Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: andieanderson1979 Say a prayer... - 12/16/04 04:44 PM
My good friend Kelly got in a terrible car accident today. She rolled her car and had to have 5 stiches in her head and 12 in her back.

If you could, Please say a prayer for her. Shes such a sweet person. And she needs all the help she can get so please if you can...

Thank You!
Posted By: silentsongbird Re: Say a prayer... - 12/16/04 11:52 PM
I don't know you or your friend but she is in my prayers, as are you, and her family who are going through the worry for her. - songbird
Posted By: Shadow Re: Say a prayer... - 12/17/04 10:19 AM
No problem, consider those prayers being said. Boy, what's up with the car accidents as of late? Too many people I know have already had one of some type!

Posted By: Jana Re: Say a prayer... - 12/17/04 11:20 AM
She will absolutely be in my prayers too. Take care. Both of you.

Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Say a prayer... - 12/18/04 03:40 PM
Andie, I hope your friend is okay! Accidents like that can be very traumatic frown .

- Laura
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: Say a prayer... - 12/19/04 04:14 PM
Hope your friend has a swift recovery, Andie.

Posted By: andieanderson1979 Re: Say a prayer... - 12/19/04 07:06 PM
Thank you guys so much.

I wish I could say she was doing wonderful. But shes not. Shes in a coma...and she had to have surgery last night.

I honestly don't know whats going to happen. The doctors don't know if shes going to come out of it or not...its just all so complicated right now. I hate seeing her like this! She use to be such and active person...I'm just praying for a miracle.

Thanks again!
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