Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LLKLCK I have a Dumb Question to ask. - 12/28/07 10:25 AM
Can someone tell me what a FanBoy is or what it means ?
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: I have a Dumb Question to ask. - 12/28/07 11:25 AM
"Fanboy (sometimes spelt fanboi) is a pejorative term used to describe an individual who is utterly devoted to a single fannish subject, or to a single point of view within that subject, often to the point where it is considered an obsession. Fanboys remain loyal to their particular obsession, disregarding any factors (often including logic) that differ from their point of view."

(From Wikipedia )

I hope this helps. smile
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: I have a Dumb Question to ask. - 12/28/07 09:11 PM
So is "Fangirl" the same but applied to a female, or does "fanboy" cover both male and female?

Terry (who also didn't know this term)
Posted By: Tank Re: I have a Dumb Question to ask. - 12/29/07 07:50 AM
Yes, and probably... yes.

This term came about in relation to comic books and those who like them. And it was applied mostly in reference to avid comic book fans reactions to those characters use in other media.

Since comic books are mostly associated with Super Heros (even though the field is incredibly diverse)and most of those comics are read by males, the 'fanboy' designation was a natural.

Fangirl can and has been used but 'fanboy' has been generizied enough to cover anyone who exihibits the characteristic single-minded zeal for their passion.

Tank (who assumes many of those in folcdom could be considered 'fanboys' of the TV series)
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: I have a Dumb Question to ask. - 12/29/07 07:55 AM
Yes, but since it is the general consensus that the majority of on-line fandom comprise of women, "fangirls" are considered to be more rabid. laugh

Or something, anyway. *g*

(my "serious" button is turned off.)
Posted By: HatMan Re: I have a Dumb Question to ask. - 12/29/07 04:31 PM
If we're going to talk stereotypes, I think a fanboy is supposed to be more likely to geekishly obsess over trivia (know chapter and verse, ask annoying questions about trivial things, etc) whereas a fangirl is more likely to SQUEE!! and act like a schoolgirl with a crush. Or something like that.

But individuals of either gender can act either way (or both).

And, like "geek" and "nerd," the ones labeled with those terms are gradually reclaiming them.
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