Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Twenty Minutes With... - 01/07/07 06:23 AM
One of the Buffy boards I post to has a type of challenge called "Twenty Minutes With xxxx," where xxxx is a canon character, major or minor, and the object is to write a complete story or ficlet about the character within twenty minutes (excluding thinking time). I've never yet managed to do it, I just can't write that fast, but I thought it might be a good idea to try here.

So... let's give it a try. Twenty minutes with

( drum roll )

Lucy Lane!
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: Twenty Minutes With... - 01/07/07 07:40 AM
What a great idea! The possibilities are endless. This one might get me thinking...
Posted By: Tank Re: Twenty Minutes With... - 01/07/07 08:08 AM
Way back when I first started writing on the L&C boards someone introduced the 30 minute fanfic challenge.

In essence you were challenged to write a L&C vignette in 30 minutes or less. Which basically is what you've mentioned (with a different time limit).

The funny thing was the vast differences in how much story different folcs could write in that amount of time.

Tank (who thinks it was a 30 minute challenge that got him started in the first place... and if he remembers correctly... he cheated)
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: Twenty Minutes With... - 01/07/07 09:27 AM
My challenge response is here .
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Twenty Minutes With... - 01/07/07 02:32 PM
Very interesting idea. Now if inspiration would only hit. All I think right now is: Lucy Lane, Lucy Lane, Lucy Lane...
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Twenty Minutes With... - 01/07/07 02:59 PM
Here's my response. Twenty minutes from first idea to post... <Giggles>

Unlucky in Love?
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Twenty Minutes With... - 01/07/07 05:51 PM
Couldn't help myself, I had to bite.

I actually wrote two stories. The first one is on its way to the trash. It had Lucy going on "an arranged date of the semi-blind kind with Jimmy Olsen" - and it's not worth anyone's time.

The second one is here. I called it " A Sister Would Know " for lack of a more intelligent title.

Took less than twenty minutes from idea to the last word because I actually spent about five of those 20 minutes eating a piece of cheese-cake which appeared in front of my face all of the sudden. I cannot and will not resist cheese-cake! Being as though I didn't think of pausing the stopwatch (yeah, I'm anal and I used one!) when I turned away from the computer, I just let it run and started writing again when I was ready - I did stop when it clicked at 20 minutes sharp. So truthfully I haven't followed the challenge exactly (did it in about 15 instead of 20), but nevertheless...
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