Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: scifiJoan Any one watching "The Flash"? - 12/17/14 01:35 AM
This may sound pathetic but my kids and I just started watching "The Flash". We missed the pilot and it took us forever to get around to downloading it (We don't like watching on the computer or phones). Now we've seen the first three episodes and I'm really enjoying it. It reminds me a little of "Lois & Clark" with a lighter tone and fun villains. My daughter claimed, "It's not as dated as Lois & Clark". Oh brother

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 12/17/14 02:31 AM
Yes - much better than Arrow somehow, despite being a spin-off of the other show, reminds me why comics are fun and doesn't burden the lead character with successive layers of secrets, lies, and guilt - some of the other characters, but to a lesser extent than in Arrow. Their crossovers have been excellent.
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 12/19/14 04:23 PM
I like Arrow but I agree with you Marcus, it's dark. Just like Gotham. The Flash seems like a lot of fun. So far I've only watched up to Felicity's visit to Central City. I love the interaction between those characters and I'm looking forward to watching the Flash/Arrow crossover.

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 12/20/14 10:26 PM
Reminds me to ask - did anyone see the 1990s Flash series, and was it any good? I'm thinking of getting the DVDs but it's a bit expensive.
Posted By: Artemis Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 12/21/14 02:28 AM
Hi Marcus:
I'm watching the new Flash and I saw the old one. It was pretty good for the time. Of course the special effects in the new one are way better. As I recall it was only one season. I guess I wouldn't waste my money on it and just enjoy the new version.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 12/21/14 04:33 PM
OK, I think I'll just hold off and hope it turns up cheaply.
Posted By: Mike M Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 12/21/14 07:16 PM
I wanted to love the original Flash TV series but the writers kept changing the direction of the show. Now that we get interviews with the show runners we begin to understand the conflict between the network and the show.

I assume you know that the original Flash is Barry's father in the new version. John Wesley Shipp.

Posted By: Tank Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 12/22/14 12:47 AM
Actually, I enjoyed the original Flash series. There were some difficulties with characters staying consistant in there interactions with each other, but for the most part it was fun.

Yes, John Wesley Shipp, who played Barry Allen is now playing Barry's father in the new show, and recently Amanda Pays, who played Dr. Tina McGee in the original series made a guest appearance on the new show as... Dr. Tina McGee.

One of the problems with the series was that the relationship between Barry and Tina didn't really progress in a linear manner. You were never quite sure if the particular writer of the episode saw that as just friends, or as something building to more and that led to some confusion from episode to episode.

If you can get a good deal on it I would definitely recommend it for a few evenings of light entertainment.

Tank (who says it didn't hurt that Amanda Pays was also quite attractive, in a Lois Laneish short of way)
Posted By: Lady Loisette Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 01/02/15 01:09 AM
I've been watching The Flash. It's been fun so far, and I've especially enjoyed the crossover episodes. smile
Posted By: Michael Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 01/23/15 02:40 AM
I've really been enjoying the series and episode 9 had me on the edge of my seat. I love the Easter eggs they throw to the comic fans and like everyone above has said, it fun. smile

I'm like Tank, I really enjoyed the original series. A bit cheesy at times, but still good fun. I don't know about availability where you're at, Marcus, but Amazon has the complete series for $14.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 01/24/15 12:38 AM
I'm in the UK - I last saw it listed at £18, about $27.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 03/08/15 10:01 PM
I just found an ebay vendor selling them at £10 (about $15) including postage from the USA.


I'm assuming it's genuine, and have ordered a copy. If anyone else is interested, he seems to have a lot of them.
Posted By: Annie B. Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 03/09/15 12:52 AM
The comic strip Candorville referenced The Flash today. I thought the commentary on ignoring the obvious solution was pretty spot on as superhero shows go.
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 05/02/15 05:58 AM
Oh my goodness, just started watching this show and got caught up on it, and I absolutely love it! It does have a very L&C kind of feeling, with Barry being such a good guy and a great friend and overlooked at work, and of course with his absolute love and adoration for Iris, who loves and adores him back but is completely oblivious to any romantic overtones! Also, she's a reporter who starts following the Flash and reporting on him, which means Barry starts talking to her as both himself and his alter ego. Their chemistry is really sparkling and dynamic, and the actors portray the changing facets extremely well.

I have never watched Arrow (though I did break down and watch the episodes with Barry in them just because...well, BARRY, obviously), but I love Flash's lighter atmosphere and its boldness in not pretending it's not a superhero show. Their nods and inside jokes for comics readers are a ton of fun, and I always catch more on the rewatches. I also love how they're doing such a good job of showing that Barry has a lot of darkness and tragedy in his life, but that he keeps choosing to be good and optimistic and to be a inspiration of hope to others (like Clark), not to mention how strong and compassionate Iris is, and how enduring and GOOD a relationship Barry has with both his parent figures as well as his team. And that's not even mentioning the great bad guy set up!
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 05/02/15 09:07 PM
Flash is still immense fun, the story is coming along nicely as the first series reaches a close. Arrow is beginning to annoy me because it's so grim and the plot seems to go around in circles with very little real development.

Forgot to say that those Flash DVDs arrived and are completely legit. Haven't got around to watching yet, but I will.
Posted By: KenJ Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 05/12/15 04:05 AM

The Flash starring g John Wesley Shipp was designed to be campy. There are anachronism all over the place from building design to automobiles. It was a fun show, but it was somewhat dark for all of that. Barry Allen sets out to avenge his brother's death. Their father was a cop, he is a police lab specialist and the brother a motorcycle cop. The bad guys were a motorcycle gang.

Personally I liked the series a lot. I have it on DVD but I also have a digital copy. Amanda Pays played Tina McGee a scientist at STAR Labs that helped him. It was a shame that it only ran 1 season.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 05/16/15 11:22 PM
I've watched a few episodes now; I agree, it's campy but fun.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 05/26/15 10:27 PM
Thanks for the recommendations. Based on the comments in this thread, I decided to watch the first season of the new Flash. Although it doesn't hold a candle to L&C, it is a fun show.

I think my favourite lines were those leading up to the show's first appearance of Ray Palmer. (I don't want to be more specific here, lest I spoil the fun of of anyone who reads this thread and then watches the shows.)

And given the end-of-season cliffhanger, I am very much looking forward to the second season. And I was delighted to learn, upon a little Google-ing, that the show has, indeed, been renewed for a second season.

Posted By: Morgana Re: Any one watching "The Flash"? - 06/14/15 09:19 AM
The original show was very good and due to writer inconsistencies at times a little confusing, but on the whole it was great to watch.

This version is a hoot! Barry is the boy next door who is left orphaned after his mother was killed and his father sent to prison for the crime. There is a strong sense of family here, making it a joy to watch.

Dr. Welles is not Herb....
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