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Has anybody seen this?


I'm sorta split on it...what do you guys think?
I saw that. Is that the one with Superman/Lois Lane? I still like Lois and CLARK better, but LC: TNAOS is the only incarnation I've ever followed at all [though I did see SR a couple weeks ago].

I also don't think that Ross/Rachel is the best couple from Friends. I think Monica and Chandler are a much better couple, but that's just me wink .

I didn't want to color other people's opionins. I like that Lois & Superman are #1. But to me, Clark needs to be the real person for there to be any hope of a long term relationship with Lois. Superman has nothing in common with anybody, not even Wonder Woman. However, with Clark being the real person, he has more in common with Lois and there is much more chance of a real long term serious relationship, so his powers need to develope over time and he needs to be raised as Clark.

I also think Monic & Chandler were the better couple from Friends.

Although this list also calls Miss Piggy a bovine, a bovine is a cow...
Actually, that is Lois and Clark, the comic book version. They are married in this picture, and she calls him Clark, not Superman.

Well, I really like the fact that Clark(!) and Lois were placed as number one among the unforgettable lovers!

It's titled Lois & Superman. In the paragraph it states, that Clark is the disguise.

In the comics & the movies with Chris Reeves, Clark was the disguise & Superman was who he really was until the 1986 John Byrne re-vamp, Man of Steel 6 part mini-series, were Clark became the person & Superman the disguise. It is that view that Lois & Clark (My personal fav) was based on. Zoom's site does an excellent job explaining this.

The comics often change the writters and different writter have different views...I think it depends on what version of Superman they grew up with. And, lately the comics have been bringing back some of the older elements, partially thanks to Superman Returns which picked up from the movies with Chris Reeves.
But the thing says:

Action Comics
As has been explained by people smarter than I, Clark Kent is the disguise. And Lois Lane didn't fall in love with Kent, she endured him and eventually came to call him a trusted friend. But she was always smitten with — as Frank Miller once called him — the Big Blue Schoolboy. As for what attracted the Smothers Brother from Another Planet, the hard-nosed newspaper reporter is a drop-dead gorgeous embodiment of the American dream itself. —Marc Bernardin

So even if the pic is Lois and Clark [which I don't get because it's obviously Superman but I don't follow the comics...], the piece is about Lois and Superman... at least it seems that way to me. Maybe someone can explain to me why it is really Clark or whatever... *shrug *.

Ah well... I still think Monica/Chandler is better than Ross/Rachel wink
Well, I read that particular comic book. So I know that this picture is from a story where Clark is the real person and Superman is the disguise!

That makes sense. Thanks Ann smile .
I'm just going to comment on the rest of the article.

Can I say how completely PSYCHED I am that Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter got on that list? grumble

In the "Aargh, Aargh, Just Kill Me Now" Department, every time somebody refers to the Romeo/Juliet story as one of the Grand t00by Love Affairs of All Time, it makes me want to bang their heads on the wall repeatedly while shouting " He was on rebound after Juliet's cousin dumped him! She didn't even like being in love with him! They knew each other for all of two days! READ THE FUDGING PLAY!".

I have loved Robin Hood and Maid Marion ever since BBC's Robin of Sherwood, but sucky as the movie was, I loved Sean Connery and Audrey Hepburn's portrayal of them best. Apart from the chemistry, what sold it was Marion's tearful admission at Robin's deathbed after she helped euthanise him: "I love you. More than all you know. I love you more than children. More than fields I've planted with my hands. I love you more than morning prayers or peace or food to eat. I love you more than sunlight, more than flesh or joy, or one more day. I love you... more than God.". BEST LOVE CONFESSION EVER!

Aragron and Arwen, honestly? I think they mean Viggo and Liv Tyler, because Arwen was barely there in the actual book.

Rhett and Scarlett - no surprises there. And yet, such an anti-thesis of the idealized concept of love. Rhett tells Scarlett: "But, Scarlett, did it ever occur to you that even the most deathless love could wear out? Mine wore out against Ashley Wilkes and your insane obstinacy...I wish I could care what you do or where you go, but I can't...My dear, I don't give a damn." Again, one of my favourite romances ever.

The Huxtables - oh yeah. I was convinced for years that they were actually married in real life.

I cannot believe that Elizabeth and Darcy clocked in at 20th place! They should have been in the top five! That's it, this article is a FARCE.

Jack and Innis gets even shorter shrift by checking in at number 25. I am going to write a very strongly worded note to the author. How have they come up with this numbering system?

