Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: EditorJax The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 12:21 AM
It's a pretty sad day for this fandom when someone is committing egregious acts on a FoLC's behalf.

Someone has stolen my user name from here and is posting nasty comments all over blogs about Teri and Dean, comments that say that she is a whore, he is gay, she is washed up, he is a loser, etc., etc., etc., and linking to my personal blog, which people from all over the world are now looking at through these horrible links.

They have stolen the name I have been posting in this fandom with for FIVE years. The name I have written my fics with, and won my Kerths with.

This stops NOW.

I am making a post on my blog now and contacting the admins of those sites to get an IP trace.

If anyone sees a "post" by me on any of these entertainment sites, slamming Teri and/or Dean, please know it is not me. I have nothing but the utmost respect for both of them.

I am sure this is the same FoLC/ex-FoLC who has left me comments on my blog saying a range of things from that my husband will leave me, that I deserved to lose my baby, that I am a fat bitch ... I have had enough.

The game is over.

I cannot believe that someone in this fandom would do this.

It makes me sick.
Posted By: Trinity Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 12:29 AM
I cannot believe someone would be so incredibly malicious. It makes my stomach churn to think that anyone could get such a sick pleasure from acting so childish and causing someone else such stress and heartache.

I am so sorry this happened to you, Jenn. We all know that you would never ever say such things about ANYONE, let alone two actors who you admire and respect so much.

I promise I'm going to do everything in my power to help you get this cleared up and taken care of.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 12:30 AM
I think it's sad that someone would do this, but I'm betting you were chosen at random. mad

I have heard that "fanboys" have posted nasty things like this before, but I don't believe I've ever heard of them using someone else's name.

I hope you have also posted this on Zoom's board.

One more thing - do you have a firewall on your computer so that no one can get your password?
Posted By: Classicalla Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 12:32 AM
I promise I'm going to do everything in my power to help you get this cleared up and taken care of.
Me, too. If I see your name on any other site, I'll let you know asap.
Posted By: groobie Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 01:44 AM
Wow...that is shocking, malicious, hurtful, outrageous! I wish you all the best in clearing your good name.
Posted By: TOC Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 02:40 AM
That's horrible, Jenn.

Posted By: Eva Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 02:55 AM
Oh god, Jenn, I'm so very sorry for you.

That is just horrible behaviour. I know it's only a small consolation, but I'm sure that no-one who knows you would ever think that it was you posting those nasty things in the first place.

Still, I do hope the IP trace will be successful, and that you will soon be fully and solely in charge of your online life and persona again.

Big hugs.
Posted By: Vanda Detroit Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 03:02 AM
OMG, Jenn! I'm so shocked and sorry to hear that things aren't over. Whoever is doing this, please STOP!
I just can't believe that someone is doing this to you. This is soooo horrible - it has to stop!

Posted By: Lisamaree, the Evil Kiwi Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 04:13 AM
*huge hugs Jenn*

I am disgusted and shocked someone would do something this low to one of the nicest people (and best fic writers) in this fandom. mad

It is really very cowardly and I hope whoever is doing this stops.
I hope this person is tracked down by whatever authorities because it should not happen to anyone. mecry

I am so sorry someone has decided to target and impersonate you Jenn. My thoughts be with you.
Posted By: ccmalo Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 05:30 AM
Jenn, this is really distressing. Why on earth would someone do something like that - it sounds really deranged. How awful to be going through this.

Posted By: carolm Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 05:58 AM

So sorry. That's horrid. I wish there was something I could do but I'm so not that tech savvy frown .

Just more hugs.


Posted By: Sue S. Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 06:18 AM
Jenn! <<<hugs>>>

I'm horrified on your behalf. I hope Nancy's right and that you were hacked at random. To have someone do that deliberately is just too sick for words.
Posted By: cp33 Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 06:21 AM
Jenn, I saw a post just the other day from "Editor Jax". I will keep an eye out and send any findings to you as well.

I am so sorry that something is doing this to you.
Posted By: LabRat Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 07:44 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you've been a victim of one of the more negative elements of the net, Jenn. Anonymity has a lot to answer for at times.

I have trouble imagining that anyone from this forum would behave in this way - it doesn't seem their style - but you can never be 100% sure about anyone you don't know of course.

It could be random - remember that although you have to join the forum to post, it's open to anyone to look at the messages. Trolls, too, unfortunately. Although, I have to say that it strikes me as seeming more personal; someone with a grudge.

