Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: malu Extra space in posts? - 08/21/07 03:18 PM
Recently it seems that the posts in the boards have some extra spacing between the member information (avatar) and the post itself.

I thought originally that it was due to extra-long lines in a post, but now *every* topic has the extra spacing.

Is this due to some user's avatar size being over 100 pixels in at least one dimension?

Posted By: SuperGEM Re: Extra space in posts? - 08/22/07 11:45 AM
I'm not noticing this problem/change. Any chance it could be your own computer or browser settings? confused
Posted By: malu Re: Extra space in posts? - 08/22/07 12:23 PM
This is what I'm seeing (the image was reduced to fit the boards):

[Linked Image]

Do you have that large space between the avatars and the post itself?

I didn't use to have that much space before.

UPDATE: My computer has a widescreen (15.4"). If I reduce the width of the window (by resizing it), the space changes.

Posted By: SuperGEM Re: Extra space in posts? - 08/22/07 01:22 PM
Yep. That looks like exactly what I see on my computer, and it's the same as it's always been. I have a regular 17 inch sized monitor.

If you have a widescreen and your settings are set to reflect that, my guess is the layout of the boards are just "popping" into place to match your computer.

As long as you don't have any horizontal scrolling on your screen - which is what I thought you were complaining about - I'm not sure I see the issue? huh
Posted By: Selinde Re: Extra space in posts? - 08/22/07 02:13 PM
From what I can see, the text field's width is set to fit your screen, but has a maximum value. If it reaches that value, the text field doesn't "grow" any further and is just aligned to the right side of your screen (while the avatars are still aligned to the left), creating that space you were talking about.
Posted By: malu Re: Extra space in posts? - 08/22/07 02:25 PM
The interesting thing is that I only started seeing this extra space a few weeks ago. I've had this widescreen for a couple of years now.

Some time ago, there was a problem with avatars being too big in these boards that were messing up with the structure of the posts. That's why I asked.

Oh, well, if this is normal, then let it be.

Posted By: Selinde Re: Extra space in posts? - 08/22/07 02:56 PM
Hmm, that's strange.

Well, anyway, unless this bothers you so much you have to go see a psychiatrist (which I hope is not the case goofy ), I guess life goes on with extra spacing wink
Posted By: malu Re: Extra space in posts? - 08/22/07 09:25 PM
I think I might have figured out why there is so much space (and yes, it has to do with widescreen format, and also screen resolution).

I was looking at the Page Source, and noticed that the width for that column at each post is 18%. So when you resize the page, the relative width will change (while the text and pictures stay the same size).

I also noticed that the content part of the post (the part with the member's actual text) does not have a size constraint on the column width.

That is also why, when a too-wide picture or extra-long text are posted and the data does not fit the window, the page gets a wider look (everything gets stretched out because of percentage).

I just wanted to ask the administrators if anything was changed recently, or if it was just me not paying attention before. smile


Posted By: Mister Data Re: Extra space in posts? - 08/23/07 11:13 AM
I have two monitors and just for grins, I widened the 'window' to extend to both screens. Yep, you guessed it, the space between the avatars and the text got really big!

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