Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Pterry diagnosed with Alzheimer's - 12/13/07 04:27 AM
As far as I'm concerned, Terry Pratchett is one of the greatest satirists of this century. And now it appears that the adventurers of his Discworld universe will have to go in for early retirement.

Pratchett Announces He Has Alzheimer\'s

Pfft! If anyone can beat this, Pterry can. He'll die with a pen in his hand, as surely as Sam Vimes is going to go out with his badge on his chest and Granny Weatherwax with her black hat on perched on her head.

Also, his statement is issued in with admirable style and uniquely Pratchettian graciousness.

"I am not dead"

Long live (and write) the maestro!
Posted By: LabRat Re: Pterry diagnosed with Alzheimer's - 12/13/07 05:17 AM
Yes, I was somewhat dismayed to read this on teletext earlier this morning. Alzheimer's must be one of the most unfair of diseases and it's depressing that such an original and quirky mind as Terry's should be struck down by it.

Glad to hear he's in fighting mood though.

LabRat smile
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