Hmm. Interesting article. Thanks for linking it! smile
Lots of good couples on this list, but it's not complete without Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe!
it's not complete without Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe!
I agree! smile
Yes, to everything everyone has said. smile

Especially Maid marion and Robin Hood. (if you haven't seen the Uma Thurman and Patrick Bergen version, it's really worth checking - it came out the same year as the Costner one and so got less attention.

But I think Remington Steel and Laura Holt belong on the list as do Maddie Hayes and David Addison.

Oh, and Josh and Donna!!

and Beatrice and Benedick (can't remember - did they make the original list?)

Hasini, I, too, loved that Ron and Hermione were included! laugh

I agree with what you say about Romeo and Juliet, too. Those poor kids lost their heads so badly that they killed themselves for their circa week-old love. huh

The list-makers should have included Tristan and Isolde (Iseult) instead! They are definitely one of my favorite couples. Tristan, a noble Cornish knight, had travelled to Ireland to bring his uncle Mark's proposal to Princess Isolde. Isolde reluctantly accepts - she'd rather marry the handsome young Tristan instead laugh - but her mother agrees to the splendid match (Mark is a king) and therefore she makes a love potion for her daughter and her future groom, King Mark. Unfortunately Isolde and Tristan happen to drink the love potion themselves, and what ensues is romantic, passionate, erotic, tragic, supernatural, nail-bitingly tense and, well, just wonderful. In the end Tristan dies just because he believes that Isolde will not come and see him when he is injured! He dies of a broken heart, really! And when Isolde finds Tristan's dead body, she too dies of a broken heart! No poison or daggers are needed to bring about their deaths, just the fact that they can't live without one another! *Sigh* - isn't it romantic? And what about this ending?

In some sources it states that two trees (hazel and honeysuckle) grow out of their graves and intertwine their branches so that they can not be parted by any means. It was said that King Mark tried to have the branches cut 3 separate times, and each time, the branches grew back and intertwined, so therefore he gave up and let them grow.
Isn't it romantic?

Two other couples that I would have liked to see are Batman and Robin and Kirk and Spock! laugh Actually, I'm not trying to imply that these guys are gay, but they just make such perfect couples, don't you agree? laugh

Well, I was very glad that Superman and Lois were number one on the list. To me, Clark/Superman and Lois really are the best couple ever, at least if you take my favorite aspects of the comics and of LnC, and particularly if you add some of the best fics from these boards, too! laugh

My favorite couple that didn't make the list is probably Sam and Diane from Cheers. Now there was a rocky relationship that came and went and came and went and came and finally went for the last time. The scene in the fifth season finale where Diane left to write her book and Sam's realization that she wouldn't be back made for a very poignant moment. The look on his face when he said, "Have a good life," was very sad.
Originally posted by Lady_Mirth:

I cannot believe that Elizabeth and Darcy clocked in at 20th place! They should have been in the top five! That's it, this article is a FARCE.

Jack and Innis gets even shorter shrift by checking in at number 25. I am going to write a very strongly worded note to the author. How have they come up with this numbering system?
I'm not so sure they're listed in any particular order. There's no numbers in the titles like there is in their other lists, and the name of the article is "26 True Fictional Lovers" not "Top 26 True Fictional Lovers". *shrug*

Just an observation.
Aragron and Arwen, honestly? I think they mean Viggo and Liv Tyler, because Arwen was barely there in the actual book.
Yeah! When I read the book for the first time and found out that Aragorn was getting married to Arwen, my reaction was, "Arwen? Who's Arwen?"

Rhett and Scarlett - no surprises there. And yet, such an anti-thesis of the idealized concept of love. Rhett tells Scarlett: "But, Scarlett, did it ever occur to you that even the most deathless love could wear out? Mine wore out against Ashley Wilkes and your insane obstinacy...I wish I could care what you do or where you go, but I can't...My dear, I don't give a damn." Again, one of my favourite romances ever.
I found "Gone with the Wind" all depressing when it came to its portrayal of love. It was a good book and a glorious film, all the same!

I cannot believe that Elizabeth and Darcy clocked in at 20th place! They should have been in the top five! That's it, this article is a FARCE.
Not a farce, but that scene when Darcy has thrown himself in a pond to cool off and meets Elizabeth in his nice, but all-wet clothes, and both try to remain dignified, even though the eroticism between them absolutely sizzled... wow, that must be one of the most brilliantly understated scenes of passionate desire ever.

Jack and Innis gets even shorter shrift by checking in at number 25.
It was such a beuatiful movie. I almost can't believe that he is dead. *sniffle*

Hey, Hasini, you should post here more often!

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