Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Tank COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/25/03 06:10 PM
Okay, here is my part of the challenge. Again I'm sorry it got a little away from me. I had a few certain scenes that I wanted to include and to get them all in required a little more space than I originally figured.

As for the Lois haircut scene. You all knew it was coming but I changed my mind at the last minute. At first I was just going to have Lois get the normal good-looking short cut that I've always liked, but then I decided differently. I've never liked this particular arc in the series because I never understood Lois' attraction for Lex. So, since the story requires Lois to still be stupid about Lex (at least till this point), I thought that maybe I'd 'punish' her by giving her the worst haircut I've ever seen on Teri Hatcher. That short red do from that terrible TV movie she did during the hiatus in the filming of the show and necessitated the wearing of the wig in the early 4th season.

If you wish to comment on this part you may do so here.

Tank (who has to ask... who's next?)
Posted By: RL Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/25/03 09:05 PM
Wow, Tank. You certainly don't pull any punches. When you say you don't like Lois in this arc, you weren't kidding. You made her extra stupid and extra vindictive giving Luthor free passes and barely holding a conversation with Clark.

She had opened up to him like she had no other person ever before. She even told him about Claude. Not even her mother knew about Claude.
She's comparing this to Clark's secret? When Lois told this to Clark, she barely knew him and actually didn't trust him to not spread it. The "Yeah, right!" comment as she shoved the party hat down her head comes to mind in the pilot. But something personal like that is hardly comparable to an earth-shaking secret that has consequences for the world, except in Lois Lane's ego-centric world. I agree with you that the writers savaged Lois' character here, but still enjoy the arc.
The bugging of her office really bothered her. More so than she let on to Clark.
This is good, except you negated it very deftly later on in the story.
It left her with Lex... and Clark, and she wasn't so sure about Clark anymore.
Too bad she never gave him a chance. Wonder if she ever actually planned to?
They actually didn't walk anywhere, but just slipped around the corner, away from the spying eyes and ears of her office. "What's up, Lois?" Clark tried to keep his voice neutral.
Why in the world did Clark not check for bugs? That was his first thought in the previous part, but it never occurs to him that it's DANGEROUS to discuss his secret in the heart of Luthor's empire.
"I moved you from on-air to on-the-street reporter."
Good explanation for giving him the chance to get away. Imagine Clark in the middle of the 6:00 news suddenly hearing an emergency. He'd never be able to get away. He'd be stuttering while saying something inane while his concentration's elsewhere. He'd be fired like a shot. Makes you wonder why he applied for that position in the first place.
"Don't, Clark," she said as she back up a step.

Clark sighed. "It's still, Luthor, isn't it? Even though he invades your privacy by bugging your office, that's okay. But me, I withhold one secret from you and I'm slime mold."
Very appropriate behavior for this arc from Lois and Clark. Clark can't help putting his foot in his mouth, while Lois can't help being completely non-trusting of Clark. And she blames him for not trusting her. When did she ever trust him anytime in the first season?

But, a significant problem in this particular story with this behavior of Lois', both here with her "Don't, Clark," and her behavior in the entire hallway scene, is that she says earlier that she wonders what her situation is with Clark. She wonders if Clark still considers her a friend, fully giving the impression that she still wants to be his friend. Yet in this situation, she acts as if she doesn't want him anywhere near her. And if she wanted to know how she stood with Clark, this touching of her by Clark would have told her he still cared. But even before the argument starts, she acts as if she doesn't care how she stands with him. Previous parts of this story had Lois recognizing that she had hurt him badly by spurning Clark first and then asking for Superman. She acknowledges she hurt him and wondered whether he still liked her, hence the not knowing where she stood with Clark. She acts and talks as if she couldn't care less about Clark's feelings. So this scene contradicts what was said earlier in the story.
"Lois, of course I trust you. And I was planning to tell you sometime."
Wait a minute. He did tell her. Maybe not in a nice fashion, but he did tell her. This sounds more like something he'd say if Lois had found out on her own. This is about the only sentence Clark got to say of any significance in this entire discussion with Lois, and it's an dumb statement by itself without backup such as telling her the reasons why he didn't tell her in the first place. The entire conversation was her berating him and him not able to get a word in edgewise. So he never had the chance to explain anything, nor did she give him a chance by telling him to shut up. Did she really want a conversation or just a chance to yell at him? If she wanted a conversation, all she got was a one-sided argument.
Lois shook her head, her hair swirling about her face. "No, I don't. But I don't know why it's there either. And until I find out why he put that stuff there I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt."

