Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat Discworld's City Watch - 06/28/08 09:59 AM
I've a hankering to re-read (or read as I'm sure I haven't got to all of them yet) the City Watch books - my Discworld favourites.

But try as I might, browsing through the web, I can't find a list of them in chronological order and I remain convinced that there may have been ones published that I've missed.

So far, I have:

Guards! Guards!
Men At Arms
Feet Of Clay
Night Watch

Are there more? And what's the correct order? (I know there are fans here who'll know. <G>)


ETA: And, actually, while you're at it, if you can do the same for the Witches series, that would be a bonus. laugh

LabRat smile
Posted By: HatMan Re: Discworld's City Watch - 06/28/08 12:32 PM
Well... *sigh* Wiki to the rescue.

Although the Terry Pratchett/Discworld Wiki does have a novel list , it isn't as informative as:

The Wikipedia bibliography chart , which not only has all the books by publication date, but also, among other things, marks off the categories (such as "City Watch" and "The Witches").

(That said, I suggest reading all the books. In publication order. For example, even though Small Gods has nothing to do with the city watch, the development of the religion described in the book comes into play centuries later in the form of a religious member of the watch. If you haven't read Small Gods, then you miss out on that. And, well... they're all more than worth the read.)

Curse you, Wikipedia, and your persistent usefulness in providing accurate and thorough reference for all things fannish. But I still don't trust you when it comes to real life. So there.
Posted By: LabRat Re: Discworld's City Watch - 06/28/08 02:32 PM
Ah - now I'd looked at that Wiki chart, but completely missed the Group section.

I have found over the years that many of the books which don't feature the Watch or the Witches are much less interesting to me, although it's fair to say that some have been very enjoyable. (Although I enjoy Death as a character when he makes an appearance in other novels, I didn't much enjoy the books that focused on him, for instance). I liked the one about the movies with Gaspode, for example.

I still have a lot to get through though!

Thanks, Paul!

LabRat smile
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