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I've seen it, and I thought it totally rocked! Great casting of Robert Downey Jr, great acting, cool costumes and special effects -- but the heart of it (ahem) is Tony Stark. I mean, who could resist a superhero who is completely human and is walking around with his "kryptonite" inside him? smile

Any thoughts?
MY husband and I went to it on the premiere night and it's so far the best super-hero movie either of us have seen in many years...less downbeat, no whining by the lead character (aka Spiderman) and while there was action and CGI, it's not what drives the story. Robert Downey Jr. was perfectly cast as "Tony Stark" (I was never even a fan of the comic but he was incredible) and for the first time in a long time, I'm looking forward to a superhero sequel!

The final line before the credits role is what totally sold me overall about this movie-I'm not going to spill the beans for anyone who hasn't seen it yet but it left me LOL for a while. thumbsup
Did you stick around for the scene after the credits? That was pretty cool, too. I'm looking forward to the sequal, too.


housesitting for Nan (and using her computer, peep )
The movie was certainly no cinematic masterwork but it would be wrong to expect it from a film adaptation. Compared to many other characters behind their superhero facades, Tony Stark is quite possibly the one I like most ... and Robert Downey Jr. has matured enough to do this role justice.

Iron Man 2 is already planned for mid-2010 and we'll see Tony Stark again this year in the new Hulk adaption wink I'll be looking forward to both.
Saw it Monday - enjoyed it, but I think Batman Begins still slightly has the edge as my favorite from the last few years of superhero films.
Best superhero movie I've seen since Batman Begins. It's completely awesome! And I am SO seeing that one again. And again.

I've totally caught Iron Man fever. laugh
Saw it and loved it. Robert Downey Jr was a perfect casting choice. The rest of the cast was great, too. And I liked seeing Stan Lee's and Jon Favreau's (the director) cameos. When we went, the crowd cheered at the end before the credits, and then went wild at the scene at the very end of the credits.

By the way, not only is there a sequel planned for 2010, but there's also a Thor movie in 2010, a Captain America movie in 2011, and what is it all leading to?

An Avengers movie in 2011. It sounds like they're doing the right thing (unlike the Justice League movie) and using the same actors from the individual movies. At least, I hope it stays that way.
Loved it. I'm not generally a fan of these types of superheroes. That is, characters with no inherent extraordinary abilities/powers. I knew nothing about Iron Man before this film, but I'm totally sold.

I saw it with my fiance and the first time he was in the suit and shooting off the cannons and stuff I gasped and said, "OMG, I'm in love."

In addition to this, I also saw some really good trailers for The Dark Knight (I'm not generally at Batman fan, but this movie looks fantastic. Doesn't hurt that it was filmed in my hometown either wink ) , Hellboy II, and The Incredible Hulk. YAY for comic book movies!!!
Originally posted by Nan:
Did you stick around for the scene after the credits? That was pretty cool, too.


I made my husband wait and sit through the credits just to see that little (but important!) cameo...yup, there was us and about five excited 12 year old boys. My husband asked me, "Is this going to be worth it?"

As a comics fan, it was!
[...]there's also a Thor movie in 2010[...]
Seriously??? Ooooh!! *SQUEE* I absolutely love Thor! laugh YAY!
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