Lois & Clark Forums
This should maybe be in the techie forum so feel free to move it...

Because FoLCs know everything, I have two completely unrelated topics at hand.

Digital Voice Recorders

I'm looking for a digital voice recorder but know nothing about them. I know I need inexpensive [but not cheap wink ], easy buttons [one of the ones I liked has like one button that does everything making it easy to delete stuff apparently], and transfer to your computer - I know many of the cheaper ones don't so you have to 'real time' play it back. I am WILLING to do that, but don't really WANT to.

Any suggestions? Recommendations? I'd love the 30-35 range, but 50 could work too [esp as I get bday money next week - hopefully wink ].

Google Chrome, spell check

I like Google Chrome in general and use both it and Firefox regularly. However... I have Chrome's spell check set for American English but like EVERYTHING gets red squigglies [except for the most random words sometimes]. For instance in the following question:

What is wrong with this question?

the only word that doesn't get a red squiggly is 'is'. I can deal with it most of the time, but when I have a word that is genuinely misspelled or I don't remember quite how to spell it, it's a pitb.

Any suggestions?

TIA smile .

Hi Carole:
You're not alone with Google Chrome. Try this thread: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=127a69ac5fddee03&hl=en
Evidently everyone gets the red squiggles.
My experience is with Microsoft Word and it does offer you alternate spellings. What it hates is sentence fragments, but there is a choice to change (i.e. ignore) the grammar rule it incorrectly thinks is wrong.
Good luck.
It's not so much the suggestions of other words it's that I can't tell when I actually have misspelled a word because EVERYTHING comes across as misspelled whether it is or not. Most words I do just fine with, but every once in a while, I blank on something and just trying alternate spellings [argh - I'm not thinking of a good example right now] doesn't work because they ALL COME UP AS WRONG - even the right one. I so rarely use the 'suggestions' feature in anything but just tweak the spelling until I get the right one and I can't do that :p .

Oh well. Apparently, it's a known issue and there's no fix at the moment. I may just turn spell check off...


Anyone know anything about digital voice recorders?
Carol, I know this thread is a few weeks old but I'll chime in anyway and maybe it will be useful smile

I've owned an Olympus WS311m and WS331m. They both worked very well for my purposes. They take very clear recordings and they have a USB plug on them like a memory stick so you can plug them directly into your computer, so no cables or special software required to move files to a PC. They save files in WMA format, which was sometimes a pain if I wanted to play them on an mp3 player that couldn't read those files, but it's relatively easy to convert from one to the other.

Those two would be a little out of your price range (I think the 311 is "out of print" now or whatever the equivalent is for electronic devices, and the 331 is $130 on Amazon), but I think Olympus has some other recorders with less storage space that would probably be good too. Or if you can spend a little more, the newest model in that line is on sale at Amazon for $69.
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