Lois & Clark Forums
I have the great pleasure to be beta-reading a phenomenal story! And to show David just how much I love his story... not to mention a little incentive to hurry up and finish it smile1
Dang. Did we corrupt another one? goofy

And...ooooooooh! David shared one paragraph of this one with me on irc one night when he needed some brainstorming and that was enough to let me know this is going to be one terrific story! Especially as I know the premise it's working from. laugh Which you hint at very cleverly in this trailer, Sara. Lovely match of music and images and I love the black and white images to mark Clark's distorted memories.

Angst central beckons. <g> Bring it on, Dave! laugh

LabRat smile
Nice work on the trailer, Sara. very brief, but still atmospheric and suggestive of what's to come. smile

But given your comments, as well as the title, as well as the wedding shot -- well, I'm guessing this is not going to be a "Lois and Clark" story but a "Whoever and Clark" story. So, a plea to David here to post the "broken toys" warning at the beginning if that's so. smile

Carol, I just watched the trailer and I have no idea where you get the idea that Clark and Lois won't end up together.

Admittedly I'm extremely tired - I was working till apr. 3 a.m. - but even so, what did I miss?

Great trailer, Sara, and I can hardly wait to read David's story.

LOL sara and david teaming up why am I frightened? Sara it was a great trailer! David I can't wait to read this story....LOL ok you know I'm lying...
Sara, I just LOVE IT! smile smile smile

It's short and sweet, the music is fantastic!

I've seen some of Dave's story and gah! He needs this nag. <g>

Julie smile
Lovely trailer, Sara smile Great use of clips; I especially liked the "memories" when he was looking at her...

Dave, you have to finish this quickly and start posting! From what I can see, the premise is fabulous, and your writing is goood.

Carol, I just watched the trailer and I have no idea where you get the idea that Clark and Lois won't end up together.
lol - Symbolism. laugh

But to clarify, I didn't say I thought they wouldn't get together on the last page - that thought didn't occur to me. smile

Again, very nice trailer, Sara. smile

And, OT, but I hope you're writing again, Irene.

Have I been out of the loop so much that there's such thing as a "broken toy" warning?

Maybe I've just been reading too much Harry Potter fic where the authors aren't that nice to their readers. wink

Anyway, why worry about it now, Carol? The trailer is just a teaser. If Dave decides to break his toys than it's his perogative. smile He's the writer and he's not writing for me, he's not writing for you, and he's not writing for anyone in specific on these boards. He's doing this because he enjoys it ... maybe writing is a stress release for him, who knows.

Remember how that song goes ...
Kay Sara, Sara, Whatever will be will be*

*my spelling <g>

Lovely video Sara. PS - the video site is back.
Ooh, lovely, Sara!! goofy

Lovely trailer, Sara!

Wendy smile
Oh, I can't wait to read this one! This looks absolutely lovely!

Wonderful trailer, Sara ... I love how the slightly haunting music of the beginning becomes softer, more romantic music once (a presumably amnesia-plagued) Clark meets up with Lois. My mind is spinning all sorts of ideas on where this could go, all of them delightful and romantic, and I can't wait to see what Dave does with it. This trailer leaves me all warm and fuzzy inside. smile

Dave, you have quickly become one of my favorite L&C writers, and I have enjoyed every one of your stories so far. Your writing style always draws me in and holds me tight. Can't wait to get a look at this new one. smile

LOL sara and david teaming up why am I frightened?
me -> goofy
Great trailer, Sara!!! Very teasing. Love the music, too. Can't wait to read your story, David!!
Oh nice tease! So when is this story coming? laura

Now this looks interesting.<G> I can't wait to read the story. Looks very good. Nice trailer, Sara! Very nice. You got me interested.

Sara... notworthy

Have I mentioned how much I love you? wink

This... is fantastic. You know how much I love it, but... I'll say it again, I *love* it. I think I've watched it close to 20 times. laugh

Feel free to email me if there's any confusion about the premise. I doubt there should be - it's a *fantastic* trailer, but I do understand there were some concerns. I'm loathe to post it here, since I feel it'd take away from the trailer itself.

For those who were asking, the first part of the story will be posted on November 11th. smile

And... Kathy... I don't think I've ever had a nicer compliment! smile

WOW, Sara! smile1

And Dave, I can't wait to read this. 11th November seems so far away! It better be Sydney time. goofy

Tricia cool
Oh. My. Goodness.

This trailer is awesome ( notworthy notworthy Sara) and I'm willing to bet that the story is also going to be fantastic ( notworthy notworthy David).

11th November... I'm going to be swarmed with schoolwork around that time, but I will try to keep an eye for this because this piqued my interest. Damn you two! (In a good way.)

See ya,
AnnaBtG. (now very curious and impatient...)
Thanks for the reassurance, Dave. smile smile I appreciate your thoughtfulness, and am looking forward to reading your story.

And also looking forward to Sara's next production. smile

eek Wow!! I'm so glad you all liked this one! laugh I hadn't had any "me" time in a awhile, and this was my way of indulging myself. goofy And, besides, I LOVE this story. Love it. I can't wait to see the end of it... Dave... goofy ... The song is called "Relaxing Piano" by Jim Brickman. I'm a big fan of his stuff... but this one just had the oddest title for something that sounds rather suspensful, imo. laugh </i>
Holy Cow Patties, Sara! That was touching and teasing, at the same time!!!!

Oh wow...

At first I was afraid to click this, but now...

to quote some others, "HOLY FREAKIN' COW!!!!!!!!!!!"

whinging whinging whinging

It's just so...*snif*...BEAUTIFUL!! And..and..*snif*


notworthy notworthy notworthy notworthy

I am in awe.

Now to watch it again and go read that fic! laugh
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