Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laurach Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/23/04 02:31 PM
OK I compiled a site of my favorite Dean pics. Enjoy Dean fans! Laura

Why I like Dean Better Than Chocolate
Actually, I kind of like chocolate better smile .
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/23/04 06:56 PM
Nice collection, Laura! I'm more a fan of Clark than of Dean, but there were some very nice pictures in there <g>

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/23/04 07:43 PM
Yum! drool

Thanks Laura!

Posted By: KathyB Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/23/04 07:45 PM
Like Pam, I'm more of a Clark fan, but there are some yummy photos there! He is truly magnificent. smile

Posted By: Birdie Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 12:04 AM
Why choose? wink
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 12:09 AM
No hesitation, I choose chocolate...oh, wait! I can't, doc's orders.

/me takes half a second to weight the ups and downs of going through another round of headaches, and...

Chocolate anyway.

Carole smile1
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 01:05 AM

Like Pam and Kathy, I'm more a Clark fan than a Dean fan. smile

There are some fabulous photos. clap
Thanks for sharing them.

Tricia cool
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 04:19 AM
Laura, here's the thing...like others said, I have this "Clark Kent" hang-up (I'll call it a hang-up, it sounds some much nicer than unhealthy obsession), and also am on record elsewhere as saying that I have this tiny little Tom Welling thing- that he makes my heart go pitter-pat more than a grown woman's should.

Ok, and I totally get that Dean Cain is handsome. Get that, no big deal...and yet, I looked at EVERY ONE of those pictures, shushing my children and letting lunches go unpacked, because,well...well, they weren't so hard on the eyes.

Better than chocolate? Hmmm...I'll buy that.

Posted By: lynnm Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 10:44 AM
What would be better than ANYTHING is Dean covered in chocolate. With or without his Clark glasses.

CC - come sit over here by me. In the WTOTBTOWTWaDCFC section <g>. I'm the president but you can be co-president. We have buttons and everthing.


WOTTWDCFC = Way Too Old To Be This Obsessed With Tom Welling and Dean Cain Fan Club
Posted By: Laurach Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 11:43 AM
MMM I really like that mental image of Dean covered in chocolate...Oh YUM!( I bet he has been several times too) Laura
Posted By: YConnell Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 11:48 AM
The thing is, I am a Dean Cain fan (or at least, a fan of Dean Cain's body...um...handsome face), but almost none of those pictures did it for me. Most posed studio shots, especially those publicity ones for L&C, really leave me cold. Can't stand those cheesy grins, for a start <g>. And don't get me started on the weird poses... The pics where he isn't clean-shaven turn me off a bit, and if you add a backwards baseball cap to that, then I'm not just off a bit, I'm positively putrid. Ick. So that leaves a few casual shots with his son and/or dogs (okay-ish), or one or two others, such as the stills from Flight of Fancy (and yes, I know he's not exactly clean-shaven there, but there's just something about a naked man in bed who's not wearing a cheesy grin for once, okay? laugh )

Posted By: KathyB Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 04:09 PM
Hmm, so Yvonne doesn't like the grinning Dean or the casual Dean or the relaxed Dean or the posed "professional" Dean ... yet she loves the dangerous, intense Dean. Looking at her fanfic, I never would have guessed!

Kathy (ducking and running very fast! Though hopefully not with a cheesy grin. <g>))
Posted By: Laurach Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 08:33 PM
Wow Yvonne you and I are different kind of fans. there were a few screen caps that were candid aside from the pics with his son. Cheesy smile! wow I think that is the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, I especialy love the scruffy face with the backwards cap! What I wouldn't give to... well nevermind, but anyway,to me it sounds like you don't like Dean much if you can be that fussy with his image. I think he is beautiful inside and out, scruffy, clean shaved, smiling, serious, with hat , without hat, with clothes , without<g> with weight on, losing weight. Honestly I think love is blind<g> I can not imagine seeing any image of him and thinking he looks bad> Ok well maybe the one with the hat in Ibiza<g> but other then that he is perfect all around. Glad you took the time to bash my site though<g> thanks...I think<g. Laura
Posted By: KathyM Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/24/04 09:46 PM
Gee, Laura, I don't know. I'm not quite as picky as Yvonne <g>, but there are some photos of Dean where I've just shaken my head in dismay and wondered how this can possibly be the same gorgeous man that I've seen in other photographs (and when I was in the audience at Jimmy Kimmel last October - I wouldn't have believed that the man could actually be even more stunning in person than he appears on film...). But different things appeal to different people...

For example, I'm really not fond of this shorter spiky hair that he's sporting right now. Yes, I've seen worse, but I so loved the look when he was doing all the promo stuff for OOT. Yet there are lots of people who post who seem to prefer the way he looks now...

And I haven't had a chance to truly give the photos on your site the proper care and study that they deserve smile , Laura, but I hope to really soon. I have taken a quick look, and it looks great.

Kathy (who is happy to sit near CC and Lynn as long as it's perfectly clear that she wants *nothing* to do with Tom Welling - they can have him)
Posted By: Laurach Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 07:16 AM
Thanks Kathy M<g> Dean actually is better looking in Person. I have seen him close up a few times. Maybe that is why I can't picture him looking bad in anything. I am sure he has his bad days like the rest of us. But thank God love is blind or I wouldn't be married to the same man for 18 years<g> If it wasn't blind I'd be in big trouble<g> Laura
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 07:21 AM
I wish Dean, but I can only have chocolate unfortunately.......so choco.
Posted By: YConnell Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 10:43 AM
ROFL, KathyB! You're absolutely right, I fear.

Laura, I think what it boils down to is that I'm not really attracted to the man, just his looks - and yes, I'm pretty fussy even about those. For example, my favourite pics tend to be when (I suspect) he looks least like himself - ie, in his films.

