Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: dcarson Bibliophibian - 07/23/09 12:33 AM
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Bibliophibian - 07/23/09 04:06 AM
Oh yes, that's pretty much what got me started. Now I'm running out of room for shelves...
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: Bibliophibian - 07/23/09 11:37 AM
And she's got a pretty good rationalisation, since there is a correlation between a child's IQ and the number of books in his home.

Our first child was born while my hubby was a student. And, since babies just want to hear your voice and don't care what you're actually saying, I have a photo of her at about two months old propped in Daddy's lap listening to 'The Invisible Hand' by Adam Smith.
Posted By: Bethy Re: Bibliophibian - 07/23/09 07:58 PM
Nice! We always had a ton of books in the house growing up - and my parents rewarded us for reading by buying us new books! (We got to pick any book we wanted for every 100 books we read. Every 100 pages after the first hundred counted as another "book" so that we didn't skip long ones in favor of reading more in number.)

In the interest of saving space, though, libraries are wonderful things. We would go with huge bags and just stock up. It was glorious. smile

Ah, books. How I love them.

Posted By: Doranwen Re: Bibliophibian - 07/26/09 07:51 AM
Hehe, we had a good deal of books at home when I grew up. Plus I would take home a huge stack of books from the library every week. However, I would end up reading sooooo much and not getting any chores done that my mom actually set a limit: I could only check out as many books as fit in a cloth bookbag she brought along for me. I got VERY good at stuffing that bookbag so full it was hard to budge the books at all, lol.

And now I'm collecting heaps of books myself. For my future children, of course. So the comic is eerily accurate (and funny!). If I weren't so busy, I'd add it to my list of comics to follow, but I know I don't have time . . .
Posted By: cookiesmom Re: Bibliophibian - 07/26/09 01:30 PM
When we moved the first time, over 20 years go, we told the movers we had a lot of books. They showed up with something like 10 book boxes, and had to send back for more. The second time we moved we told them to bring 50 book boxes. We have now been in this house for 19 years. I have been trying to make myself get rid of books for about the last 5 years because I have one entire room and parts of others that you can't get into because they are too full of books. However, I have only gotten rid of a few and I keep buying more. So when I say that books are my addiction, I am not kidding!

I am a big fan of children's literature. So I was CRUSHED when my son did not seem to like books until about age 5, but then his reading progressed quite well; the school did not know what to do with him, and made him plow through "Moby Dick" in 7th grade because they had run out of books at his reading level. My daughter, a senior in high school, is also a good reader and a pretty good writer. With no kids in my family to read to (and the next generation still a long way off), I am starting a story time at the small museum where I work. So while my daughter is reading "Heart of Darkness" for her AP English Lit class, I am checking out books from the children's section of the library. Oh, well. . . .
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