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Posted By: stopquitdont Need help - 07/24/08 09:59 AM
Could someone direct me to a good movie where crimes are being committed and you think it's one person, but it turns out to be someone else? What I'm specifically looking for is say partners/brothers of some sort and these are the 'good' guys- they're the ones trying to solve the crimes. All the evidence starts to point to one of these 'good' guys, but we later find out it's the other one (seeking revenge/lashing out- whatever). Anything that comes close will do.

Posted By: stephnachia Re: Need help - 07/24/08 10:03 AM
Well first movie that came to my mind was The Usual Suspects but there weren't brothers or anything like that involved. It just surprises the crap out of you at the end.
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: Need help - 07/24/08 10:07 AM
Originally posted by stephnachia:
Well first movie that came to my mind was The Usual Suspects but there weren't brothers or anything like that involved. It just surprises the crap out of you at the end.
Ooh, gr8 minds think alike. laugh

Besides that I can't think of anything else.

Edit: Have you seen Momento?

Edit Edit: Or even Memento. Thanks alcyone. wink
Posted By: alcyone Re: Need help - 07/24/08 10:15 AM
I think you might be referring to "Memento," gr8?

Also maybe "The Corruptor" for the buddy cop crime stuff?

Some more might occur to me, I'm a big fan of action flicks and buddy cop movies are one of my genres within it. Mmmmm, guilty pleasures.

Posted By: Eva Re: Need help - 07/24/08 10:20 AM

From the top of my head I can think of:

- Murder By Numbers with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gossling

- Frailty with Matthew McConaughey

Along those lines, if I remember correctly, are also:

- Primal Fear with Edward Norton and Richard Gere

- Identity with John Cusack

- Taking Lives with Ethan Hawke and Angelina Jolie

I'd say the last two are probably the most disappointing, but they all have a twist at least close to what you are looking for.


Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: Need help - 07/24/08 10:23 AM
Well it isn't exactly what you said but it is similar.

"Infernal Affairs"

It was also remade here in the US as "The Departed".

I liked Infernal Affairs better but that may have been because I saw it about two years before The Departed.
Posted By: stephnachia Re: Need help - 07/24/08 11:11 AM
Thought of another one.. LA Confidential. I love that movie!
Posted By: HatMan Re: Need help - 07/24/08 03:15 PM
Mission Impossible is kind of like that. The sequel wasn't as good (and I didn't even bother with MI:III), but the first one certainly keeps you guessing (unless you've been spoiled, of course).
Posted By: Saffron Re: Need help - 07/24/08 05:50 PM
"Inside Man".

Great cast, fine acting and the ending leaves you wanting to watch it again right away to figure out just how they managed it...or at least it did for my husband and myself when it was first released.

Posted By: carolm Re: Need help - 07/24/08 06:56 PM
I was thinking Usual Suspects but meant Primal Fear. I remember it pretty well. I've seen Usual Suspects and that there's some sort of twist [and even half a recollection of what it was but I won't mention it here for spoiler reasons in case I'm right wink ].

The other one that came to mind while reading the original post, was Double Jeopardy. It has good guys that seem like bad guys and vice versa. Sort of wink . And a pretty decent synopsis of the Constitutional protection against double jeopardy as well.

Anyway - not sure if that helps at all but... wink .

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Need help - 07/24/08 07:50 PM
Hide and Seek with Robert De Niro isn't exactly what you're looking for, but the ending is surprising.
Posted By: RL Re: Need help - 07/25/08 06:01 PM
Perfect Stranger with Bruce Willis and Halle Berry.
Posted By: alcyone Re: Need help - 07/25/08 06:22 PM
That reminds me of "Number 23." Kinda far off, but if Primal Fear was mentioned...

Posted By: sweetie1018 Re: Need help - 07/26/08 09:06 AM
The Usual Suspects came to mind also, and if you like twisty plots try Wild Things with Neve Campbell, Denise Richards, Matt Damon, and Kevin Bacon (wow I actually remembered all their names...usually I'm terrible at remembering actor's names smile ).

It's got quite a lot of sexy scenes (threesome, frontal nudity, etc.) so be forewarned, but you don't really know who-dun-it until the very end. eek
Posted By: stopquitdont Re: Need help - 07/29/08 10:54 AM
Thanks everyone! Now I guess I'm off to watch some movies. I've actually seen 'Double Jeopardy' and absolutely loved it. I need a few ideas and movies are a great place to start.

My sister has raved about 'Frailty'. Maybe I should start with that one.

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