Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: tooaddicted2tv Supermans Daughter.... - 01/17/07 07:58 AM
I'm new and not new, I'm somewhat of a lurker on the board here. For curoisity sakes, I'm 20yrs old and I like if Florida. I've been a fan of L/C since I was 13 watching the reruns on TNT in the morning. I've been reading L/C fanfiction since I came across LabRat's stories on Fanfiction.net from there on I've been reading fics ever since. I'm not much for posting, but off and on and anyways I was reading this story where Lois was giving birth and this just popped in my head and I had to put it out there.....
if Lois and Clark/Superman have a daughter and she gets his powers, does she feel labor? can she feel the contractions, do they even hurt. And when she pushes does she even tear?!? Now I'm only 20 and I've never given labor, but I've been told it hurts on more than one occasion. I think I could see a good humor or drama from this story.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/17/07 12:47 PM
Hmm, interesting question. I think that his daughter would feel the contractions since this is not something from the outside hurting her, but her body acting 'weird'. And since I believe that she can feel her own muscles cramp (or whatever), I think she'll be feeling the pain just as everybody else.

I don't think, though, that she will tear. Her invulnerability will prevent that. But a woman doesn't have to tear in order to give birth, so I don't see a problem here.
Posted By: ShayneT Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/17/07 05:45 PM
It might even be dangerous for the baby. After all, SHE has superstrong muscles, but the baby doesn't have powers yet...

Even if there was tearing, she'd heal as fast as Superman did after they pulled the kryptonite bullet out. (If the baby shared her invulnurability, through the umbillical chord or something, and it was too big, there might very well be tearing).
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/17/07 06:54 PM
Well, I'd think that if Superman's daughter went through labor that she'd most definitely have pain. And no, not all women tear (I speak as a former obstetrics nurse), but if the baby was coming fast and she hadn't stretched adequately to allow the baby to emerge, the doc would surely be ready to do an episiotomy that would somehow involve kryptonite. (Most everything else stretches out fine, but sometimes the introitus doesn't.)

I can also see Shayne's point that the baby could actually be hurt. I guess that would depend on the strength of the contractions (yes, some women have stronger contractions). I assume the baby would be closely monitored just as it would be with humans. If necessary, a C-section would be done. And since that would likely require kryptonite, the baby would still be in danger. I guess you'd have to decide which would be the greater risk.

Even if there was tearing, she'd heal as fast as Superman did after they pulled the kryptonite bullet out.
Yes, I'd think she'd heal quickly, too, but, of course, it would depend on the circumstances.

Interesting idea that the baby might be invulnerable while attached to the umbilical cord. It would, at the very least, surely protect the baby from those strong muscles mama has.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/17/07 08:23 PM
How would they cut the cord? confused
Posted By: HatMan Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/17/07 09:46 PM
The "aura" of invulnerability should extend to the baby, bringing mother and baby on par with each other. So things would be more or less in balance there. One would worry, though, about the speed at which the baby might come out at the end. The final contraction could potentially push it clear at super speed.

Embarrassing and difficult as it would be for both of them, Clark might have to be the one to do the delivery. He could react at super-speed, and his aura would continue to protect the baby even after it was out of the mother. Then he could use his heat vision to cut the cord.

Much safer than using kryptonite, which could weaken the baby at a critical time.
Posted By: tooaddicted2tv Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/17/07 10:55 PM
hmmm interesting repsonses...It had just popped in my head , and I found this to be somewhat of a humorus topic, while I would write it on my own, I don't write cause I stink and I'm not good at expressing myself and ideas on paper, so I thought anyone who needs an idea, should take a stab at it. It would be interesting to see how someone could right this.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/18/07 03:27 AM
Well... I've got a pregnant 1/2 Krptonian in one of my stories... rotflol
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/18/07 12:24 PM
Spilling the beans now, Nancy?
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/21/07 06:20 PM
Sure... Marisol is pregnant.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Supermans Daughter.... - 01/22/07 03:09 AM
That's fast. Super sperm on the loose? rotflol
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