But just in case the culprit is reading this, let me make it quite clear that if it is ever proved that it was a member of this forum then they will be permanently banned from the mbs. We've taken a lot of time and gone to a bit of trouble to make this forum as friendly, welcoming and secure a place for FoLCs to hang out in as we possibly can and we won't take kindly to someone abusing it in this way.

I can't believe that anyone who knows you would believe you were posting these messages, but that doesn't make it any the less distressing, of course. I hope that now that you've alerted people to the problem, it will end.

Hang on in there, meantime. You know we love you! sloppy

LabRat smile
Posted By: alcyone Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 09:38 AM
What an infantile thing to do.


Posted By: Zoar3 Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 10:35 AM
Hug from me, too, Jenn. That is beyond sick and twisted too! As Carol, I believe said, I'm not too tech/computer savy myself but if there's something I can do to help, let me know.

For the year, wow seems much longer, or so, that I've been apart of this message board site, I have been so happily impressed and thankful, (grateful), too at how close and real people seem- a real nice group of fans coming together. smile

Posted By: Rona V. Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 11:06 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about this Jenn! It's hard to believe that someone from our fandom could stoop to such cruel and immature behavior. That's a sad day for all. I don't venture too much outside of these boards and Zoom's boards these days for FoLC-related material, but should I come across anything like you mentioned, I'll be sure to let you know about it.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 11:18 AM
I'm still shaking my head in disbelief over this - I can't believe anyone would so anything so awful to someone so sweet. frown

You know I'm here for you, Jenn. No matter what. *hugs you tight*
Posted By: Nan Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 11:21 AM
I don't frequent other message boards, so it's highly unlikely that I'll come across such things, but my daughter does and she's pretty tech-savvy computer wise. I'll alert her to the problem so if she sees anything she can at least report the problem.

Posted By: cp33 Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 11:41 AM
The times I noticed it was when I clicked on a link from the Dean Cain Google alert I use. The ones I have seen are usually on someone's blog that mentions Dean. I haven't noticed any comments about Teri.

I have thought about this while I was cleaning this morning and I am so sorry that someone is doing this to you. It must have been so disconcerting to see someone like the comments I have seen attributed to you. wave
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 11:54 AM
That is disgusting :p That someone would have no life and bash someone like that is ridiculous, but to use someone else's name to do so is beyond cowardly and mean spirited.

They need a swift kick in the pants if you ask me :p
Posted By: shimauma Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 11:55 AM
I have trouble imagining that anyone from this forum would behave in this way - it doesn't seem their style - but you can never be 100% sure about anyone you don't know of course.
I'm with Lab on this; where I've only been with this board a couple of years, I have a hard time imagining someone from here would be doing something this f-ed up and juvenile.

I haven't had the opportunity to surf much myself lately, but, same as Nan, if something suspicious pops up I'll let you know.

Posted By: Trinity Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 12:06 PM
Originally posted by cp33:
The times I noticed it was when I clicked on a link from the Dean Cain Google alert I use. The ones I have seen are usually on someone's blog that mentions Dean. I haven't noticed any comments about Teri.
I did a pretty thorough search through Google last night and am confident I found all of them, so now we can start alerting the admins of the sites.
Posted By: EditorJax Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 12:35 PM
Thank you for your support, you guys. I really, really appreciate it. THESE are the FoLCs I know -- not some hateful lunatic. I'd especially like to thank Trin and Lara, who kept me from having a nervous breakdown last night.

I am changing my blog address on Monday, and in the meantime have posted there, too. Unfortunately, there were more hits on it this morning from people who found it through the Teri post where "I" made fun of her for not being on the Emmy noms list. <sighs>

I also want to apologize to my readers of "Reality Destroyed," and to Sue, who I am supposed to be writing a Fourth of July fic for by tomorrow. This pretty much ruined my night last night and kept me from working on anything else. I'm going to try my hardest to get it done by tomorrow, and RD by Monday. mecry
Posted By: Sue S. Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 12:42 PM
Awwww - don't sweat the small stuff, sweetie. The only thing better than a 4th of July fic on the 4th is to have it posted on a day where the readers aren't out accidentally setting themselves on fire. Take your time, we'll love it just as much at the end of the month as we would at the beginning. thumbsup
Posted By: coolgirl Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 02:03 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry for you, Jaxxy. That's really horrible.

If anyone sees a "post" by me on any of these entertainment sites, slamming Teri and/or Dean, please know it is not me. I have nothing but the utmost respect for both of them.
Oh, we do know that! smile

One more thing - do you have a firewall on your computer so that no one can get your password?
I agree with this. Firewalls are sometimes better than anti-virus softwares. Just allow free access to certain sites and block the rest. It's the safest way to put a stop to such things, I think.