Clark was clearly exasperated. "Lois, I don't believe you. Listen to yourself."
Clark's completely right here. Lois' character in the arc is completely different from any other time in the series. She's basically taken a vacation while a pod person took her place. Sometimes I wonder why I like this arc so much. Probably because I like angst stories so much.
"What don't you believe, Clark?" she asked. "That a man like Lex, could respect me, trust me? Believe it; I'm going to find out why that stuff is there, but until this incident I never had cause to think that Lex had ever lied to me." Lois took a deep breath. "You, on the other hand, admitted that you blatantly, and repeatedly lied to me."
Wonder if it occurs to Lois at some point that until Clark admitted he was lying, she hadn't had any cause whatsoever to think that Clark had been lying to her. So if she was fallible with Clark, it follows she's fallible with Luthor, and she's a lot closer to Clark than she is to Luthor. And the thing is, HE DID TELL HER. It's not like she found out on her own.
Lois watched as he hurried down the hallway and into the stairwell. She sighed, as a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Yes, I'm afraid it is, Clark... I'm afraid it is."
This is hardly fair of her. She never let Clark speak, yet she's writing him off with none of her questions answered? It's also a departure from canon, which makes sense due to the revelation. Lois typically was the one trying to maintain the friendship and failing while Clark is the one who's normally trying to stay away from her and initiating the arguments. So this is a complete role reversal from the standard arc. Lois is the one who wants a complete cutoff now, a completely unjustified one if she were to think about it carefully because she never gave him a chance to say anything meaningful. So upset, I understand. I don't quite understand why she'd write him off so easily without giving him a chance to explain. It wasn't even that big an argument. It had barely gotten started before he had to dash off.
She didn't get a chance to ask her question before Lex cut her off. "Look, Lois, I want you to know that this was done strictly above board. It was all legal. I went to the police and we obtained a signed court order allowing us to plant the surveillance equipment. I have a copy of it in my files if you'd like to see it. Or you can call Inspector Henderson if you wish. He was the arresting officer on the case."
Truly grumble
It had been the worst hair experience that Lois had ever sat through.
I was wondering when you'd get to the haircut part. smile
If Lex told her he liked it, she would kill him.
Knowing Lex, he'd not only compliment her, but he'd say that that hairdo was his idea in the first place (you know, control and all). She has to look like his image of her.
Maybe Lois was facing a whole new life now. A life with... Lex?
Ugh! Of course it wouldn't be the same if she didn't pull the bonehead maneuver of saying yes.

I'm very impressed at this portion of the story. It has double the amount of WHAMs I can possibly stomach (yelling at Lois figuratively the whole time and loving it all the while laugh thumbsup

P.S. What movie was it that Teri ruined her hair for? I looked in the IMDB list, but couldn't tell which movie it was.
Posted By: RL Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/25/03 10:15 PM
Can I give Part 6 a try? From my comments above, it's clear I've been thinking WAYYY too much about this story, so I've got a few ideas on how to get them into even more trouble. evil

Granted I haven't actually posted any stories yet, but I have a couple of stories in progress (one of them within this arc) and want to test drive some ideas.

Besides, I'm anxious to read more on this and what better way than if you write it yourself? smile

[EDIT] I thought that since I'm going to start posting stories or story segments, I need to change my displayed name. A name like "me" doesn't work as an author's name.
Posted By: HatMan Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/25/03 10:25 PM
wow, tank. that was evil. i shouldn't be surprised, but still... that was evil.

i like the punishing haircut.

not sure what to make of my cameo. but hey, it's there. i'm in HoC. smile

and now clark is trapped in a kryptonite cage, lex knows ck=sm, lois's office is still bugged, and she and lex are off to paris. wow.

nice part, tank, but i'm sure glad i'm not writing the next one. laugh

roger, go for it! smile (yay, another new writer! smile ) good luck, and have fun.

(sorry for the short comments, but i'm also working on some other things and i still need to pack tonight... going out of town for two weeks this saturday and won't have time to pack on friday. shouldn't have even read now, but couldn't resist.)

Posted By: daneel Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/26/03 01:50 AM
part A was really normal, but part B looked like a way to a Tank Ending.

Paul Hattman wave

mad I never hate a Lois like I hate this one.
Posted By: merry Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/26/03 05:16 PM
definitely evil - but good parts

anxiously waiting for the next part
Posted By: Tank Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/26/03 07:29 PM
I just want to jump in here and let the gentle readers in on my thoughts on a few things.

Roger brought up several good points and I will try to explain my thought process on three of those.

First off, of course Lois continually contradicted herself. This is basically a BatP and HoL story arc, and we know that she constantly contradicted herself during that time. (which is one of the reasons why I never liked it). Here, like hatman did in his part, Lois is so confused about stuff that she is constantly on the defensive, and we all know that Lois' first line of defense is to attack. We see her continually having arguments with Clark and defending Luthor to him. Clark brings up the subject of Luthor and Lois immediately turns the tables and makes it about Clark's failings. But I would bet if Lex came up to Lois and denigrated Clark, she would rise to his defense like a momma bear protecting her cubs. That's just the way she operates. Especially during this time of constant stress and confusion.

