Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LaraMoon Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 10:52 AM
hee! So, Brucie and I were talking (...be afraid, be very afraid...) and we got this crazy idea that it might be fun to do a vidathon. You know, like ficathon, but... vidathon. haha! You get it, I know you do!

Sooooo... Here's a few ideas and we'd like to know what you think of them.

At your mouse, get set, voooote!
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 10:56 AM
>.< So many difficult CHOICES, Lara! Oh, do you have any idear how DIFFICULT it was to resist the cheese box?? WOE!

And I'm up for any of the things at the top laugh It would be fun to be randomly assigned a song, though. Wee!

(...be afraid, be very afraid...)
Who? Afraid of us? Little old us-es?

...Muahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaa! devil
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 12:13 PM
Someone actually answered "Batman!" on question #2 ...and it wasn't me?


I demand to know who it was! Tell me now! I... I... I just wanna be your friend? wink

OK, seriously... Personally, I think this could be a lot of fun, no matter how we do it. I'm thinking we could give ourselves a certain amount of time and start posting. It could be a great way for people to start vidding, even. You know, if you think you'd like to try, but are just missing that little bit of motivation that'll get you going.

Either way, I'm sure I'm doing this, even if it's just me against Brucie - and may the cheesiest win. Erm... I mean... yeah. You get what I mean. wink
Posted By: carolm Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 12:16 PM
I'm a maybe participant. I think it would be fun. However, my song library is so limited frown . And my laptop doesn't like my DVDs - doesn't have the right... codec? something so I'm not sure how to get clips... But, I'm a definite maybe wink .

Carol [who would appreciate any advice on the clip issue]
Posted By: Saskia Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 12:21 PM
You could do this in sorta the same format used for fic. Participant list three songs he/she wants to see a vid to, and the one who gets assigned it has a choice. That way, you can choose the one that appeals to the vidder more instead of having to do a song and not liking it at all.

And I voted for maybe participating. Vidding is fun and time consuming, and I finally have all the eps. So depending on time, I'm interested anyway.

Saskia smile
Posted By: stephnachia Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 12:51 PM
I voted non-participants pick songs and participants are assigned them at random. That just seems so difficult... and evil evil

I also voted to be a big cheerleader because I have no vidding skills whatsoever but will definitely cheer on all participants. laugh
Posted By: alcyone Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 02:15 PM
I voted non-participants pick songs and participants are assigned them at random. That just seems so difficult... and evil
Oooh. I like this idea. Actually scratch that, I love this idea. There always seems to be a surplus of songs for the vidders available. I would so cheerlead anyone doing a song I like (I'm still stuck on Eva's suggestion of that Dido song).


For all the work involved in vidding, I don't know if it would cramp you guys' style. If I were to be 100% fair (and avoid the fangirl squee mecry ), then I'd say the vidders should pick the songs available. Oh the moral dilemma.

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 03:47 PM
Participant list three songs he/she wants to see a vid to, and the one who gets assigned it has a choice. That way, you can choose the one that appeals to the vidder more instead of having to do a song and not liking it at all.
Oooh! Like the "list 3 things you want" for a ficathon? Except this is more like "list 3 suggestions" -- I like that! smile

I like the evil ideas, too, though. Heee!

dance I'm so excited about this whole thing! heee!
Posted By: carolm Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/08/08 03:51 PM
Or maybe three... themes for lack of a better term like - Mad Lois or Superman or Jax or whatever. [Okay those aren't really themes but you know...]

Carol [who points out she's never actually done a vid, but has a half finished FFT for Learning to Love sitting on her hard drive]
Posted By: Eva Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/09/08 12:29 AM

great idea; I really love the vids here: they're so well done and use some really unexpected songs smile

I don't think I could ever do it. The only use I've ever put my movie maker to is to extract clips from movies for PowerPoint presentations ...

So as I think it's such hard work to make a vid, I thought it might be best to pick a song you really want to work with, that's why I voted for "There's a theme, but everyone picks whatever song they like".

I can see, however, that assigning songs at random might give even more interesting results.

Just look at some of the terrific vids for 'unvidable' songs, e.g. "Jeannie's Got a Gun" and "Bohemian Rhapsody" (I hope I commented on those because they were great.)

