Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Wanda Detroit The Dramatic Return of Wanda Detroit! - 03/13/06 04:36 PM
Hi FoLCs!

Sorry I have become a bit of a lurker! I thought I would come out of hiding to tell you that I am indeed still here, although Real Life has gotten the best of me.

This January, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, so already 2006 has been quite a challenging year. She has had a successful lumpectomy, and will begin chemo tomorrow. Her prognosis is very good!

Still--such a diagnosis in my family had initially made me feel all helpless, but I have joined forces with my roommate and together we are doing a 60-mile, 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk this August. (More about that here, if anyone is interested in making a donation! I must raise $2,200! http://www.the3day.org/Boston06/alliegee ) My involvement with that is definitely making me feel more empowered.

In other news, I am still living and working in Brooklyn, NY (at the Brooklyn Museum). I love it! I love my apartment! I love my fish! I love my roomie!

In L&C news, I have not generated any new fanfic in a while, but I hope to do so again soon! I am EXCEEDINGLY proud that my "Hide and Seek" is a nominee for the "Best Tearjerker" Kerth! Thanks to all who nominated it--it was truly a labor of love, and I am grateful that it was memorable enough to be remembered (despite my lack of activity on the boards this year). There have been some excellent stories this year, and I am psyched about that! Additionally, I am thrilled about the DVD sets, which will be a huge inspiration to us all. (Yay!)

Anyhow, I just wanted to say hello, and to ask you all to send positive vibes to my family while my mom goes through her treatment!

Thank you all for keeping L&C alive and well!

Wanda Detroit.
Posted By: HatMan Re: The Dramatic Return of Wanda Detroit! - 03/13/06 11:52 PM
Welcome back, Wanda!

Very sorry to hear about your mom. It's not an easy thing to go through, to say the least, but my grandmother has been through it twice and is still going strong. Hopefully, your mom will rise above it, too.

Good luck with fundraising. No question it's a worthy cause.

You may notice that I edited your post. There was a small error in the URL you posted (the closing parenthesis was interpreted by the boards as part of the address), and I figured it'd be quicker and easier to fix it directly. I added in a space at the end of the URL, but made no other changes.

While I'm posting, I'll remind those interested of The Breast Cancer Site . Click on it every day to help fund free mammograms for those who couldn't otherwise afford them. It costs nothing but a moment of your time (the companies that sponsor it are hoping you'll read their ads, but there's no obligation). It's part of a family of sites, and you can click on each once per day.

There's another similar site Click 2 Donate where you can click again.

Off to do my part!

Good luck and best wishes. smile

Posted By: LabRat Re: The Dramatic Return of Wanda Detroit! - 03/14/06 09:25 AM
Welcome back, Wanda - and so glad to hear that your mother is doing better and that things are looking a little brighter there now.

And happy to hear that elsewhere in your life you are doing so well! smile1 Long may it continue.

Get back to that writing soon, you hear? smile

LabRat smile
Good to see you back, Wanda! We've missed you.

Sorry to hear about your mom, but at least it's a good thing that she's coping well. Wishing you the best with your fundraising!

Glad to know you're doing fine, and I hope things will only improve from here on.

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
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