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Long time ago I had this great site bookmarked that had Angel episode transcripts. They used both text and a ton of screencaps on each episode, making the transcript so detailed you almost felt you'd watched the episode.

Stupidly, wallbash I deleted the bookmark when I lost interest during the final season. And now, of course, that I'm looking for it again, I'm darned if I can find the thing.

Anyone know the site I'm talking about? A url would be welcome!

LabRat smile

you may want to look at this site: http://www.twiztv.com/scripts/angel/ but the page wouldn't load for me. frown

This one also looks promising:

Hope this helps!

Natascha (who has yet to find Angel on German tv but loves to watch reruns of Buffy smile )
Thanks, Tasha. But I'm looking for this particular site which used text and screencaps in their transcripts, rather than just the usual text transcripts. (Although I've bookmarked these, thanks, on the basis that I might have to resort to them in the end if I can't track this site down).

I wish I could remember the name of it, which might help! <g> I don't think it had anything else on it, but transcripts, so if my memory serves me correctly it was a dedicated site, rather than a general site with lots of Angel stuff on it.

LabRat smile
Ohhh, I used to visit a site like this as well, a long time ago. I think it was called the Sanctuary... but I tried googling it, and the only thing that I could find was this link:

Which doesn't work for me any more, and google's cache is no help. frown

The wayback machine was a little bit more helpful though, does this ring any bells?


Try http://www.buffyworld.com/

They have summaries, transcripts, and screencaps for all episodes of Buffy and Angel.
LabRat, I think too, as Helga, that you're talking about The Sanctuary. Unfortunately, the last time I've checked it (in 2002 or 2003), the website was down. There was a message that was saying "temporarily", but it stayed that way a long time, so, after a few months, I finally stopped to check it. I've looked in my old things and I found the old link to the site.
That was www.sanctuary.digitalspage.net but I've tried it and I have the message page not found. Either the site has changed adress (if so, I don't know the new one), or it doesn't exist anymore... That would be sad. That was a great site with approximatively 500 screencaps by episode (that made 1 screencaps every 5 seconds) and the transcript

EDIT: Yeah!! Nevermind, the second link Helga gave was the link to the website I was talking about, so it really changed address. Unfortunately, it looks as if the screencaps had been taken away; I have red cross... and I don't find anymore the transcript either. frown

Anyway, If you need a transcript from the show, I can send it to you, I have them all, but from other website than Sanctuary, so, they are without screencaps.
Thanks, guys. I do remember this Sanctuary site, but it's not the one I'm thinking of. Still, good site though.

As is Buffyworld - must explore that later, thanks, Marcus. The site I'm looking for though had illustrated transcripts. It would take an episode and transcript it, and every second line of text or so would be accompanied by a screencap from the episode. The screencaps were an intergral part of the transcript.

This is so bugging me! LOL! I have to find this one now if only to stop it nagging at me. laugh

Anyway, If you need a transcript from the show, I can send it to you, I have them all, but from other website than Sanctuary, so, they are without screencaps.
Thanks, Poussin! But it's just the illustrated versions I'm looking for. Sheer laziness, I'm afraid. I didn't watch most of the final season of Angel because I was ticked by JW's plot/character choices. <g> Then, I found myself watching a rerun of...um...Shells today and discovered I was curious to find out what happened in the season. I can't be bothered actually watching the eps though. laugh So I figured this was the perfect solution - the illustrated transcripts on this website - because they're the next best thing to actually watching it on TV. wink Except, of course, the fact that I can't remember what the dang site is called rather scuppered my plans. goofy

LabRat smile
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Any Angel fans out there? Looking for a website... - 09/29/06 07:18 PM
Nope. laugh Another good-looking site, but no, not the one I was looking for.

Thanks for trying though!

LabRat smile
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