Don't let this get to you, dear. Hugs. Hope everything clears out soon.
Posted By: daisymay390 Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 04:33 PM
I am so sorry, Jenn. It's so mean that someone would zero you out to make such hateful comments. I probably won't see any of those blogs but if I do, I will certainly let you know.


Posted By: Darth Michael Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 04:56 PM
Hey Jenn.

I'm very sorry to hear that. That's just razz

I hope it was just a random troll and the measures you're taking will take care of this problem.

*hugs* Michael
Posted By: smileyd Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 08:04 PM
I've turned into a lurker lately, but I have to throw in my condolences. THIS is horrible!

Posted By: Mister Data Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 08:14 PM
thumbsup I think you are handling it quite well, but I can hope that the IP traces turn up something tangible.

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 08:19 PM
Keep in mind that we know your character here. The FoLCs on this board wouldn't be fooled.

Posted By: dh24 Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 08:59 PM
That's terrible frown I hope they can catch and stop that person.
Posted By: Shadow Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 10:36 PM
Hey, I'm so sorry about this! frown Know that you are FABULOUS, and clearly whoever is doing this is *so* unhappy that they are just trying to bring you down as well. And we won't let them!

Hugs for a better day tomorrow,
Posted By: Abby Lane Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/03/08 11:51 PM
Hi Jenn,

I am so sorry to hear about this. I will never understand why a person would be so despicable and mean to another person on the internet or even in real life.
Hope this horrible thing stops now!

Lots of *Hugs*, Abby
Posted By: GuineaPants Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/04/08 05:20 AM
*HUGS and a cheer-up dance for Jenn* All I can say about this is NOT COOL! So not okay....far from okay. Whoever did this should be hunted down and forced to eat 10 gallons of Wasabi while watching that one clip from the ring (you know where you see what is supposed to be on the tape) repeatedly. If you are reading this you impostor then know this YOU SUCK AND YOU SHOULD GO AWAY FOREVER! I have harsher things in my head but I am not going to go that negative. We all love you Jen, for you are fantastical.
Posted By: bakasi Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/04/08 08:19 AM
I'm sorry to hear this, Jenn. I hope, whoever this is, will stop to abuse your name like this. It's awful and disgusting.
Posted By: SJH Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/04/08 08:37 AM
JHC that sucks. Can that person be taken to court or something when he/she is discovered? Jenn,
maybe you could write an article about this kind of thing for your paper. More people should know about this kind internet harassment.
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/04/08 01:29 PM
I just can't believe what I read here. I can't believe someone here would do that!

I really hope you can track this person!!!
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/05/08 12:48 AM

I'm very sorry to hear you've been a victim of internet harassment. The internet can be more dangerous than real life sometimes! This is very disturbing, but I know with your spirit, you will only grow stronger.

Whoever did this is PURE evil. mad
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/06/08 12:00 PM
I'm in the middle of my vacation right now and just saw this thread. I was going to make a silly post (and still will... maybe it will help cheer you up) but I couldn't just pop in and do that and not comment here.

I hope you see from all the responses here in this thread that we all adore you and can't believe someone would do this in your name. You fully have all our support and I hope you can find out who it is to put a stop to it.

What a silly childish thing for this person to do!

Stay strong lady and I hope it gets sorted out easily. *hug*
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/06/08 08:03 PM
Jenn, how horrifying! I wish you the best of luck in reclaiming your name. *hugs*
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/07/08 04:12 AM
I just read this and wanted to add my two cents worth of condolences. I really hope this stops, and I also hope this is nothing personal, much less from someone from this fandom.

Anyway, this is so sick and twisted and despicable.... I really hope this person (probably female) will be stopped. *hugs*
Posted By: stephnachia Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/07/08 03:41 PM
I've been so busy lately, I didn't even hear about this thread until today. I say we all gang up and jump this B! It's people like this evil individual that deserve a swift kick in the a**... and then some.

I love you twin! I will defend your name everywhere I see it!
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/08/08 04:56 AM
Not that I usually do that sort of thing - as a matter of fact, I never have - but I think I grow to like the idea of payback. Just how to go about it?
Posted By: Olive Re: The attacks stop NOW. - 07/10/08 11:48 AM
What that person did to you was so stupid! Why would anyone want to hurt someone like that? It's really sick. I'm really sorry for you and hope things will turnaround.

Good luck!!! smile
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