disappear. Unknown to Lois, Jimmy, Perry Luthor has Superman in his Kryptonite cage.

Cat is the only one with a clue that Kryptonite exists. She is also the only one who knows what Clark was really working on.

So she has be recruit help, Inspector Henderson, Perry, Jimmy, Eduardo, and so forth.

She has to lead the way, bring down Lex Luthor, stop the wedding and pull Clark out of his cage and get him changed into Clark clothing and come up with a cover story.
Posted By: Tzigone Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/17/13 11:02 AM
Teri Hatcher was born December 8, 1964, but IIRC Lois was supposed to be younger than Clark. don't recall Lois's DOB in the show, if we were ever told.
Lois was 26 in the pilot (discussion with Lucy). Don't recall a specific birthdate, though.

You have some interesting ideas. I have to admit, I don't like Cat changing her look. She didn't like it when she played the conservative the show. Hidden depths are lovely, but make-overs (clothing or personality) aren't really my thing.

My Letting the Cat Out of the Bag -- Or Not only dealt with the realization, not its aftermath. It might be fun to have a story in which Cat needs to use this knowledge in some way.
Ooh, that could be fun. Either coming back to the DP with serious request for help or a fic set earlier with her just enjoying knowing (especially when Lois doesn't) and using the knowledge without ever revealing to Clark that she knows.

ETA: Am I misremembering, or is there a fic about Cat where she met a new guy (a cop?) where she starts changing her look to be more conservative and such, but then isn't happy with herself. And the guy says he liked her the way she was and she didn't have to change? It was several years ago that I read it, but (provided my memory isn't playing tricks on me), can anyone point me to that fic?
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/17/13 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Tzigone:
Teri Hatcher was born December 8, 1964, but IIRC Lois was supposed to be younger than Clark. don't recall Lois's DOB in the show, if we were ever told.
Lois was 26 in the pilot (discussion with Lucy). Don't recall a specific birthdate, though.
In Tempus, Anyone, we see Lois' headstone. It reads simply 1967-1993. Pic here

In one of the other episodes, I don't remember which, she mentions being a Libra. Libra runs from September 23 - October 22.

So, at least we can narrow her birthday down to a very specific part of the year, if not an exact date.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/17/13 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Tzigone:
Teri Hatcher was born December 8, 1964, but IIRC Lois was supposed to be younger than Clark. don't recall Lois's DOB in the show, if we were ever told.
Lois was 26 in the pilot (discussion with Lucy). Don't recall a specific birthdate, though.
According to Tempus Anyone? Lois was born in 1967. In another episode (I believe one with Scardino) she says that she's a Libra (which is between roughly between Sept. 23 and Oct. 24th), but more specifically than that was never mentioned on the show. Clark says he's birthday is Feb. 29th, 1966 (Never on a Sunday), which would make him roughly 18 months older than Lois, but since it wasn't a leap year that isn't possible. Traditionally (comics canon), Clark Kent's birthdate is set on Feb. 28th. Also, he's Kryptonian and traveled in a spaceship for who knows how long before arriving on Earth in May 17, 1966 (Tempus Fugitive).

Framework4, may I recommend my Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark epic saga (where Alt-Clark leaps into a dimension without a Clark to woo the Lois there, arriving in Metropolis when canon Clark traditionally does). If you read 1-2 part(s) a day by the time you catch up to this WIP, I should have finished my over-arching Cat arc. wink I shall say nothing more about it.

