Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes I'm Writing a Book! - 02/11/21 12:48 AM
Hey all! So, my new year's resolution this year is to finally write a book. So far, I'm still outlining, but it seems to be going well; my current writing goal is to have the outline hammered out by the end of the month so I can start chapter one in March.

It's a fantasy story, set in a Ye Olde Europe where fairies are real, and it's about a boy who has just lost his parents and is now in danger of being separated from the only true family he has left. If anyone's interested, I'll be happy to keep yall posted. Please wish me luck. smile
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 02/11/21 01:02 AM
Sounds great! Good luck to you!
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 02/11/21 01:25 AM
Thanks laugh
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 02/11/21 10:48 PM
Any publisher who would be willing to take on a (not really) new author will be lucky to have you.

To paraphrase the theater adage, “Break a lead.” (pencil lead, that is...)

Be well,
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 02/12/21 02:22 AM
Aw, thanks, Lynn! ^_^
Posted By: cuidadora Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 02/12/21 10:36 PM
How exciting! Definitely keep us updated. And I second Lynn that any publisher should be thrilled to have you on their writing team.

Cheering you on!
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 02/13/21 02:07 AM
Keep at it, Mary. You're certainly qualified to write professionally. You have such a command of the mood in the scene that the story almost tells itself. And you paint the picture with minimal brush strokes, yet everyone knows exactly what's going on.

I want a copy when it's published.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 03/01/21 03:54 AM
Thanks for the encouragement, guys! ^_^

Today closes with my self-imposed deadline for the outline, and I think I've got something workable. I went through a ridiculous amount of paper scribbling notes, outline drafts, expanded outline drafts, revised outline drafts, and expanded revised outline drafts. The plot ended up changing in some very interesting ways, but the synopsis above is still true.

Tomorrow is my official Start Writing day, and I am nervous. Maybe I shouldn't be, but I am. My goal is to have something publishable by the end of the year, and I'm not sure how I should budget my time to make sure I have enough for editing and rewrites. I guess I'll give myself until June 1 to have the first draft done? That should be generous enough compared to NanoWrimo, and if I finish early and can start the next phase sooner, so much the better.

Fingers crossed! laugh
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 03/24/21 03:33 AM
Progress so far:
1. Finished Outline
2. Determined outline to be excrement
3. Existential crises
4. Back to square 1
5. Cycling between #3, enui, and blind panic.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 03/24/21 10:39 AM
Hi Queenie wave,

It sounds like you are going through a lot right now. Please be kind to yourself; try to take at least a little time each day to do something relaxing, refreshing, and fun. And remember that with a lot of what you are doing, there are no hard deadlines. (What isn't improved with your house or writing today can be improved tomorrow.)

Your mental and physical health are more important than a house or a book.

Take care of yourself,
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 03/26/21 02:48 AM
Thanks, Lynn. ^.^ I'll try to remember. *Hugs*
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 03/26/21 01:18 PM
Good luck, Queenie! smile
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: I'm Writing a Book! - 03/29/21 11:19 PM
Mary, I have often found that even if what I write is, as a whole piece, unusable, parts of it can usually be salvaged for later chapters or other works. That's why I rarely delete any of my draft parts. I have multiple sub-folders labeled "Previous Versions" on a lot of my stories. It's surprising how often I find stuff I couldn't use in story A but fits perfectly in story G.

Whose signature tells us that a writer should write every day because while one may edit a bad page, one cannot edit a blank page? Very timely counsel, especially when the big WB (*gasp* Writer's Block!) shows up.

And I still want a signed copy!

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