It's my loss and your gain, I think, because from the sound of it, you're attracted to more than just his looks. smile Me, I suspect there's a lot about the guy that I wouldn't actually like, although that's not to say I wouldn't be interested in finding out what really makes him tick.

I didn't mean to bash your site, just to offer a candid admission of my own reactions to various images of Dean Cain. I suspected they'd be different to the majority, which is why I shared them - to offer a different perspective. smile

Yvonne smile
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 10:55 AM
My problem is that I like Clark. wink And most of the time Dean Cain looks very unClarklike - especially when he's in scruffy mode - ill-fitting clothes, messy or spiky hair, unshaven etc. It's even felt to me as if he's trying, through his appearance, to distance himself as much as he can from the Clark Kent role - I say that because he can look great in the same way as Clark does sometimes. Just not very often! razz

One of my very favourite Clark pics:

[Linked Image]

And another:

[Linked Image]

And again:

[Linked Image]

Now, that is one good-looking man! laugh

Wendy smile
Posted By: KathyM Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 11:24 AM
My problem is that I like Clark.
Well, I don't view it as my "problem", exactly, but certainly, although I've now seen (and enjoyed) a lot of the other roles that Dean has portrayed since I became an L&C fan, Clark is still the one closest to my heart. It'll probably always be that way.

It's even felt to me as if he's trying, through his appearance, to distance himself as much as he can from the Clark Kent role - I say that because he can look great in the same way as Clark does sometimes. Just not very often!
I imagine there's some truth in that, even if he doesn't admit it. smile He went into the screen test for Out of Time with distinct stubble on his face - I'm assuming to give him more of an "edge" - and it helped, because he got the part.

But no matter what he does to his appearance, every talk show I've ever seen him on people will still make Superman jokes or silly comments or at least talk about the show. So since it's inevitable, why can't he just look this great all the time?

[Linked Image]

Dean on Jimmy Kimmel last October as comparison for the *wonderful* pictures that Wendy posted above. The glasses are missing, of course, but he's dressed well, and look how fabulous the hair is...

Posted By: Laurach Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 12:51 PM
Oh I like that last picture! Maybe I'll add it in to my site<g>. Yes Yvonne you are right, I have it bad for the boy, God only knows why! It is a burden more then a blessing, after all what is the point! It's not like I am going to leave my 18 yr marriage anytime soon. Besides I really do love my husband! But man if I were:

lived in Malibu

Damn I'd go fer it!<VBG>

Of course I loved his role as Clark Kent also and as shallow as this sounds<g> I have a thing for Superman too! Damn if only I were Lois! Anyway, thanks I know you were just commenting on a difference in how you see him. I was just kidding with you back.

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 12:54 PM
I love him in Clark mode.................arugh. Yum.
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 12:55 PM
Didn't he wear glasses on one of the Ripley's episodes? If so, anyone have pics?
I, as well, am a Clark fan. Can't say I really like someone unless I know his character. And Clark's character I do know.

AnnaBtG. (who really doubts that she knows more than two or three boys that could become this gorgeous when they grow up... argh!)
I am a very, very big Clark fan... laugh Don't get me wrong, Dean is GREAT to look at, and he seems like a decent guy... but Clark is just... aww. I don't think there's anything more to say. thumbsup
Posted By: kb Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 02/25/04 03:40 PM
Yum yum yum laugh
Great pictures, he is absolutely gorgeous.(as usual) drool

I really loved him as Clark, absolutely great character, really adorable, but I have to say my favorite on the show, were the times when he wasn’t wearing the glasses, and he was dressed more like “him self” drool
Posted By: Namaste Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 03/13/04 01:16 AM
He is nice looking, no question, but I tend to lean towards the 'I like Clark' crowd. smile

Please pass the chocolate covered mocha beans. evil
Posted By: Laurach Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 03/13/04 05:05 PM
You see the thing is...Clark isn't real. He was a character that Dean played to perfection. But Dean is real. I like the real thing, flaws and all<g> I think he is one pretty terrific man. He is everything a person should strive to be. He is healthy, athletic and naturally beautiful, but more then that he is intellegent and creative and driven to do great things. He expects a lot from himself, but the thing he prizes most of all is his son and his family and his friends. Not only is he a great dad and family member but he is also charitable and kind. He is wonderful to his fans and has a way of making even a stranger feel comfortable and welcome. He also has a good natured way about him with a terrific sense of humor. He laughs easily! He has more depth and more facets then his "Clark character did". He is flawed as we all are. Clark wasn't flawed and he wasn't real. He was too good to be true. Dean has an impish side and I can see him having a little devil in him too. He is all man and I wish there were more men out there like him. Laura
Posted By: Anne Spear Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 03/23/04 11:07 AM
Originally posted by lynnm:
WTOTWDCFC = Way Too Old To Be This Obsessed With Tom Welling and Dean Cain Fan Club
Okay, someone please tell me when they start a WTOFTWBJRFDCFC (Way Too Old For Tom Welling But Just Right For Dean Cain Fan Club).

I would be perfect for that one!!! laugh

Laura -- I love the website btw. I especially love the pictures of Dean with Chris. I've bookmarked it for the next time I need a new wallpaper...
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 04/01/04 12:14 PM
I know I missed this ride about a month ago, but Dean is forever a Hottie! drool Regardless of who he's playing and how bad the film is.

Posted By: EmilyH Re: Why I like Dean better than Chocolate - 04/02/04 05:11 PM
Very nice pics. Count me in with the Clark crowd too, though.
I recognize your name from the cainconnection messege board with the same thread you posted thumbsup yes, I like Dean as well..LOL! I've seen the link via your post. Interesting pic's of him and son! cool
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