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Posted By: Lieta FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (32/62) - 10/20/08 06:40 PM
OMG! Wow.... so one of them ended up in Metropolis... one... we assume Germany.... so who's who? What a plot twist!

I also notice the chapter count jumped, congrats at fleshing it out.
I figured they were going to lose their memories. That's an important part of "All Shook Up." Especially in regards to Lois and Clark's relationship.

But I'm a little concerned they may have been mixed up.
They may not look exactly a like (the age difference) but Henderson would probably be fooled. Talk about a mix - up situation to have a Clark with no memories with the wrong Lois!

On the other hand, we could have Clark with no memories with Lois, and Superman in Germany. Still makes it an interesting story! (and likely to move Lois and Clark's relationship foward more quickly.)
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (32/62) - 10/20/08 08:40 PM
Thanks, Lieta and Sara!

Yes, Lieta, the chapter count jumped. It had been going up for awhile, but I didn't want to post the new total until I had finished and knew how many chapters it would be. For awhile it was going up every day as I didn't get as far in the chapters as I wanted and I didn't want each post to show a different total, plus I wasn't sure it wouldn't fall back down towards the end.

Sara - One of the options I posed to my betas for this episode was Superman just going alone and being successful this time. None of us really liked that option, but I wasn't sure. Then Beth said she was a sucker for amnesia and this idea was born - presto, two amnesiacs.

Whether or not I've mixed them up or not, I'm not saying. You'll have to wait for Wednesday to find out...
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (32/62) - 10/21/08 12:04 AM
Originally posted by anonpip:
One of the options I posed to my betas for this episode was Superman just going alone and being successful this time.
Funny thing? Smashing into an asteroid with a bomb (or a Kryptonian) is probably the worst course of action our civilization could take... the analogy is the difference between a single bullet and buckshot... as Metropolis found out in the series with the large fragment... So Superman's greater "experience" wouldn't necessarily help him at all. Food for thought: Apophis
I really liked this part. I guess Martha and Jonathan will know which Clark is which since they didn't have any problems before. I'm waiting to see how the one in germany is going to recover his memory when there is no one there who really knows him
clap Nancy. So now they're both amnesic. cool Looking forward to the next part.

Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (32/62) - 10/21/08 06:21 PM
You're right, Lieta. There were a whole host of reasons why I wasn't crazy about that idea - one of them being that I thought it might be unrealistic, but I put it out there anyway.

Of all the original options (of which this one was not a part - for some reason I didn't think of it until later), my favorite still involved two trips - with Clark insisting he had to go, hitting it and getting amnesia, and Superman went for the second trip before Clark got his memory back. I still think that could have been interesting, but I definitely like this better.

countrygurl74 - Yes, in my head there are three people who can tell the differences between Superman and Clark - Martha, Jonathan, and Lois. And I think it's much easier for Martha and Jonathan since they already know the two men look similar, whereas Lois might be fooled. (I don't think she would be, but I think it's a possibility.)

How Superman regains his memory - well, isn't that interesting. But the process he goes through before that happens is one of my favorite parts of these chapters. (It will be up tomorrow.)

Thanks, Michael!
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (32/62) - 10/21/08 06:40 PM
I agree, sticking with the smash it up method... the double amnesia just offers so many possibilities... I really can't wait to see where you go with it.
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