Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Bettina Baumann Avatars not displaying - 03/11/06 10:05 PM
I'm reasonably confused as I start this thread wink

Just a few minutes ago I modified my profile by adding a custom avatar to my posts - but they don't show as well as any other avatars from other users.

This problem is not new to me but I finally got around to asking this! When I'm not logged in with my account, avatars are usually displayed but if there exists a cookie which logs me into this forums, all these avatars vanish. It's particularly confusing because this happens on both Internet Explorer 6 and FireFox while JavaScript is activated without restrictions. There's also no available configuration for displaying/hiding avatars in my profile, at least I didn't find one.

Are you familiar with this behaviour and do you know how to finally get these avatars to be displayed? wink

Thanks, Bettina
Posted By: Elena Re: Avatars not displaying - 03/15/06 07:13 AM
There's also no available configuration for displaying/hiding avatars in my profile, at least I didn't find one.
Well, there usually is, unless your profile is set to hide avatars of other users. Once you do that, that option is removed. Pretty dumb, if you ask me, but this is how this version of UBB.classic works. huh

Anyway, I went into your profile from the control panel and changed that setting. You should now be able to see avatars even when you're logged in.

Elena smile
Boards Administrator
Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: Avatars not displaying - 03/15/06 01:31 PM
Oh, no wonder I couldn't see it. Thank you for changing my profile, I really like these cute and tiny images!

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