EDIT: DC! Jinx!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/17/13 01:37 PM
laugh Virginia! Great minds, hun. Great minds.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/17/13 04:23 PM
I have to say that Cat's role in "Wrong Clark" is much more significant than in L&C. I actually do generally like her role there, even if I normally gripe about it.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/18/13 07:29 PM
Am I misremembering, or is there a fic about Cat where she met a new guy (a cop?) where she starts changing her look to be more conservative and such, but then isn't happy with herself. And the guy says he liked her the way she was and she didn't have to change? It was several years ago that I read it, but (provided my memory isn't playing tricks on me), can anyone point me to that fic?
I believe this fine fic was In Cat\'s Corner by Irene Dutch. Very well done, as are all of Irene's fics.
Posted By: Tzigone Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/19/13 05:15 AM
Posted By: Lois_Lane_Fan Re: A Cat Grant Story - 06/20/13 04:19 PM
Thank you to everybody for all of the many suggestions. There are a lot of really good ideas in here. I'm currently in the process of trying to determine how to use some of your suggestions. Who knows? With so many good plots for stories, I might be able to write more than one fanfic about Cat Grant if time permits me to do so. laugh
Posted By: Framework4 Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/02/13 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Lois_Lane_Fan:
Thank you to everybody for all of the many suggestions. There are a lot of really good ideas in here, and I'm currently in the process of trying to determine how to use some of your suggestions. Who knows? With so many good plots for stories, I might be able to write more than one fanfic about Cat Grant if time permits me to do so. laugh
Another Idea, in Dandello's Superman tail All I Have To Give she has Cat become a friend to Clark. Often using him as an escort to various Black Tie events.

In L&C Cat pens a Society Column, what could be more natural than for her to recruit Clark, someone who speaks italian to be her escort to the Opera?

This would be at the same time Lex was always taking Lois to the Opera.

Can you picture intermission, Lex and Clark discussing the fine points of the Opera, Lois and Cat being bored out of their minds?

I can picture Lex being unwillingly impressed by Clark's italian, and his grasp of Opera.
Posted By: Shallowford Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/03/13 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Framework4:

In L&C Cat pens a Society Column, what could be more natural than for her to recruit Clark, someone who speaks italian to be her escort to the Opera?
Wow. What a perfect match! thumbsup They never really used Clark's language skills in the series (except Chinese a few times).

It would make sense to Cat and a little push would be all it would take to make it happen. All kinds of reasons come to mind:

-Clark might want to go so he could keep an eye on Lex.
-Lex (still in his "charming" phase, before he saw Clark as a serious rival) might invite the other couple to chaperone his date with Lois.
-Maybe Cat convinced Clark there was something in addition to a "society" story to be looked into.
-Perry wouldn't have any problems assigning Clark to go with Cat anyway. Perry knows Clark has traveled and Clark would have put his fluency into his resume.
-In fact, if there was any other story that would benefit from having his two star reporters attend Perry'd jump at an opportunity like this.

I think, though, that Cat would more likely be bored during the performance than at intermission. She could see who came and who they were sitting with during the performance but intermission would be her chance to mingle and listen.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/03/13 01:51 PM
Boy, you guys are really knocking opera. Having seen one or two (in their original language) I believe Cat would enjoy the intrigue and costumes, whether or not she'd understood what was happening on stage. With Clark there, she would. Being so melodramatic, I could see Cat enjoy the theatre.

Lois, on the other hand, I could see daydreaming about her current assignment back at the office, if she didn't get drawn into the music (which she easily could being a singer). She compare her singing ability to the singers on-stage, which might not make her feel too good (as you know, she does like to be best or worst at everything). Maybe Luthor would daydream of being Kane and try to turn Lois into an opera star.

It would have to be a charitable event though, unless Cat and Clark were helping out the DP's theatre critic.
Posted By: Shallowford Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/03/13 02:17 PM
I assumed that Cat would tend to see opera as "being at work" more than a "theater performance". How many of these things does she attend a month?
Posted By: Framework4 Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/03/13 09:30 PM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
It would have to be a charitable event though, unless Cat and Clark were helping out the DP's theatre critic.
Often the theater critic is the entertainment critic, covering a wide range of areas. I can easily see him/her not being an expert/fan of Opera and being more than willing to cede that area to Cat or Cat and Clark.
Originally posted by Shallowford:
I think, though, that Cat ... at intermission...would be her chance to mingle and listen.
Very good point.
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
I believe Cat would enjoy the intrigue and costumes, whether or not she'd understood what was happening on stage. With Clark there, she would.
You are right of course, I can so see Cat picking Clark's brain for details she could sow into conversation to place her targets at ease. And a society column is more that simply a gossip column. Many of the movers and shakers attending the opera would be there less to enjoy the opera than to be seen at the opera.