Originally posted by LaraMoon:
Someone actually answered "Batman!" on question #2 ...and it wasn't me?


I demand to know who it was! Tell me now! I... I... I just wanna be your friend? wink
yeah, right, Lara wink

Since I can't participate myself, I thought I could click anything apart from "YES!!" and "Undecided" ... and even though I do like cheese, for some reason my eyes were drawn to that last option ... don't know why, really wink

Looking forward to more great vids,

Posted By: LabRat Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/09/08 04:54 AM
There always seems to be a surplus of songs for the vidders available.
This is so true. And gives me a notion. Perhaps the assignments could be chosen from the 'Vid Request' folder, if you're choosing the option of someone assiging them out to vidders? Or vidders could choose a vid from that list? Then you get a vidathon and some happy viewers who've finally had their song chosen.

I'd love to participate - I really, really enjoyed working on my one and only vid to date - but I'm soooooooo slow at it and my clip library is limited, so it's probably a bad idea. laugh

Like the plan though!

LabRat smile
Posted By: Schnuffichen Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/09/08 12:11 PM
Ooooh - ME ME ME!!! smile1

And I have to say that Sas' idea with the three songs sounds really cool!

Seriously, ladies, you two come up with the most awesome ideas dance
Posted By: BanAnna Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/09/08 08:05 PM
This idea really intrigues me. I haven't vidded anything in a long time, but a vidathon could be just the thing get me to do another one.

I chose the "theme" option, but getting assigned a song sounds really intriguing too because it would add a different level of difficulty to it.

I like Labby's idea of assigning them from the request thread, except that some of those have clip ideas attached to them. If the songs are being assigned, I'd rather they not be saddled with the requesters' clip ideas. That's not to say that requesters should never give clip ideas in the vid request thread; it's just that for the vidathon it would level the playing field if there were no clip thoughts or suggestions attached to the assigned songs.

Anyway, I think this is a really cool idea. I can't wait to see how it goes! smile

Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/10/08 07:02 AM
Oooh vidathon that really sounds awesome!! I thought it could be nice if there was a theme,.. but I can't make vids myself so I'll settle for being someones official cheerleader wink

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/10/08 12:48 PM
Wheels are turning in my head, but they kinda went bump on a rock here... So, I need opinions.

If we have people send in their suggestions (even if there are 3) assign each list randomly and let participants pick from their assigned list, there's a possibility that more than one person will find the same song on their list and pick the same to do, too.

Would that matter to you?

The other possibility I see is that every participant sends in a couple song titles, we make a list of all the songs, maybe add in some from the requests folder or the "impossible to vid" one, and then participants pick the song they want to do -- obviously, picking your own suggestion is not an option. Once you select a song, it's taken off the list and you're the only one doing it.

I agree that it's a good idea to pick songs from the already requested songs list (*points at the folder up there*) but a lot of those come with very specific ideas and I think it would be best that everyone starts at the bottom of the stairs, if you see what I mean -- just a song, nothing else, you have to figure it out.

Or we could literally do the same we've been doing with ficathons: 3 things I want, 3 things I don't want; 3 things I'll do, 3 things I won't do. Lists are assigned based on entry forms and then you get to pick whatever song you wanna do that fits the request you were given.

Posted By: BanAnna Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/10/08 02:14 PM
I definitely like the "3 things I want, 3 things I don't want" option because it makes it the most like a ficathon. It's also something really different than just "here's a song, go vid it". As a vidder, I've never done anything close to being given a list of three random things and told to make a vid out of it. It's a whole new type of challenge for a vidder, which, IMO, is the point of a vidathon.

Posted By: symbolicangel Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/16/08 09:36 PM
I'm with BanAnna. And I'd love to participate if time will allow it.

Great idea!
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Anyone for a Vidathon? - 04/18/08 07:15 PM
Brilliant idea, Lara! smile1

I'm more than willing to participate! Count me in! hyper

Hey, Eva, thank you! Glad you liked the unvidable video! laugh That is why I like this idea. I wouldn't have imagined that song for a video. It was a suggestion and I just picked it up and went ahead. I'm sure the vidathon can bring nice videos! smile

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