Lois & Clark Forums
It's really more of a random graphic inspired by a story, but whatever. This is for Brucie's wonderful, heart-murdering, kleenex-destroying story, Gone The Rainbow . If you haven't read it yet, go now!

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Weeee! *Tackles poster and Cape Fetish in squishy hugs* I love this! Especially how he looks all ghosty-like!

Thank you for making this! I've been feeling sickly today, and this was like a warm cozy blankie or a nice mug of chicken-noodle soup!
Wow! Thanks for pointing me to this terrific story.. I missed it the first time... And the poster is ofcourse simply wonderful and fitting. smile wave
Oooh, Jessi, that looks soooo awesome! thumbsup

Wish I was at least half as creative as you are clap
Oooh! Nice!!

...and to think this is the girl who called herself "untalented". HA! There's more talent in your little finger than... ah... wait, how does that go again? ...in your little finger than there is... Ah, never mind, you're spoiled with talent and what you use it for always blows my mind!

Thank you for this. I just read the fic and wouldn't have without this. Partially visible Clark is perfect.

Great job Jessi!
wow ... is there any way you can make this into a wallpaper?
Please delete.
Please delete this one, too. blush
Thanks everyone! I'm really glad you liked it! clap

As for the wallpaper, I can certainly try. Give me a day or two. laugh
Originally posted by Cape Fetish:
As for the wallpaper, I can certainly try. Give me a day or two. laugh
ok smile1
uhm ... i just wanted to ask if there's a tiny chance that the wallpaper isn't forgotten?
yeah, I would like to second the motion for a wallpaper...

So, hop to it, girlie! wildguy
Ack! I totally forgot about it! I'll work on it today!
Oooh a wallpaper! I can never have too many of those! laugh laugh

Especially if it's made for this KICK HEINY FFP! (Not that I'm biased. Well I am. But even if I weren't, I would still think it kicked heiny!!!)

*squishes CapeFetish in hugs!!!*
Here ya go! laugh
If anyone needs any different sizes, just lemme know.

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EEEE!!! *tackles and snags*

Thankeeeee! I even replaced my coveted Mulan wallpaper with it, because it's that darn spiffy!!!
If anyone needs any different sizes, just lemme know.
Begs for 1280x800

pleeeeeeeese... grovel
Your wish is my command...

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Originally posted by Cape Fetish:
If anyone needs any different sizes, just lemme know.
1440 x 900? grovel
1440 x 900?
Here ya go laugh

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Thaaaaank you [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
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