Many tales have noted that one of Cat's major skills is her ability to read people. Indeed in a few tales her ability to read people has allowed her to see behind the curtain, to see Clark and Superman as the same person.

I can so picture Clark disappearing on a rescue and Cat, knowing full well what is going on, covering for him at intermission. Even better covering to Lois and Lex.
Posted By: Morgana Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/04/13 01:33 AM
Cat's character was so unused in the series! A person's home is a glimpse into their personality, Clark commented on how well read she was. In my story, "Stranger in our Midst", she leaves the Daily Planet to pursue her degree in Italian art. I can see her enjoying herself at the Opera and surprising everyone with her grasp of Italian.

Just something to think about...
Posted By: John Lambert Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/04/13 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Shallowford:
Originally posted by Framework4:
In L&C Cat pens a Society Column, what could be more natural than for her to recruit Clark, someone who speaks italian to be her escort to the Opera?
Wow. What a perfect match! thumbsup They never really used Clark's language skills in the series (except Chinese a few times).

It would make sense to Cat and a little push would be all it would take to make it happen. All kinds of reasons come to mind:

-Clark might want to go so he could keep an eye on Lex.
-Lex (still in his "charming" phase, before he saw Clark as a serious rival) might invite the other couple to chaperone his date with Lois.
-Maybe Cat convinced Clark there was something in addition to a "society" story to be looked into.
-Perry wouldn't have any problems assigning Clark to go with Cat anyway. Perry knows Clark has traveled and Clark would have put his fluency into his resume.
-In fact, if there was any other story that would benefit from having his two star reporters attend Perry'd jump at an opportunity like this.

I think, though, that Cat would more likely be bored during the performance than at intermission. She could see who came and who they were sitting with during the performance but intermission would be her chance to mingle and listen. [/b]
Well, In SuperMann Clark used his Russian skills to read the declassified Russian intelligence document that told them who Lisa Rockford really was. Still, I have to agree Clark being able to order dinner in 200 plus languages was rarely used. In Vatman he uses French and in Witness he used Spanish in Brazil, but that is about it.

This is why they should have gone somewhere on their honeymoon. He could arrange all sorts of good deals with his language skills.
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/05/13 08:02 AM
in Witness he used Spanish in Brazil,
And it was a big mistake, because here in Brazil we speak Portuguese, not Spanish. dizzy
Posted By: John Lambert Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/05/13 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
in Witness he used Spanish in Brazil,
And it was a big mistake, because here in Brazil we speak Portuguese, not Spanish. dizzy
That was why I pointed out both what language he used and where he was, I was mocking this failure of the producers. If Clark can order dinner in over 200 languages, this mistake did not make any sense at all.

What would have been fun in Flyhard is if Lois had said "I am so sad to miss Madame Butterfly, I was looking forward to it."

Clark responds "I can't really sing, but I could recite some of it for you Lois."

Luthor interjects "It won't count if not in the Italian"

Clark:"Of course, it will be in Italian" and then he starts reciting it in the Italianfor a few lines until Perry cuts him off.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/05/13 09:17 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
What would have been fun in Flyhard is if Lois had said "I am so sad to miss Madame Butterfly, I was looking forward to it."
No, it would have been funny if Lex Luthor had said this and then a tone deaf Clark had sung it. laugh
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/06/13 08:50 PM
A good Cat-based fic is the wonderful Apologia by JDG. Don't miss this fine vignette.
Posted By: Sue S. Re: A Cat Grant Story - 07/29/13 07:55 PM
Thanks, Iolanthe! I've always been rather proud of that one. wink

Sue (aka JDG) laugh
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