Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: metwin1 Star Trek fanfiction recommendations? - 01/26/05 07:01 PM
I know that some folcs here are science fiction fans. I'm wondering if you can recommend any Star Trek (Voyager) and Andromeda fanfiction websites. Or perhaps fanfiction writers?

I've tried fanfiction.net, but it's actually quite tiresome navigating that page. For one, there's no indication if the story is complete. Also, I'm kind of used to reading quality fanfiction that we get here, and it's difficult to comb through many duds to find a real gem.

Posted By: EmilyH Re: Star Trek fanfiction recommendations? - 01/30/05 08:07 PM
Unfortunately, most of the Trek sites I used to frequent aren't around anymore. It's been a while since I've read or written any Star Trek fanfiction. I still have some stories floating around FF.net somewhere. I quit after the story arc in my Q series was finished.

I remember liking Alara Rogers' Q stories, though most of hers are above a PG-13 rating and aren't for the squeamish. Last time I checked, her epic "Only Human" hadn't been finished, although she was posting updates to her yahoo group. It had like, over 100 pages and stopped at a very frustrating point. I somehow doubt she's ever going to finish it. She had other stories, though.

Vash is another author I like. Hers are mostly Q-focused also.
Posted By: Kaylle Re: Star Trek fanfiction recommendations? - 02/02/05 10:13 PM
I haven't read ST fic in a long time, and I never read Voyager, but the big ST site I remember is Trekiverse . They have a huge archive that's sortable by show, rating, length, pairing... The quality is variable, but the quantity is high <g>.

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