Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChiefPam Was this your first time? - 03/15/04 07:55 AM
The first time to participate in the Kerths process, I mean wink I just always love hearing about people taking the plunge. smile1

Posted By: Kaethel Re: Was this your first time? - 03/15/04 10:01 AM
See, Pam, that kind of question makes me feel old. goofy The first time I took part in the Kerths was in 1999 - I didn't nominate, but I voted, and I was at the ceremony on IRC (never left IRC since - it's amazing you don't make me pay rent with all the time I spend there laugh ). In all the following years I nominated, voted and attended the ceremony. This year is of course no exception. smile

Long live the Kerth Awards! party

Kaethel smile
Posted By: RL Re: Was this your first time? - 03/15/04 10:43 AM
See, Pam, that kind of question makes me feel old.
Old, Kae? That makes me decrepit. wink

As for Kerths, though, this is my first time nominating and voting. At the time I joined the FoLCdom, I was lurking on the MBs and only peripherally aware of an event called the Kerths, so I didn't participate then. Now it's one year later.

I voted that I nominated and voted this time around. And I selected that I had been around in previous years but didn't participate until this year. Even though that "previous years" is only a single year, that option most closely matched my situation.
Posted By: Julie S Re: Was this your first time? - 03/15/04 01:39 PM
This is the first year I am around for the Kerths, but I didn't nominate or vote because I am too overwhelmed with schoolwork to do any reading. frown I did read some of the nominated stories, though, and I do have preferences in many of the catagories - but I wouldn't want to vote without reading all of them.

Good luck to all the nominees!!!

Posted By: abe Re: Was this your first time? - 03/15/04 04:25 PM
I rediscovered my love for this amazing show called LnC last year around August when I came upon it one morning on TBS. Unfortunately, it was axed so I started searching the net for all things LnC to ease the withdrawal symptoms I was experiencing. To my absolute delight, I found the playground of FoLCs - the mbs.

So, yes, this is my first time. But I never thought voting would be stressful. There was a lot of fics I haven't read so I had to do some cramming. Still, I wasn't able to vote for all categories because like Julie, I wouldn't want to vote without reading all the nominees. To top it off, it was agonizing having to choose only one. grumble Nonetheless, I'm so glad I took part in this event. laugh
Posted By: spazzqueen251 Re: Was this your first time? - 03/15/04 05:01 PM
This was definitely my first year voting, but I chose not to nominate any stories simply because I've been lurking around for so many months at the archive trying to catch up on years and years of fic that I really don't know which stories were published when half the time. smile I'm just proud of myself for voting in the majority of the categories...
Posted By: Kaethel Re: Was this your first time? - 03/15/04 11:59 PM
I'm delighted to see so many FoLCs join in the big fun of the Kerths. clap

I really don't know which stories were published when half the time.
Lauren, and everyone else who had this problem, every year the list of eligible stories is published on the Official Kerth Awards Website page, maintained by our wonderful Erin Klingler. notworthy You'll find all the information you need on that website every year, on nominating, voting and much more.

Kaethel smile
Posted By: Pennyfeather Re: Was this your first time? - 03/20/04 03:28 AM
I've been around for about two years, mostly lurking and reading fanfic on the archive. I thought the Kerths are a wonderful idea, but I felt I should read all the nominated stories bevore voting to do all the authors justice. And since I never had enough time to do so, I haven't voted let alone nominated the previous years.

This year, after my finals in university I have somewhat more time and I was looking forward to vote for the first time. And I did it! smile1
What a great feeling! Although I've never imagined that it could be *that* hard to decide. There are just too many fantastic stories. wink

Ines smile
Posted By: spazzqueen251 Re: Was this your first time? - 03/20/04 07:00 AM
Thanks Kaethel! I actually did see that list, but I think I just got overwhelmed and decided nominating would be pushing it a bit. Voting was perfectly fun for me though! laugh
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