Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Trinity Golden Globes 2009 - 12/16/08 10:30 AM
If you're at all like me, you start to get Oscar fever around this time of year. I'm a HUGE movie person, and the Academy Awards are like my version of the Superbowl (or other annual event of your choosing). Sure I love seeing what everyone's wearing, and watching random drama unfold on the red carpet (Gary Busey, anyone?) but mostly, I just want to know who wins.

So for me, the Golden Globes are to the Academy Awards sort of like the playoffs are to the Superbowl (apologies for all the football references). Something semi-big to get excited about before the main event. Plus, the GG nominees are usually a pretty good indicator of what the Oscar nominee list will look like.

Here are this year\'s GG noms:

Shamefully, I haven't seen most of these. I got married this summer and since then there hasn't been as much time or money for moviegoing as there used to be. But I'm still very excited.

I have really high hopes for Kate Winslet this year. Because of the roles she's chosen (lead and supporting), it's possible for her to take home 2 awards (maybe 2 Oscars?). Plus, both of her movies look fantastic. My inner 12 year old "Titanic" fangirl is especially excited about her teaming up with Leonardo DiCaprio again in "Revolutionary Road".

I'm not really surprised about Heath Ledger getting nominated, nor really about Robert Downey Jr. (I'd heard about the possibility of an Oscar nod for him for Tropic Thunder), but I WAS surprised to see Tom Cruise's name there, let alone for his small role in Tropic Thunder. Don't get me wrong, it was hilarious, but unexpected. I wish they would separate the supporting actor categories into drama and musical/comedy like they do the leads.

On the television side, I'm pulling for "Dexter" and Michael C. Hall, and was elated to see "True Blood" and Anna Paquin nominated as well. And of course, Neil Patrick Harris for "How I Met Your Mother".

Now I turn it over to you all. Any thoughts on the nominees? Anyone you're rooting for in particular?
Posted By: LabRat Re: Golden Globes 2009 - 12/16/08 11:04 PM
Award ceremonies aren't usually my thing, but I'm up at 5.20 am and bored, so... laugh

I'd like to see In Bruges get something - just because I really enjoyed it.

Think Wall-E is a shoe-in for Best Animated? laugh I haven't seen Bolt yet, but I thought the trailer was cute and am looking forward to it.

I was surprised to see that Jonathan Rhys Meyers was up for something for The Tudors - but even more surprised that if he was that they missed out Natalie Dormer in Best TV Actress. Her portrayal of Anne Boleyn in her final hours was an amazing piece of acting and she was quite stunning throughout really.

It would be nice to see Michael C. Hall get something for Dexter, I agree - S2 was absolutely superb. Kept me on the edge of my seat each week.

LabRat smile
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