Lois & Clark Forums
This is the ONE place I can have a political affiliation as I sit here at work, watching the returns come in and gritting my teeth.

I live in a state that is blue as a Smurf, but still ... I want to wallow. Anyone with me?

/me slurs the Obamatinis are on me. I'll even pay the inordinantly high tax on them.
mecry I'm wallowing with you twin. This is just extremely sucky. Not a surprise but still very very very SUCKY.

I'm so scared for this country...
The Pirate jumps into the pit for a wallow. This is horrible. America, what have you done?!
With ya guys.

But hey - I'll get a bigger tax welfare check for the next four years at least... Guess all those tax deductions I've got running around [plus the interest on the mortgage I can actually afford] will pay off...

Missouri looks to be going red at the moment, but not called that I've seen. If so, it'll only be the second election since 1904 where we haven't picked the winner.

That said, something in me is proud that we as a country have come far enough in the last forty or fifty years that we can elect a mixed race president [because his *is* half white after all - never hear that do we?]. I disagree with him on many, many things, but he will have my prayers and [conditional] support, especially if/when he is tested as Biden predicted.

I just hope we don't all pay the price at that point.

Wallowers, party of one. frown

Very disappointed, but I have to remind myself what McCain said in his concession speech about offering our next president support. And prayers--that's a good one to remember, Carol, thanks.

I live in a red state, I voted in a different red state...plenty of people to call and wallow with in the morning. :p

Back to designing my bus map...and it's probably time for some concede-defeat whiskey.
Well, depending on how the healthcare issue goes, I could be very screwed. Boo, hiss, and snarl on universal healthcare!

Now, back to studying anatomy . . . *whimper*
I would also like to congratulate President-Elect Obama and wish him well. I disagree with just about everything he stands for and really hope he isn't serious about raising taxes in the middle of a recession. That said, I hope for the best that America is resilient enough to withstand his negative-growth policies.

On the War on Terror, the most important issue of our times, I hope he will be vigilant against al Qaeda and will not prematurely pull our troops out of Iraq and snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. Economies will go down and will go up no matter what Obama will do to it, but the War on Terror will have far-reaching consequences in the decades ahead.

Today is also a day to celebrate American democracy. Obama has succeeded where no Democrat since Jimmy Carter has been able to do, which is to win a majority of the popular vote. Carter won with 50.1% in 1976 and no Democrat has gotten more than 49% since then.
This sucks.
Wow a thread that doesn't swoon for Obama? Excuse me while I faint. LOL
Yes, I'm very depressed this week. I just have
such a problem getting over so many people falling
for the lies of a Socialist demagogue. I am just terrifed at
what he may secretly or not so secretly be planning for our country. God help us all!
I'll write more later since i haven't read all these posts yet.
Several places have commented that it is a race issue if you didn't vote for him. I don't care if he was green, I don't agree with his politics and he hasn't earned my respect yet.

Back to the hospital to see my husband. Glad I found this thread. It is nice to see others who don't view him as the second coming.
Was very depressed Wednesday morning. I don't like his ideas and I'm scared of where he wants to take the country.

I hate the idea that voting against him is racist. It's ridiculuous. As if all people with the same skin color have identical opinions and positions. :rolleyes: Let's have enough respect to realize that he's his own man, with his own ideas. I mean, seriously, Wendy and I have the same skin color, but we hardly agree on anything political laugh

I teach a class of 4th grade girls at my church on Wednesday nights -- when they all show up, we've got 5 black and 4 white girls. One of the girls was really excited about Obama's election. The rest of us, not so much. And it did not break down on color lines. The girl with the darkest skin really was pulling for McCain. Like Carol, though, I'm proud that our country come this far, and that's what I told them. TOC had a thread a while back about how no European country would do it, and I've seen that mentioned elsewhere, too. I just wish it had been a different guy, with ideas I actually liked. frown Oh well, can't have everything.

Rush cheered me up some by pointing out that this is our chance to revitalize conservatism, with all the moderates flushed out with a big "L" for loser on their foreheads. In that respect, it's better McCain didn't win. Cold comfort, but I'll take what I can get.

I just have
such a problem getting over so many people falling
for the lies of a Socialist demagogue.
Patti, while I appreciate this thread is entirely for opponents of Obama, and you're entitled to that, as a moderator I still have to ensure that certain conventions of courteous behaviour are observed. Just as I would caution anyone who slandered Sarah Palin or John McCain (and I did a few days ago), I have to caution you too: please be careful about the language you use.

First, unless you have actual proof that Barack Obama has lied, please don't refer to him as a liar.

The socialist comment is, I know, debatable; hardly anyone on the left or who knows much about political theory would recognise him as a socialist, but I appreciate that the label is out there. I'm wary of the term 'demagogue', because the last person to be heavily associated with that label was Adolf Hitler.

So please take this as a friendly warning. Drown your sorrows in this thread all you like; worry about the outcome of the next four years, express your dislike of the winner, whatever you need to - but this is not a right-wing blog, any more than it is a left-wing, and we expect posters on both sides to avoid slander and insults. Thank you smile

Boards Administration Team
It is obvious to me that he is a liar, but i won't mention it again if you don't want me to.
Of course he is a socialist. Every speech he made confirms that. So i have to coddle the liberals here too? What are we allowed to say?
Wouldn't want to upset the libs. But why should they care anyway? They have everything they want in reach. They're having too much fun congratulating themselves and drooling over Obama.
Patti, I'm taking this discussion away from the boards and to PM.

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