Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/13/08 03:14 PM
FDK goes here smile .

Posting schedule [ET]:
Wednesday: Chapters 26 and 27, 4-5pm [or after 10pm, but probably earlier]

Friday: Chapters 28 and 29, 3-4pm

Sunday: Chapters 30 and 31, sometime after 2pm [sorry can't be any more specific than that...]

Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/13/08 03:51 PM
Interesting.... so the situation is in the media now but anonymous..... but all the family knows where they were, yes? So I can picture Lana blowing a gasket already....... moving scenes for Lois and Clark's private moments too... however my favorite was:

Originally posted by carolm:
'I'm the Supreme Ruler of All so unless she's married, it's my baby'
That so sounds like something I would have said so it made me laugh
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/13/08 05:06 PM
That was intense.

Lois is really starting to see the reality here: she's pregnaut and believes she'll have to raise her child by herself. I wonder whether that's true... wink
It sweet how protective she is of the baby, arleady though.

And Clark is starting to see the reality, too. Even if this isn't a normal marriage, he's still married.

And the suspense is intense on what Mr. Dictator is going to do even if they are out of the country.

Keep it coming.
Wow! A lot happening besides just the angst of Clark wanting to tell Lana his secret but his subconscious preventing him. I'm so, so glad that you obviated the possibility of a Clark+Lana marriage, at least for now.

Gosh, how will Lois and Clark ever realize that they're destined for each other? (hint, hint) How are they going to do with this *arranged* marriage? How will the fake marriage turn real (not that the marriage is fake, really, all the i's are dotted and all the t's are crossed, as you've said, but you know what I mean.)

And what about the crazy dictator? Is he going to be totally obsessed, a la Lex Luthor on pheromone spray? What evil thing can he do now that Lois and Clark are out of Latislan? Are they going to end up back in Latislan? Or will he send some sort of team after them? You've got me obsessing about what the evil crazy dictator is obsessing about.

And, of course, what about the baby? Could it be Clark's? (I sure hope so, but you've left enough doubt to keep us on the edge of our toes.) Will there be anything odd about the pregnancy?

And, is Clark going to get to the point where he either wants to, or has to tell Lois his secret? Or demonstrate his powers in her view? The possibility of the big revelation is keeping me alert as well. If it happens, I hope it's not till they've come to some sort of rapprochement about the marriage.

But wait! How far along will they be in their marriage if/when Lois finds out? One just knows that circumstances (cough, cough) are going to fall out so that Lois and Clark must spend the maximum of time together, and you know what Mark Twain said: "Familiarity breeds contempt. And children."

By the way, one thing that keeps on nagging at me. In the show, weren't the two warring countries Latislan and Podansk? When you write Gadansk, I keep on thinking of Gdansk, a Polish port city.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/13/08 08:51 PM
Ack! You're right. It's Podansk. I'd written it as Gadansk without checking the script and thought I'd found them all but...

More later...

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/13/08 11:23 PM
Fabulous parts, Carol! I'm glad they made it out of Latislan, but they aren't out of the woods yet! And as for the rest of it...well they always say life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. Of course, I never fled dictators and hid in foreign countries with my fake husband and Junior during my schooling years, but you never know. :p

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/14/08 12:44 AM
I have very little time to comment this morning, but I'm still reading and loving this, Carol! thumbsup

Very interesting parts...

Lois, as always the strong willed determined woman.. and willing to go it alone with her baby.
I wonder if this will have an impact on Clark. He is already showing that he is protective of the baby and Lois... I wonder if he will realise there is more there than just his protective nature...

They won't be able to stay anonymous very long... and I imagine Lana is going to have a LOT to say to Clark... and I don't know if he can get out of it. He is already showing the guilt and he hasn't even told her yet...

The baby is an interesting one. I am going to place my money on it actually being Clarks... because the party had condoms lying around, and Lois wasn't sore afterwards... but she was after sleeping next to Clark naked. I suspect in their dreamlike states things happened, and well.... this thing happened... but that's my take on things.

I suspect Clark is going to become paternal to Lois's baby regardless of it's parentage... he can't help but want to help...
You've left us with so many questions, and so many ideas of what may be, what may not be... and where we are going to turn next.... I'm loving it!!!

And I also suspect Mr Evil Dictator isn't going to take Lois and Clark escaping the country lightly. I wonder how much control he has over agents and assassins in the western world...
Again, I sit here going... HMMMM

Thanks for keeping us intrigued!
Posted By: amberlea Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/14/08 11:17 AM
It's so sad to me that Lois thinks she's all on her own when it comes to the baby. Of course I don't want her to end up with Joe, but at the same time, I'd like for him to surpass her expectations of him. And I'm very curious what the plan is for figuring out who the father is (at least for us, since Lois thinks she already knows).

The other thing I'm curious about is when Lois is going to remember that she was following Mindy. I'm cringing, just waiting for the chapter in which Mindy is going to figure things out inadvertently through Sam. Any chance Daniel had a conversation with Clark about why they were on the plane and what they saw?

For what it's worth, those news anchors bear a striking resemblance to a couple others I've heard of...

Carol, I so loved this. So that's where you needed Ramstein laugh

Could it be that Navance looks something like this?
[Linked Image]?
And why do I think that Navance is the mystery guy chasing Lois and the baby in her dreams. There are just too many strange things going on here and you wouldn't do another Lex, now would you?

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/15/08 08:08 AM
Okay - well I lost everything again so I'm going to go with a general thanks. Look for 26/27 this afternoon.

Michael - no this is Navance [from SLV]:
[Linked Image]

Photo courtesy of: Lois and Clark Archive

Sorry again, folcs, that I lost it all... /mumble stupid computer

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/15/08 09:02 AM
That is Navance??? shock

The very thought of him doing that with Lois.... shock shock shock shock

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/15/08 09:09 AM
Well, this is the first time I ever looked at one of the pictures. Pathetic right? Think I pictured him more like the guy in COTOC, but I'm not sure. I picture him as younger, too. I have this image of him in my head, but I'm not sure where it comes from. I actually see a heavy set guy, probably mid-40s. Florid. Redfaced and yelling all the time... Can't find a birthdate for Alan Charof. He was also in City Slickers I/II as Mitch's dad.

Is this better:
[Linked Image]

Same actor...
More photos
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/15/08 09:30 AM
Yes, possibly a bit better, but still yeeeeach!!!! razz razz razz

And the very idea of him stealing Lois's child (make that Lois and Clark's child....) eek eek eek eek eek eek eek eek

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/15/08 11:01 AM
And the plot thickens... so will the press find out who the mystery couple is?

Michael - no this is Navance [from SLV]:
*slaps head* Right. SLV. Why did I ever thought you invented him blush

What a great story. After I stopped reading to go to bed (which was way too late anyway), I got the rest printed out and read it while waiting to be able to talk to some profs. laugh There's no better way to pass the time.

Anyway, I'm really curious as to what's going to happen to Lois and Clark and Lana and Joe. Will Lana have started dating (and doing other things with) Joe while in Paris? Will Lana be touring through the talkshows, telling the world about Clark's 'infidelity'? Or maybe both?

What's going to happen to Mindy? (Let her end up in Latislan pregnant, please?) And how will Sam and Joe react to Lois' pregnancy? And when will we find out if Clark really is the father? Questions, questions and more questions...
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 24 and 25/? - 10/15/08 02:55 PM
Michael - nope didn't invent Navance but he was in very little in the show.

Lara - so glad to have you!

Look for 26/27 momentarily...
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