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Dean Cain was in it. I was wondering if it was worth buying. Has anyone seen it?
It's PG and has some nice kissing in it and a PG love scene. If you can get it on Amazon for $7 or $8 bucks or if you can get it on ebay for less... then yeah, I'd say it's worth buying.

I think it only got 2 stars, but I actually really enjoyed it. And the guy they got to play Dean's brother in the movie isn't bad to look at either - could almost be Dean's brother.

Otherwise, if you don't buy it... do you have a DVR? You can do a search for the movie and record it. Lifetime and WE both play it from time to time.

-- DJ
I have it on VHS, Dean's very yummy as a firefighter, but the story line's kind of dumb. Get it for the Dean eyecandy
Yeah, I thought it was cute for a tv movie. smile

It was cute and mostly fun. (and filmed right here in Montréal. *squee!*)

Denise Richards isn't that great an actress, though - this could have been a lot better if she was... But worth watching at least once for sure. smile
Ok I'm sold. I bought it on walmart.com. Lol. smile I guess Dean Cain IS the ultimate fireman fantasy... Should arrive next week. I'm a sucker for cute chick flicks, so I'm sure I'll adore it. Thanks for all the quick responses!
you can't get it here in Germany but I hope one of my friends will fly to USA and then he can get it for me. laugh
I guess Dean Cain IS the ultimate fireman fantasy...
...and then some!

Which reminds me - he was a firefighter in "10.5 Apocalypse", too. I only caught some of it, dubbed in French (yuck! he sounds awful in French!) and missed the 2nd part of the mini-series, but it seemed to have some rather nice eye candy...
I guess Dean Cain IS the ultimate fireman fantasy.
With a firefighter husband, at a personal level I'd have to disagree. laugh

But, undoubtedly, Dean comes a close second. goofy

LabRat smile
Which reminds me - he was a firefighter in "10.5 Apocalypse", too. I only caught some of it, dubbed in French (yuck! he sounds awful in French!) and missed the 2nd part of the mini-series, but it seemed to have some rather nice eye candy...
Ooo, I snagged that from Walmart a while ago, but I've yet to see it. That can go on our list of ones to watch!
Hmmm... I might have to go check him out in a few more movies. So far I only turned on the TV the other day to catch him in Best Men. But I came in at the middle and I decided that I'd rather watch him in Lois and Clark. So I'm anixously awaiting I do but I don't, but in the meantime I might go check out some of the movies you guys mentioned.
With a firefighter husband, at a personal level I'd have to disagree. [Big Grin]

But, undoubtedly, Dean comes a close second.
LOL, LabRat! laugh

Incidentally, someone at one of our TV stations likes this movie a lot. Bet it's a woman! drool It has been shown on Dutch TV three times already. I taped it and still have to watch it though. One of these evenings... I'm gonna curl up in bed and finally do so. Then at least I can fast forward past all those pesky commercial breaks.

Ursie wave
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