Lois & Clark Forums
Long ago, there was a challenge on the boards to write an LnC version of a fairy tale. The resulting fanfics were awesome. How bout we have that again? smile

So, write a Lois and Clark version of a fairy tale, legend, myth, what-have-you. If you need inspiration, you can look here .

Da Rules:

*The fic can be any length or genre.

*Nfic goes in the Nfic folder.

*It must be based on an actual folk-tale, or more than one if you like.

*Please Avoid: Cinderella, The Frog Prince. They're obvious and overdone, and I'd like to see what clever ideas you FoLCs can come up with. wink

Well guys? How about it? laugh
Posted By: LabRat Re: Fairy Tale Fics 2! (Or 3....not sure) - 03/02/10 01:21 AM
Would be terrific! I remember the first batch of fairy tale fics with great affection. I've tried to resurrect this challenge a couple of times in the past, but had no takers.

Hope you have better luck! I had such fun writing mine - I'm sure others would too and there are still so much source material to choose from!

LabRat smile
Well, I've actually had such an idea in my head, but it's not based on an actual fairy tale. It's just fairy tale-ish (Is that a word?). Is that still okay?
Sure! laugh
I started something! It's been a while for me. I too am doing something Fairy-Tale-ish. Honestly I never thought of it as a Fairy Tale, but Wikipedia listed it as one, and so here goes! smile
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