Next, Roger brings up the point that Clark did tell Lois his secret. I disagree. He didn't sit down and in a gesture of trust and friendship, share his most precious secret with her. No, he threw it in her face in a fit of pique. She had just rejected his pledge of love and asked if he could contact Superman for her. The implication was clear. Lois thought she was in love with Superman and needed to talk to him before she could even consider what Luthor had to offer. Naturally Clark was hurt. But in this case, he felt he had to hurt her back. His response was, in effect, to slap her in the face with the fact that he was Superman and she'd already rejected his love, so, tough luck sister.

Lastly, Lois' and Lex's sleeping arrangements for the upcoming trip to Paris are mentioned. Most notibly, the fact that those weren't mentioned. I'm not really sure if Lois would even think about those (even if she should). She and Lex have been dating, but so far it has been a pretty chaste arrangement. I don't imagine that they've gone any farther in the physical intimacy department than a goodnight kiss and hug. So there really is no immediate reason for Lois to think that Lex would expect her to sleep with him in Paris. And, Lex, for that matter, if he's as smart as he claims to be would know that Lois wouldn't expect to be jumping into bed with him, but with Lex, you never know. Still, back to Lois, with everything else on her mind and to suddenly have this trip to Paris and a big gala affair throw at her, it's a lot to take in. Maybe she hadn't really even had time to think it through that much. It's a valid question, but one I decided to let the next writer deal with. It could be funny to have Lex and Lois walk into the big fancy Parisian hotel and have Lois ask, in all innocence, "Where's my room?"

Like I said, that and some of the other confusing actions that have been laid out by me and those before me are now in the hands of the next challenge takers in line. I merely wished to see how deep I could dig the hole for Lois and Clark, now it's up to ther rest of you to find the way for them to get out wink

Tank (who wants to let everyone know that any grammatical errors in the story aren't his fault because his beta reader has been kidnapped and he isn't sure when they'll be able to free themselves for the arduous duty of being his beta reader)
Posted By: TriciaW Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/26/03 11:01 PM

Thanks for a great part! dizzy

I'm looking forward to seeing how you continue this, Roger.

Tricia cool
Posted By: KathyM Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 06/28/03 11:07 AM
OMG, Tank! Well, since you couldn't kill anybody, you decided to throw in a few other mini-whams, didn't you? Wow!

Clark and Lois appear to have broken irretrievably. [Linked Image] As annoyed as I get with Lois in this arc (where's that 2x4, Roger?), I can't totally blame her for being a tad bit upset with him here...
"Sometime is a pretty vague timetable, Clark. All I can see is someone who is supposed to be my best friend. Someone I've told things I've never breathed to another person. The first man I've ever really bared my soul to. Yet he doesn't think I'm *ready* to know who he really is. He pretends to be two different people. Each playing me off the other." Lois clenched her fists at her side. "When I think of all the things I confided to you about Superman. How you must have laughed."
My skin was crawling when I realized that Lex had bugged the hallways. Is nothing below the level of that man? eek I learned the answer to that a minute later. Tank, how could you? (Forget that. Rhetorical question.) Now you've driven Lois further apart from Clark AND you've made Lois trust Lex by having Lex be so fiendishly clever about the bugs in the office. Wonderful idea, much as I hate it. thumbsup

And of course my begging Clark not to listen to Luthor and not to fall into his trap didn't work. Why does he never listen to me? I thought you'd pulled out all the stops at that point, Tank. What more could there be, except for maybe killing Jimmy?

jawdrop I hadn't expected, in a Tank story, that a Lois haircut *wouldn't* be a pleasant experience. I guess that's the biggest wham of all! [Linked Image]

Posted By: Ldynte Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 08/26/03 02:26 PM

My stars there's a lot of info in this first post. You certainly have me ready to crack Lois's head open for her obvious stupidity.

Under any other circumstances she would kick the crap out of Luthor for even daring to bug her office.

But then...at the end, LUTHOR discovers that Clark is Superman!

I'm midread here...and I'm still ready to strangle Lois.


And the cage already! Without the wedding. Nice touch. Hehe. And of course you have to leave the key for him.


I thought for sure you were going to kill him.

I'm on the edge of my seat here and it's just over. How exhausting.


Great write, Tank.

Bella clap
Posted By: LabRat Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 08/26/03 03:39 PM
ROTFL, Bella. After reading this comments post from you, can I just shake your hand and say...you're gonna fit in here just fine. goofy

LabRat smile
Posted By: Ldynte Re: COMMENTS: House of Cards parts 5A & 5B - 08/26/03 10:28 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by LabRat:
<strong> ROTFL, Bella. After reading this comments post from you, can I just shake your hand and say...you're gonna fit in here just fine. smile1

I love this place already!!!!

Bella jump
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