Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes One Strange Year 3/?! - 06/02/04 08:15 PM
Have you people been willing this part into existence?! I figured that since not one sentence of this part had been written, that I would take my sweet ol' time writing it and post it after a decent amount of time had passed. Ah, Well. :rolleyes:
Here's part 3.
Enjoy! smile


From Part 2:

He shook her hand and, after promising to give her an answer by the end of the week, flew out the window and headed for his own apartment.

And Now, Part 3:

Clark spun into his civvies and plopped down on the sofa. There was one thing he could always expect from Lois, and that was the fact that with Lois, he never knew what to expect. What was she thinking in asking Superman to father a child for her? Lois hated children! On the other hand, maybe she really had no other choice? Clark sighed. Knowing Lois, it was probably the other way around; if someone told her that she *had* to get pregnant, she’d have tried to find a way out of it (and probably have succeeded). Of course, on the *other* hand…

Clark absently reached for the phone. He didn’t even realize he was dialing until he heard it ring. A familiar voice answered.


“Hi, Mom?”

“Clark! What a coincidence, I was just thinking about you! How is everything?”

“Well---fine, I guess…”

“Clark, what’s the matter?”

He could hear the mixture of love and concern in his mother’s voice. “Mom, I need your advice on something.”

“Okay, Clark, what is it?”

Clark sighed. “Well, you see, Mom, I just got back from visiting Lois…”

“Lois? How is she? Did they get her appendix out in time?”

“Yeah, Mom. The appendectomy was a smashing success. Lois is fine.”

“I’m glad to hear that. So go on…”

“Okay. While I was there, Lois asked me to---well, she asked me to do something for her and I’m just not sure if it’s something I should do or even *can* do---‘cause Mom, you know I’m an alien; we don’t know how my body works--- and it’s really unlike her to ask for that kind of favor anyway…”

“Clark! Slow down! I think you’ve been spending too much time around Lois,” she chuckled. “What’s this favor that Lois wants you to do for her?”

He took a deep breath. “She wants me to get her pregnant.”

There was a long pause.

“Mom? Are you still there?”

“Clark, hold on a second. JOHNATHAN!!!”

Clark heard scuffling at the other end of the line, followed by a door opening and closing. Within seconds, his father was on the phone.

“Son, what’s going on? What’s the matter?”

He told them about his visit with Lois, how she’d told him that she needed to get pregnant before having a surgery that would leave her permanently unable to have children, and how she’d asked Superman to be the father.

“Well, Clark,” his mother spoke softly, “I don’t know what to say.”

“Are you going to do it?” his father asked.

Clark raked a hand through his hair. “I don’t know! On the one hand, I wish she’d asked Clark instead of Superman, but she told Superman that Clark is not an option because he’s her co-worker.”

“Honey, you’re talking about yourself in the third person again.”

“I know, Mom. I just don’t know what to do!”

“Well, Clark,” his father said, “even if she did ask Clark Kent, you’d still have to tell her you’re Superman. No matter what you call yourself, that baby is going to have Kryptonian DNA, and Lois deserves to know that.”

“Did she say anything about getting married, or at least helping out with the baby?” his mom asked.

“No,” Clark thought back to the conversation with Lois. “She said I wouldn’t be obligated in any way.”

“Now Clark,” his mother warned, “I know we raised you better than to take her up on that!”

“Yes, Mom, you did.” Said Clark, “That’s partly why I’m so stumped. Do you think I should just tell her?”

There was another pause. Clark could feel his father tense on the other end of the line. After a while, Jonathan spoke. “It’s your call, Son.”

“Clark,” his mother cut in, “you’re old enough to decide for yourself what you’re going to do. We’ll support you whatever you decide. We love you, Sweetie.”

“Thanks, Mom, Dad. I love you too.”

They exchanged good-byes, and Clark hung up. He dropped his head into his hands. What *was* he going to do?


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