Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes One Strange Year---Season Finale - 04/21/05 07:16 PM
I cannot apologize enough for my delays in posting, and I am certain that this post is not up to par. As they say, the author is willing but the muse is weak. To many things, both RL and other fic ideas, have been pushing this fic to the back burner. I'm going to take a break from it now and try to regroup. When I come back to it, I'm going to try to have buffers and betas. After all---you FoLCs deserve the best! laugh

So with out further delay, here is the end of One Strange Year: Conception.


Dr. Klein jotted down the results of the last test he could think of to run for now. "Okay, Miss Lane, you can put the tuna cans down now, and just set that bell back on the counter please."

"I still don't see what this has to do with anything," Lois muttered as she uncrossed her legs and struggled to her feet.

"Hey, I'm just trying to be thorough. Let's face it, this kind of pregnancy *is* unprecidented---at least, as far as anyone knows."

Lois mumbled something he couldn't hear.

"I think this'll do it for now." Klein put his clipboard down and grabbed a beaker full of brandy. "Let's call it a day, and schedule your next appointment," he said, taking a sip. "Now, we'll have to redo some of the tests, just to see if the results are----" he broke off when his patient burst into tears. "Um, Miss Lane?"

She continued sobbing.

"Look, I know the tests really aren't that fun, but there's no reason to...."

She sobbed harder and ended up throwing her arms around his neck, her tears running down his lapel and into his labcoat pocket.

"Uh.....There, there?"

"Dr. Klein! How could he do this to me? Without even telling me!"

"WHAT?!" Did she just say----? But he thought------Superman had said..... Bernard reached for the beaker again and took another swig. "Let me get this straight...You say he knocked you up and didn't tell you?" Could Superman become invisible?

Lois released her death-grip on Klein's neck---for which he was grateful---and wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. She began to pace. "I just don't believe him! I mean, I thought he was my friend---both of him! The least he could have done was say something!"


Lois whirled to face him. "And why *didn't* he say anything?! Two months is plenty of time, don't you think?"

"Well," Klein stammered and gestured vaguely to the slight bump in her stomach. "Maybe he figured you'd have found out by now?"

This brought on fresh tears. "Good lord, Bernie! You might have it there! Here I am, supposedly the greatest investigative reporter in Metropolis, and I don't see the truth right under my nose! I'm an idiot!"

"Oh, no, no!" He hastily assured her, "You're not an idiot! Lot's of women make this kind of mistake. Some are in the dark right up to the last minute!"

She snorted and resumed wearing a hole in his floor. "Last minute. Can you imagine if he *did* wait that long? Here I am, old and gray, waiting for my grandkids to come and visit, and then he decides to spring it on me!"

Klein pulled up a chair and sat down, watching in fascination as Lois' feet began to leave the floor.

"The nerve! The---the *gall*! He talks to me about---about *trust* and *friendship* and--and--and *ethics*!" She waved a hand emphaticly, causing her body to tilt in midair. She seemed completely oblivious to her new position as she went on. "And then he goes and does *this*!"

"Miss Lane, um, I'm sorry. But the impression I'd gotten from Superman was that you'd asked for it!"

"Asked for it?!" Lois was now upside-down and began pacing on the cieling.

Klien scrambled for his clipboard again and began scribbling.

"Asked for his lies?! His stupid excuses?! The way he kept me in the dark about himself for two months?! I'm having his baby, for crying out loud! You don't keep secrets from a woman who's having your baby! It's just not right!"

"Oh! Then this isn't about rape?"

"WHAT?" That question brought Lois back to reality. She stopped in mid-pace and looked around for Bernard. "Dr. Klein? What are you doing on the cieling?"

"I'm not."

Lois blushed and, with Klein's help, managed a semi-graceful return trip to the ground. "I'm sorry, Dr. Klein. I don't know what impression you must have gotten while I was ranting, but nobody was raped. He just...lied to me about some---things."

"And you found out about these----things?"

"Well, he did finally tell me," she admitted.

"So, he did come clean then?"

She nodded reluctantly.

"And were these---are these---terrible things?"

Lois shrugged. "I don't know...I mean, maybe..." She sighed. "I guess not."

"Lois, what exactly is the deal between you two?"

"We're friends," she replied automaticly. "I wanted to have a baby, so I asked him to...." She sniffed and wiped at a few tears that were still drying. "I told him---he'd have no responsibility, and he said---he couldn't accept that. So I got pregnant, and then a few days ago, he told me about---the things, and..."

"And it looks like you got what you wanted." Klein gestured again to her stomache. "Lois, I'm not Dear Wendy, but it looks and sounds to me like Superman cares about you. And even if that wasn't the case, you still got what you asked for, and now you're on your way to having a healthy baby. What more could you want in life?"

"Peach cobbler with tomatoes and cranberry juice."

Dr. Klein raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry. It's just-----"

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Is it safe to come in?"

Without waiting for a reply from Dr. Klein, Lois marched over to the door and flung it open, grabbing Superman by the forearm and towing him into the room. "What kept you?!"

"A cruiseship and two kittens."

At Lois' consent, Dr. Klein filled Superman in on the details of their afternoon. Afterwards, Lois marched up to her superhero, hands on her hips. "I've decided I forgive you." she said.

"I'm that late?"

Lois shook her head. "About the other day. You not telling me."

His eyebrows raised. "You forgive me? Really?" When Lois nodded, he broke into a smile.

"Now let's go eat."


"Yes! For the love of Mike, I've just spent the past few hours being subjected to more tests than one of Dr. Klein's lab rats! I'm hungry, and I want some peach cobbler!"

"Okay, okay!" Superman scooped Lois into his arms. "You're wish is my command, M'Lady. Funny you should mention cobbler, because I think Mom just made some."

"So let's go then!"

And so, with a woosh, they were gone, leaving Dr. Klein standing in the middle of his lab with his jaw slack. Superman had a mom? A mom who made cobbler? Who knew! He sank into a chair, reaching once more for the beaker of brandy. This was going to be one strange year...

Only the Beginning
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